Sweet Beauty

Chapter 548 Will You Sleep With Me If Your Parents Aren’t Around

Chapter 548 Will You Sleep With Me If Your Parents Aren't Around

Qin Yu couldn't even sleep tonight, she was worried about Liang Jiahao's injury. Instead of spending her night sleepless and worrying about him, she decided to check on him.

She took her doll, quietly opened the door, and peeked out through the small crack. When she saw that no one was outside, she quickly left the room and slowly closed the door before running to Liang Jiahao's bedroom. She knocked on the door quietly.

Liang Jiahao had excellent hearing. Even though the knock on the door was quiet, he still heard it. He rose from the bed and went to the door. As soon as he opened it, Qin Yu rushed in like a little mouse.

Liang Jiahao was about to open his mouth when she shushed him and gestured for him to close the door first.

Liang Jiahao raised his eyebrow and laughed a little. He closed the door without making a sound.

Seeing that, Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction and climbed onto his bed. Holding her doll, she asked softly, "How is your arm? Does it still hurt?"

Liang Jiahao also climbed onto the bed and sat beside her. He rubbed the doll's head and said in a lowered voice, "I'm fine."

"Really?" Qin Yu's voice was very soft. She gently pulled Liang Jiahao's injured arm and examined it carefully before calming down. "You should face to the left when you sleep tonight and not put pressure on your arms. Otherwise, your wounds will not heal quickly. "

Liang Jiahao shrugged his shoulders. "I'm used to rolling around while sleeping, there's nothing I can do."

"That won't do. Take the pillow and put it on your right side. If there's an obstacle, you won't roll over while sleeping."

Liang Jiahao quickly shook his head. "The pillow is too small, I'll still roll around."

Qin Yu pouted dejectedly and thought for a while. Then she hesitantly handed Liang Jiahao her doll. "T-t-then put Wuying, she's big."

Liang Jiahao almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He tried his best to suppress it as he looked at Qin Yu aggrievedly. "She's too light. One kick from me and she would be thrown out of bed."

"Aish..." Qin Yu sighed and looked around the bedroom but found nothing suitable. She pouted and asked gloomily, "Then what should we do?"

Liang Jiahao chuckled and suddenly pulled her into his arms. He whispered in her ear. "I won't turn over if you sleep on my right side."

Qin Yu's face immediately flushed red. Her body trembled in Liang Jiahao's arms, and her head dodged to the side. "I-I can't sleep here. My parents' room isn't far away. If they find out I'm sleeping here, they'll beat you to death."

Liang Jiahao frowned. "Why would they beat me to death when you are the one sleeping in my room? Shouldn't they kill you?"

Qin Yu: "..."

It seemed like that!

Aye... Qin Yu was annoyed to death. She bit her lips and scolded, "Who asked you to agree to their visit? Now we're in trouble!"

Qin Yu's appearance was really adorable. It was completely different from what she looked like in front of the camera. At this moment, she was like an ignorant little girl. Silly and adorable.

Liang Jiahao was in a good mood and continued to tease her. "Will you sleep with me if your parents aren't around?"

Qin Yu didn't think about anything else and only thought of Liang Jiahao's injured arm. She nodded vigorously. "Of course, if they're not here, then it's fine."

Liang Jiahao's eyes narrowed slightly and he smiled mischievously. "You said it yourself."

"Huh?" Qin Yu was dumbfounded for a moment, then realized that she had been tricked by him again. She quickly shook her head. "No, no! I didn't mean it that way!"

"It's too late~" Liang Jiahao pushed her down on the bed. "You already said it!"

"No, no way!" Qin Yu really wanted to shout out loud, but she didn't dare. She could only shout in a suppressed voice, but the sound was too soft and didn't have the slightest bit of deterrence.

Liang Jiahao noticed that her face was flushed and even the tips of her ears were suffused with an attractive pink color. He propped his head on his hand and smiled at her. "Aren't you tired from talking?"

His voice suddenly returned to its original volume, startling Qin Yu a bit. She quickly covered his mouth and looked towards the door, saying with lingering fear, "Be quiet, don't let my parents hear you."

Liang Jiahao kissed her palm and smiled. "Don't worry, this room is very soundproof. Even if we do something here, they won't be able to hear it."

"What do you mean by that?!" Qin Yu gritted her teeth in embarrassment. "Don't speak nonsense!"

Liang Jiahao didn't say anything. He just looked at Qin Yu and smiled. He never thought that their relationship would develop to such a state so quickly.

He thought that there would be a tough battle in the Qin Family today, but who would have thought that it would be so easy for him to bring this little girl home.

Qin Yu yawned, she looked really tired. Liang Jiahao jumped over Qin Yu's body and onto her right side.

At first, she thought Liang Jiahao was going to do something to her and wanted to scream, but when she realized he was just jumping over her, she asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Liang Jiahao hugged her with his injured arm and closed his eyes while saying softly, "If I hug you, I won't be able to roll around. I can sleep in this position for the rest of my life."

A warm feeling immediately spread through Qin Yu's heart. She looked at Liang Jiahao's face and couldn't help but give him a light kiss on his chin.

Liang Jiahao immediately opened his eyes and looked at her with burning eyes.

Qin Yu was so startled and quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be dead.

Liang Jiahao chuckled and didn't say anything as he closed his eyes and slept with Qin Yu in his arms.

? ? ? ?

Qin Yu didn't sleep soundly this time. She kept waking up to check if Liang Jiahao had rolled onto his right side and put pressure on his arm. After waking up four times in a row, she found that he hadn't changed his position at all. He was still hugging her.

When she woke up the next morning, she found out that Liang Jiahao was already awake. When she saw him looking at her intently, she was so scared that she sat up and asked, "What time is it?"

Liang Jiahao looked at the clock and said, "It's 8:30."

"Half-past eight?!" Qin Yu quickly jumped off the bed and ran to the door. "Oh no, my parents must be awake already, and my brother too. If they knew I slept with you last night, they would surely skin me alive!"

Seeing how anxious his little girl was, Liang Jiahao coughed slightly. "Mom and dad had already come in to say their goodbyes."

"What?!" Qin Yu stood by the door dumbly as if she had been struck by lightning. After a long time, she turned around with a sullen face and looked at Liang Jiahao with an expression as if a great disaster was about to befall her. "Did they see me?"

Liang Jiahao nodded. "They saw you."

"Oh my God!" Qin Yu spun around a few times and was close to tears. "Then why didn't you wake me up?"

Being accused by Qin Yu, Liang Jiahao immediately felt wronged. "I did, your parents did too, but you didn't wake up."

Qin Yu: "...."

Was she sleeping so soundly?

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