Sweet Beauty

Chapter 534 - An Impotent Man

Chapter 534 – An Impotent Man

Qin Yu heard the sound of Lin Xiu's footsteps gradually fade away. She angrily went to the bed and lay on it, no longer making a fuss.

Whenever she made trouble, Qin Shanyuan would be the one to take the fall for her. He would risk being beaten up by Lin Xiu in exchange for Qin Yu's freedom.

This time, Qin Yu was locked up for three whole days. Other than the servant who came to deliver the food to her, she did not see anyone else.

She snuggled up to her doll and mumbled to herself. "Wuying, do you think Liang Jiahao is that bad?"

Qin Yu shook the doll's head, making a gesture that the doll disagreed with her statements.

Seeing this, she smiled happily. "Do you think he's very good?"

The doll nodded.

"Haha … I thought so too, but my mother didn't think so. Tell me, should I listen to her words?"

Qin Yu shook the doll's head again with great force and laughed as she said, "You also think that I shouldn't listen to her words, don't you? I'm the one who should decide who I'm going to spend my life with, not her, right? I like Liang Jiahao and I'm fine with his character. Why does he have to pass my mother's eyes, right?"

"What you said is right, Wuying! I'll listen to you and fight hard against the evil power of Mrs. Lin!"

While Qin Yu was talking to the doll, Lin Xiu came to her bedroom and knocked on the door. "Qin Yu, have you thought about it yet?"

Qin Yu was lying on the bed, holding the doll in her embrace. She shouted to the door, "I will decide my life! Mrs. Lin, your evil powers won't be able to stop me. I will not give up the man I love!"

Lin Xiu frowned and shook her head before turning to leave.

Qin Shanyuan waited until Lin Xiu had left before quietly walking to Qin Yu's bedroom. He knocked on the door softly and whispered, "Qin Yu, just give up this time. It's been three days already. How long are you going to fight with mom over this man?"

Hearing his voice, Qin Yu happily jumped down from the bed. She went to the door and said sadly, "Big brother, why did you just come to see me now? Did you know that I almost died out of boredom?"

"I just came back from a business trip." Qin Shanyuan said helplessly, "I just came back and heard that you were locked up by mom. This time you're really out of line. Mom told dad and me how you fell in love with a bad man."

Was Liang Jiahao really that bad?

Qin Yu didn't think so.

She really couldn't figure out what was bad about Liang Jiahao. She sat down on the floor with the doll in her arms and let out a long sigh. "You may think he's bad, but in my heart, he's the best!"

Qin Yu suddenly became very sad. She leaned against the door and began to cry softly. "The reason why you think he's bad is because your standards are too high. I feel he's good enough for me. Do you guys really rather watch me marry someone I don't love? Do you guys rather watch me get stuck in a loveless marriage?"

Qin Shanyuan also sat by the door and shook his head disapprovingly. "Qin Yu, it's not that we have high expectations of him. We are just afraid of your ignorance and afraid that you will be deceived by him. You are a big star now, and how many pairs of eyes are on you? How many men out there are planning something bad against you? How many men want to use you to cling to our family? You know the answer yourself."

Qin Shanyuan sighed as he asked Qin Yu a question that came from his heart. "Do you really want to marry an impotent man? Do you want to support him for the rest of his life? He is a thirty-year-old man who always needs someone to take care of him, and he also has a big family to take care of. Don't you feel wronged?"

Qin Yu was dumbfounded. Did Liang Jiahao really need someone to take care of him?

He had clearly managed to survive on his own, and even his family did not worry about him.

Liang Zixuan needed his care?

Luo Yanyun and Qiao Hongya needed his care?

Maybe Luo Yanyun and Qiao Hongya wanted Liang Jiahao to take care of them, but it was out of filial piety and was not a burden.

This was the first time that Qin Yu felt that she could not explain herself to Qin Shanyuan. She helplessly wiped the tears from her face and angrily said, "I will not tell you anymore, you all don't understand anything! He doesn't need me to take care of him, he can take good care of himself!"

Qin Shanyuan heard Qin Yu's angry voice and her fading footsteps as she rose from the floor. He quickly called out to her. "Qin Yu … Qin Yu! Can you stop being so stubborn?!"

Hearing nothing from her, he sighed loudly. "Fine! Why don't you tell your big brother who that man is? I'll take a look at him and then later I'll help you convince mom, okay?"

Qin Yu smiled with satisfaction. "That's my big brother!"

She came back and sat by the door, saying, "But I cannot tell you who he is now because I haven't made up my mind yet. How about this, help me contact aunt. I will ask her to get me out of here and ask her to come up with something. After that, I'll meet with him and then we will discuss this after he and I confirm our relationship."

"Ah, your relationship isn't confirmed yet?" Qin Shanyuan's eyes widened slightly. "Seeing how fiercely you opposed mom, I thought you had reached the point where you would not marry anyone but him."

He smiled. "You are going to ask aunt for help? All right, I'll call her later. Just wait until she comes and saves you."

The next day, Liang Zixuan arrived at the Qin Family Residence.

Lin Xiu personally greeted her. She served good tea and snacks and put them in front of her. "Zixuan, do you have no class today?"

Liang Zixuan smiled politely. "I heard that Qin Yu is being confined in her room, so I'm specifically taking leave of absence to visit her. Sister-in-law, would you mind if I went to see her?"

"Of course not!" Lin Xiu liked Liang Zixuan a lot. If it wasn't because of the seniority, she would have really taken Liang Zixuan as her goddaughter.

The men of the Han Family were very fond of eating young grass. After eating young grass for so many generations, their family's seniority had become higher and higher.

Lin Xiu held Liang Zixuan's hand and said sincerely, "Zixuan, please help me persuade your niece. She has fallen in love with a bad man and is even willing to fight me because of him. I really cannot persuade her, so I have to bother you to help me."

Liang Zixuan's eyes widened as she heard this. Last night, Qin Shanyuan had called her and told her that Qin Yu's relationship with Lin Xiu had reached a dead end. He asked her for help, but he did not tell her the reason.

Now that Liang Zixuan heard Lin Xiu say this, her heart beat faster.

Could it be that… Qin Yu did not have eyes on Liang Jiahao and had fallen in love with another man?

This was bad!

Liang Zixuan nodded and followed Lin Xiu upstairs.

Lin Xiu opened the door for her and let her enter before leaving.

After making sure Lin Xiu had come downstairs and not eavesdropped behind the door, Liang Zixuan quickly ran to the bed and pulled Qin Yu up. "Qin Yu, what happened? I heard you have fallen in love with a man. Who is he? What kind of man is he until he could make your mother so angry with you?"

Qin Yu felt completely wronged. She threw herself into Liang Zixuan's arms and pouted sadly. "Auntie, who else can I fall in love with?!"

Liang Zixuan: "…"

How should she answer this question?

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