Sweet Beauty

Chapter 506 - How Can She Be So Heartless

Chapter 506 – How Can She Be So Heartless

When Xia Yong saw that Dong Biming still did not understand, he thought it was impossible for him to persuade her anymore. Otherwise, Dong Biming would already let Xia Jingfei lead her life however she wanted for the past twenty-five years.

Xia Yong pulled the blanket over his body and slid down. "I'm not going to waste my saliva on you anymore. I still have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep. Just let Fei'er be alone. She'll be fine after this."

Just as Dong Biming was about to say something, she saw that Xia Yong had already closed his eyes. She snorted gloomily and crawled onto the bed, lying down with her back to him.

No matter what happened, she could not bear to see Xia Jingfei being wronged.

Dong Biming did not sleep well that night and was always awakened by nightmares.

The next day, she woke up at dawn. She sat on the bed for a while before getting up to check on Xia Jingfei.

Normally, Xia Jingfei had never locked the door when she was sleeping. Dong Biming had taught her that since she was a child. Xia Jingfei always kicked the blanket when she slept, so Dong Biming always came to her room to cover her with the blanket.

Every time Dong Biming entered Xia Jingfei's room, she did not knock on the door. She simply opened the door and entered.

This morning was no different. She pushed open the door to Xia Jingfei's bedroom without knocking.

As soon as she entered, Dong Biming was completely stunned. It was only 6.30 in the morning, but Xia Jingfei was not in the room.

Dong Biming's eyelids twitched. She wanted to go down to see if Xia Jingfei had woken up and was eating breakfast, but when she turned around, she suddenly saw a piece of paper on the nightstand. She was shocked and immediately ran to pick it up.

When she saw Xia Jingfei's delicate writing, she burst into tears.

"Mom, dad, when you saw this letter, I had already left home. Thank you for raising me for twenty-five years. Your careful nurturing and protection have made it possible for me to live without any wind or rain until now. And now, I want to tell you that this is not the life that I want."

"I also have dreams. I also want to be like Qin Yu, to have my own job, and be proud of myself. I don't want to get married, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a housewife."

"Perhaps at the age of twenty-five is a bit late for a woman like me to chase after her own dreams, but I am not afraid! I want to fly out of this golden silk cage. I want to see how high the sky is outside and how blue it is."

"Perhaps you will think that I am unfilial, but I have been very obedient and filial to you all these years. Please give me a chance to choose, okay? Maybe my life will be difficult and I can only rely on begging to survive, but this was my own choice. I don't regret it, and I'm even less afraid of it."

"Perhaps after this, I will be an ordinary person, but that's fine because I am happy! And this is the life that I want, a life that I chose."

"Ahh!" Dong Biming held the piece of paper between her fingers, thumping her chest and stomping her feet as she cried bitterly. "Fei'er, my Fei'er! How can you do this to your mother? How can you leave me! Fei'er, you are forcing me to my death!"

Xia Yong heard Dong Biming's wailing and immediately rolled out of bed. He ran to Xia Jingfei's bedroom without even putting on his slippers.

As soon as he entered, he saw Dong Biming sitting on the floor, holding a piece of paper and crying as if someone had broken her heart. He ran over and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

Dong Biming's eyes turned red when she heard his voice. She angrily threw the letter in her hand toward Xia Yong. "Look for yourself! You asked me to leave her alone, and this is what I found this morning. This is what she was thinking! She had thought about it for a whole night and actually ran away from home! She doesn't want me anymore. Why is my life so bitter? I have raised her for over twenty-five years, how can she be so heartless?"

Xia Yong was extremely nervous, but when he finished reading the letter, he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed happily. "This is indeed my daughter! She has a lot of courage!"

Xia Yong turned around and saw that the credit card and bank card he had given to Xia Jingfei were neatly placed on the other bedside table. He understood that his daughter had made up her mind to pursue her dream on her own.

He was even a little proud of her decision.

"Laugh? You can still laugh at a time like this?!" Dong Biming was on the verge of going berserk with anger. She kicked Xia Yong hard on his leg. "Your daughter is gone. She doesn't know anything, how can she live out there on her own? You actually have time to laugh? Xia Yong, are you trying to make me die of anger?"

Xia Yong ignored her tantrum and walked out of the room. He would go crazy if he spent more time with Dong Biming. He was so proud of his daughter. She finally decided to leave her mother's cage.

Xia Yong really hoped Xia Jingfei's life outside would be well.

? ? ? ?

Liang Jiahao had returned the phone to Qin Yu when he sent her to the guest bedroom last night.

Because of Liang Jiahao's sudden confession of "but I only like you," Qin Yu opened a bottle of his wine, and after finishing the bottle by herself, she was so drunk that she could no longer walk and fell asleep in Liang Jiahao's guest bedroom.

Qin Yu was awakened by the ringing of her cell phone. Seeing Xia Jingfei's name on the caller ID, she picked up the phone.

"Qin Yu, can I see you now?"

"Now?" Qin Yu froze for a moment. When she looked at the time, it was only five in the morning.

And her head hurt, it really hurt. She only had the capacity to drink a bottle of red wine.

"Xia Jingfei, it's not that I don't want to see you, but last night I drank too much, and now I have a headache."

"It doesn't matter, I can come to your house."

Qin Yu stuck her tongue out in embarrassment. "But I'm not at home."

Xia Jingfei smiled. "You're with Liang Jiahao, aren't you?"

Qin Yu: "…"

She really didn't want to admit it, especially not to Xia Jingfei.

Although nothing had happened between her and Liang Jiahao, it was inexplicable that people would misunderstand when they learned that she had slept at his place last night.

Qin Yu really didn't know what to say to Xia Jingfei. She was currently very embarrassed.

"It's fine. I know that Liang Jiahao lives in the military compound in Nanshan, but I don't know exactly which house, and … if Liang Jiahao doesn't come to pick me up, I definitely won't be able to get in."

Xia Jingfei sighed and pleaded. "Qin Yu, I'm begging you. Can you ask Liang Jiahao to come and pick me up? I'm heading that way right now and will be there soon."

"What?" Qin Yu got up from the bed as if her butt was touched by fire.. "Damn it, Jingfei. You can't do this to me early this morning! Can't you tell me in advance?"

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