Sweet Beauty

Chapter 497 - Did You Do Something To Her

Chapter 497 – Did You Do Something To Her

Qin Yu moved closer to Liang Zixuan. "What's wrong?"

She looked at Liang Zixuan's cell phone screen and saw the netizens' comments.

"Please tell us the name of the man who had saved Qin Yu from a pit fire."

"I'm begging on my knees. Please tell us his name."

"Hero, please be my husband!"

Qin Yu's eyelids twitched. A moment ago, these netizens had been focusing on her, so why was their attention now focused on that old pervert?

The netizen below also commented, "According to my many years of experience in the entertainment circles, this video has been cut and edited. I strongly request Han Group Media and Qin Yu to send the full video! I want to see how this man saved Qin Yu from the fire!"

Due to the interaction between Liang Jiahao and Kang Yuhan, especially Liang Jiahao's provocative kiss on Qin Yu's cheek, Han Yuanjun felt that he had to edit this video in order to preserve his brother-in-law's image.

Otherwise, Liang Jiahao would be called a hooligan who had taken advantage of a weak woman when she was at a disadvantage. If that happened, Han Yuanjun was afraid Liang Zixuan would force him out of bed.

Actually, Han Yuanjun didn't want to cut the video either. He really wanted to see Liang Jiahao be cursed by the public once they saw the video, but there was nothing he could do about it. Liang Zixuan was Liang Jiahao's sister. Doing so to his brother-in-law was equivalent to signing a death warrant.

Qin Yu raised her head gloomily and sat there, feeling so depressed.

Actually, she didn't want to know what had happened at the Zen Garden either. And although she strongly said she didn't want to know, part of her still wanted to snatch the mouse from Han Yuanjun's hand to see what had happened.

Should she take a look or should she not?

Just as Qin Yu was at a loss, Liang Zixuan suddenly whispered in her ear. "Qin Yu, what's wrong with you? My brother is a very good person. Why do I feel that you've turned into someone else after you went out earlier?"

Qin Yu suddenly jumped up from the couch like a cat whose tail had been trampled, exclaiming, "It's nothing. It's normal for me to be emotionally unstable after what had happened. Now that the matter is settled, I'll go back first. If there's any news from the police, please let me know."

With these words, Qin Yu picked up her bag and left the office without looking back.

Seeing Qin Yu's pitiful figure, Liang Zixuan felt that this little girl was trying to escape from her.

Shortly after Qin Yu left, Liang Zixuan's phone rang. She picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from Liang Jiahao.

"Big brother."

"Zixuan." Liang Jiahao's voice was cold and hard as usual. "I've seen the news about Qin Yu. How do you plan to handle it?"

Liang Zixuan held up her cell phone and walked to the window. Looking at the sky outside, she sighed. "Don't worry about it. With Han Yuanjun's influence, Mao Ping won't be able to do anything."

She paused, then said in a slightly scolding tone. "Big brother, did you make an appointment with Qin Yu at noon?"

The reason why Liang Zixuan thought so was because she couldn't think of anyone who could affect Qin Yu to such an extent. Looking at Qin Yu's condition, it could be said that Liang Zixuan was a little angry with Liang Jiahao.

Liang Jiahao was confused. "I don't! I don't even have her phone number. I just called you to ask for her phone number."

"Not you?" Liang Zixuan paused. "Then who? I felt she had a good impression of you, but when she came back after lunch, she didn't mention anything about you anymore. When Han Yuanjun and I teased her with you, she looked disgusted. What exactly happened?"

"I don't know." Liang Jiahao said calmly. "I want to take her out, but I haven't had the opportunity yet."

Even if Liang Zixuan thought about it deeply, she would never have thought it was because of Xia Jingfei. She grumbled. "Forget it, big brother, let me tell you. Qin Yu and I have a very good relationship, so good that I'm willing to do anything for her. Big brother, if you really like her or want to develop your relationship with her, then go find her, otherwise …You two better be strangers!"

"Don't worry." Liang Jiahao suddenly laughed lightly, "I'm not a child."

Liang Zixuan nodded. She was very trusting of Liang Jiahao. "Alright."

Liang Jiahao suddenly lowered his voice. "So, can you give me her number?"

Liang Zixuan: "…"

It seemed like her brother was really interested in Qin Yu.

Regardless of Qin Yu's attitude, Liang Zixuan believed that as long as Liang Jiahao was sincere to Qin Yu, in addition to her help, Qin Yu would soon be her sister-in-law.

Liang Zixuan was a little happy. "I'll give you her number as soon as you hang up. I-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard a beep from the receiver.

Liang Zixuan was so upset that she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Was Liang Jiahao that impatient?

He couldn't wait for her to finish her sentence before hanging her up!

Liang Zixuan had a feeling that after her brother had a girlfriend, she would be abandoned.

But she didn't care, she already had Han Yuanjun. Besides, no matter how much Liang Jiahao loved his girlfriend, he would still love her.

Liang Zixuan immediately gave Liang Jiahao Qin Yu's phone number.

Liang Jiahao was a man who would do his best when he set his eyes on something. So, Liang Zixuan gave him the number without hesitation.

Qin Yu first muted her phone, and after she left the Han Group, she turned off the mute mode. Not five minutes after that, her phone continued to ring.

All the reporters had called her to inquire about the situation, and Qin Yu was getting impatient with them.

Just as she hung up, her phone rang again. Qin Yu saw that it was an unknown number and thought it was from a reporter. She immediately rejected the call.

Even though she's a big star, can they give her some time to digest all of this by herself?

When Liang Jiahao saw that his call was rejected, he frowned and immediately dialed again.

Qin Yu was so irritated that she immediately rejected the call again.

Liang Jiahao had this "never give up" personality since he was young. He never gave up even when he was beaten to death.

Just like when he first joined the military. Since he was a rookie, his movements were not very nimble, and his physical strength could not keep up with the training.. In order to reach the standard, he kept training hard from time to time again, day and night, all the way until he reached the standard and became the strongest of all.

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