Sweet Beauty

Chapter 492 - The Man I Told You I Was Waiting For

Chapter 492 – The Man I Told You I Was Waiting For

Liang Zixuan was trying her best to persuade Qin Yu, and what she didn't know was that she was unintentionally helping her own brother.

Qin Yu slowly put the potato chips into her mouth and seriously thought about what Liang Zixuan had said. What she said made a lot of sense.

Was it wrong for her to fall in love with an ordinary person?

Why did it matter if Liang Jiahao didn't have a good family background?

She had it.

She could earn enough money to spend for lifetimes and she had everything including a house and a car.

As long as Liang Jiahao was willing to be with her, nothing else mattered.

Qin Yu immediately raised her head and forcefully kissed Liang Zixuan's cheek with her mouth full of potato chips. "Auntie, you are really the best. If I were fated to meet him again, I would definitely ask for his name!"

Seeing Qin Yu's happy and relieved expression, Liang Zixuan couldn't help but burst out laughing. "As a woman, you must remember this. Money can't give us happiness. Only when we meet a man who truly loves us and holds us in his heart, will we have a lifetime of happiness. We don't marry someone for money, but for his heart."

Qin Yu happily wrapped her arms around Liang Zixuan's neck and nodded in agreement. "Yes, just like you and my uncle! The Han Family is wealthy and yet they didn't force my uncle into an arranged marriage, forcing him to marry someone they chose for business. They let my uncle find a woman he loves and let him live a happy life. We make decisions for our own lives. We can't be treated unfairly just because of money and thus, marry a man we don't love!"

Suddenly, Qin Yu's phone rang. Qin Yu took out her phone and saw that it was a call from Xia Jingfei. She quickly wiped her mouth and went to the window before answering. "Hello, Jingfei."

"Qin Yu." Xia Jingfei's voice sounded a little dejected. "Can we meet today?"

The reason Qin Yu had canceled her appointments for today was that she wanted to complain to Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan about everything that had happened last night, and she wanted them to vent her anger.

Qin Yu turned around and looked at Liang Zixuan, then said to her phone. "I have something to do today."

Xia Jingfei's muffled voice could be heard. "Can't we have lunch together? I have something very important to tell you."

"Lunch?" Qin Yu looked at the time. It was already 11:15. She still didn't know when Han Yuanjun would return, and she felt uncomfortable leaving Liang Zixuan here alone.

"Can we meet tonight?" Qin Yu asked.

"But I want to see you right now! I know you are very busy, but seeing as we have been sisters for years, could you spend half an hour with me? If I didn't tell you about this, I would have felt really bad. I couldn't sleep last night because of this. Qin Yu, please… I beg you."

Qin Yu didn't expect it to be so serious, so she asked anxiously. "What's wrong? Couldn't you say it on the phone?"

"No, Qin Yu, I want to see you!" Xia Jingfei insisted.

Qin Yu's heart was the softest, especially towards a girl like Xia Jingfei. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, come to the Han Group now. We'll find a restaurant nearby to eat."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yu went back to Liang Zixuan. She shook her hand guiltily. "Auntie, I'm sorry. I clearly called you here to accompany me today, but I have some matters to take care of right now. I'll come back as soon as I handle this matter. Please don't be angry with me."

Liang Zixuan smiled and shook her head. "How could I be angry? I can always go and look for Zeng Zhelan. Don't forget, I also worked here for a year. I know how to spend my time, don't worry."

Qin Yu smiled happily and gave Liang Zixuan another kiss on the cheek. "I knew you doted on me the most!"

Qin Yu chatted with Liang Zixuan for a while before waiting for Xia Jingfei in the main lobby of the Han Group.

Very soon, Xia Jingfei's car arrived. They found a quiet restaurant and ordered a few dishes.

"What exactly happened? Why did you want to see me so badly?"

Xia Jingfei looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them before opening her bag and taking out a man's handkerchief. She then shook it in front of Qin Yu.

Qin Yu understood at a glance and asked with a smile. "Is this your boyfriend's?"

Xia Jingfei pursed her lips in embarrassment. She neither said "yes" nor "no", but held the handkerchief in her hand and played with it. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but no words came out.

Qin Yu watched so anxiously that she couldn't help but ask. "What exactly do you want to say? Say it. What's so important that you can't say it in front of me?"

Xia Jingfei glanced at Qin Yu and said awkwardly, "The man who saved you yesterday…Is the man I told you I was waiting for."

In terms of speaking, there was no one who could compare to Xia Jingfei.

She did not say that Liang Jiahao was her boyfriend, but her words made Qin Yu believe that he was really her boyfriend.

Xia Jingfei had a simple nature, but when she met a man she liked and saw that he was about to be snatched away from her, she had no choice but to pull out all the spikes on her body and fight for him.

In her entire life, she had never fought with anyone, let alone taken anything from them, but Liang Jiahao was a man she would never forget after a single encounter. He was unlike any man she had ever met before.

Qin Yu sat there frozen as if she had been struck by lightning. She was so weak inside that she could not feel anything.

Just now, she had thought of giving Liang Jiahao a chance under Liang Zixuan's persuasion. But what she had not expected was for him to be Xia Jingfei's boyfriend.

Embarrassment flashed on Qin Yu's face. She smiled uncomfortably. "So that old pervert is your boyfriend?"

"Old pervert?" Xia Jingfei was taken aback and asked unconsciously. "You called him an old pervert? He …he did not do anything too outrageous to you, did he?"

"Hahaha …" Qin Yu suddenly let out an exaggerated laugh that brought tears to her eyes. Wiping them away, she laughed and said, "Do you think he can do anything to me? Haha … How is that possible? A weak chicken like him, as soon as I lift my feet, he would not be able to get out of bed for half a month! How could he even do anything excessive to me?"

It was unknown if it was Xia Jingfei's intention or not, but her fingers kept fiddling with the handkerchief. It was something that Qin Yu could not ignore even if she wanted to.

Xia Jingfei bit her lips and whispered, "He is not a weak chicken.. He's actually very powerful."

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