Sweet Beauty

Chapter 489 - I’m Neither A Pervert Nor An Old Pervert

Chapter 489 – I’m Neither A Pervert Nor An Old Pervert

Liang Jiahao chuckled slightly. He lowered his head and imitated Qin Yu's slurping action. Unexpectedly, he found that the noodles didn't get too hot when he ate them this way. Besides, it tasted very good and it was even more interesting than wolfing it down.

Qin Yu suddenly heard the sound of slurping and looked up at him with her mouth full of noodles. Seeing Liang Jiahao learning the way to eat the noodles from her, the corner of her mouth twitched. "Do you dare to make the 'slurping' even louder?"

Liang Jiahao raised his eyebrow and slurped the noodles even more forcefully. This sound suppressed the sound Qin Yu was making.

Qin Yu: "…."

This man didn't seem so young anymore. Why was he so childish?

Her eyes suddenly fell on Liang Jiahao's wrist. There was a deep bite mark on his teeth, and it was bleeding. Perhaps he didn't treat the wound in time, so there was still dried blood on it.

Qin Yu put down her chopsticks and asked blankly. "What happened to your hand? Who was crazy enough to bite you until it became like that?"

Liang Jiahao glanced at her. He put down his chopsticks and brought his wrist to Qin Yu's mouth. "Open your mouth."

Qin Yu didn't know why, but for some reason, she actually opened her mouth.

Liang Jiahao put his wrist in her mouth and then looked at her. "Look, isn't the tooth mark fit?"

Qin Yu: "…"

She bit him?

When did she bite him?

She didn't really remember!

The bite wound was different from the one on his shoulder. She had bitten his arm with all her might, which was why the wound was so deep.

Qin Yu took Liang Jiahao's hand out of her mouth and looked at him seriously. Then, like a child who had done something wrong, she looked down and felt a little uncomfortable. After a while, she finally managed to come up with three words, "I'm sorry."

"Why should you apologize?" Liang Jiahao didn't seem to care about the wound as he took back his chopsticks and continued eating the noodles. "You're trying to control yourself, and although the method was a bit cruel, it's enough for me to think you're a good woman."

Qin Yu's face instantly darkened. "You're a good woman. Your whole family is made up of good women!"

Liang Jiahao laughed lightly at her tantrum. He raised his head, and his eyes suddenly turned gentle. "That's enough now. Let's eat the noodles."

Qin Yu pursed her lips and took back her chopsticks to eat the noodles.

After the noodles were finished, Liang Jiahao went to the kitchen to wash the bowls. Qin Yu stood at the kitchen door and watched his tall, straight body doing the house chores. Her eyes felt on his wrists.

Liang Jiahao didn't have to look back at her to know what she was thinking. "The second drawer to the left of the TV cabinet in the living room."

Qin Yu raised her eyebrow and looked for the first aid kit.

At the same time she took out the iodine and ointment, Liang Jiahao came out of the kitchen.

"Come here."

Liang Jiahao looked at the items on the tea table. He was so happy that he felt like he was flying. There was also a faint smile on his face.

After sitting down next to her, Qin Yu said, "Give me your hand."

Liang Jiahao obediently stretched out his injured hand.

Qin Yu put Liang Jiahao's hand on her leg and began to disinfect it. "Did you go to the ladies' room because you wanted to save me?"

Liang Jiahao was staring at Qin Yu's face, not missing a small change in her expression. Although she was a bit awkward and a bit tense, he could tell with his eyes that she felt a little guilty.

Liang Jiahao wasn't about to let the opportunity to change his image in Qin Yu's heart go, so he nodded and answered seriously. Still fearing she would feel guilty, he comforted her. "If you're being bullied by that guy, I'm not going to stand in the doorway and watch, I'm going to save you. And when you mistook me for that person's partner, that's understandable. Anyone in your shoes would think I was helping the man block the door so you couldn't escape so easily."

When Qin Yu heard this, she giggled. She raised her head and looked at him. "So you don't think my action of hitting you was a bit abnormal?"

"Of course not." Liang Jiahao smiled happily. "That's why I can understand why you called me a pervert."

"You're not a pervert." Qin Yu corrected him. "You're an old pervert!"

Liang Jiahao's face stiffened and he said in a serious tone. "Please throw away that 'old' words!"

"I won't! I'm going to call you an old pervert!" Qin Yu didn't know why, but when she saw Liang Jiahao's angry face, she felt very good inside. She shouted, "Old pervert. Old pervert."

Liang Jiahao: "…."

Was she going to keep calling him that?

Even if she removed the "old" words one day, he still wouldn't be able to tolerate it, okay!

She couldn't possibly shout "pervert" every time she saw him in the future, could she?

Liang Jiahao straightened his expression and planned to introduce himself formally to Qin Yu. "I have a name. I'm neither a pervert nor an old pervert. My name is Liang -"

Qin Yu immediately covered her ears and pretended to be a bastard while laughing loudly. "I won't listen, I won't listen! I want to call you old pervert, old pervert!"

Liang Jiahao: "…."

"My name is Liang Jiahao!"

Qin Yu covered her ears and said in a very loud voice, "What, what're you saying? Oh, old pervert? Alright, I understand. You're called an old pervert."

Liang Jiahao: "…."

His last attempt seemed to be in vain.

When Qin Yu saw him looking at her with a helpless expression, she pursed her lips and proceeded to bandage his wrist.

"You don't need to tell me your name. After our meeting today, we may not have any interaction anymore in the future. I may not see you again for the rest of my life, so I don't care what your name is."

At this point, Liang Jiahao's heart felt like it had been pricked by a needle. He didn't want this to be the last time they met, he still wanted to see her.

Whatever the reason, he couldn't help but anticipated the next time he would see her.

He could tell that Qin Yu didn't really expect them to meet again.

But it didn't matter. Liang Jiahao wasn't an idiot. He already knew her name and knew that she was a big star. He could easily know everything about her and her schedule.

'Hmph! If you wanted to escape from my clutches, it would depend on whether I agreed or not!'

Liang Jiahao laughed in his heart.. 'Little girl, you're still too inexperienced.'

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