Sweet Beauty

Chapter 464 - Very Pleased With This Brother-In-Law

Liang Jiahao bit his lower lip. "Zixuan, I'm not bullying him. I'm your brother. The matter of you marrying Han Yuanjun was decided before I came back. At that time, I had no other choice. I don't know what kind of person he is and whether he is worthy of you or not."

"Now that I'm back, I have to consider him in all aspects to see if he has the qualifications to become my brother-in-law."

Liang Zixuan pouted. "So if you are not happy with him, don't tell me that you will force us to divorce?"

Liang Jiahao knocked Liang Zixuan's forehead with his knuckle. "What are you talking about? Do you take your brother as a tyrant?"

This was true, but Liang Zixuan was still worried.

Could it be that every time Han Yuanjun and Liang Jiahao met, they would start the fire of war that would rise to the sky?

"Big brother, how long are you going to test him? How long will it take? Can you give me precautions so that I can prepare myself mentally? If he loses to you again, I will have to go back and coax him."

Liang Jiahao chuckled. "It's over now. My requirement for my brother-in-law is that he would be able to protect you all the time. His self-defense is quite impressive. Apparently, he has been training for it for quite some time. Ordinary people as well as some professional combat trainers are no match for him. Only someone like me can barely beat him in one or two moves. This is good enough."

"Alcohol tolerance is important for a man. It doesn't matter if he has a high alcohol tolerance or not, his alcohol has to be good. He had drunk too much with me that day, and although he was a little drunk, he still had a clear mind. A man who does not get drunk easily has a much lower chance of having an affair or accident with another woman, and he is also a humble man. I think no matter what the circumstances are, he's not going to let himself get drunk, so I am very sure about your husband."

Liang Zixuan laughed in surprise. "Big brother, does this mean you're accepting him?"

Liang Jiahao nodded. "En. I'm very pleased with this brother-in-law."

"Big brother, thank you. Thank you so much!" Liang Zixuan happily laid her head on Liang Jiahao's shoulder. Her heart was filled with happiness. "I'm so happy because you finally accepted my husband. Before, I didn't know what you were up to, so I had some misunderstandings with you. But now, I understand that this is a competition between two men, and also the standard for two men to judge each other. In the future, I know what I needed to do."

Liang Jiahao patted her head. "Silly girl."

This was the first time Liang Jiahao had come to Qiao Hongya's villa since his return.

When they arrived, Qiao Hongya took Liang Jiahao on a tour of the house.

He pushed open the door of a room and suddenly said nervously to Liang Jiahao. "This is the room I left for you. I don't know what you like, so ... I decorated it according to the style that I like. Take a look and see if you like it or not. If you don't like it, I will have someone redecorate it according to your preference."

The room was decorated in black and white. It was simple and refined, just like the taste of a single man.

Liang Jiahao looked at Qiao Hongya, who was looking at him nervously and nodded. "I like it very much. Thank you, grandfather."

Qiao Hongya was very happy to be called "grandfather" by him. He grabbed Liang Jiahao's hand and led him inside. "This is your bed. I don't know how tall you are, so I got you a big bed with a width of 2 meters and a length of 2.2 meters."

Qiao Hongya sized up Liang Jiahao's height and was very pleased with his decision. "It looks like it fits perfectly."

Liang Jiahao was 1.8 meters tall, and a two-meter bed was enough for him to roll around in.

Liang Jiahao smiled and was pulled into the cloakroom by Qiao Hongya. "These are the clothes your grandmother and I bought for you at the mall this morning. You can change when you come back to your room later."

Qiao Hongya squatted down and opened one drawer after another. "Here are your tie, your belt, your tie clip, your underwear, and your underpants. I've already prepared them for you. If you don't like them, you can tell me and I'll buy you something you like."

At this moment, Liang Jiahao finally felt the warmth from his grandfather. He pulled Qiao Hongya up and looked at him sincerely. "Grandfather, I really like all of them. Thank you."

Qiao Hongya was so moved that his eyes turned red and he almost cried while hugging Liang Jiahao.

When they returned to the living room, the elders of the Han Family, Han Qingsheng and Tian Qihua had already arrived.

After greeting them, Qiao Hongya asked, "Jiahao, where are you living now? Is there a place for you to stay? If you don't mind, you can stay here with us."

The last time they met, Han Yuanjun and Liang Jiahao had been drinking, so they didn't have time to ask about these things. Fortunately, today, Han Yuanjun obediently sat next to Liang Zixuan and didn't argue with Liang Jiahao.

Liang Jiahao was still as upright as ever. His sitting posture and military bearing were vividly displayed on him.

The way he sat there, he gave off an inexplicable impression of integrity. This was a very pleasing sight to the elders.

Liang Jiahao replied, "After my return, the higher-ups arranged a place for me to facilitate my work. It's located in the courtyard of the military sector in Nanshan."

"Wow!" Old Madam Han exclaimed in surprise. "The military compound in Nanshan? That's a good place!"

Old Madam Han said excitedly to Luo Yanyun. "I heard that there are soldiers on guard at the military compound 24 hours a day. Ordinary people can't enter, and those who're allowed to live there are at least at the admiral level. The people there are very powerful."

Luo Yanyun nodded. "Really? I haven't been there yet."

Old Madam Han laughed. "I've been there a few times, and the scenery is very beautiful. But businessmen like us shouldn't get too close to them for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings."

Liang Jiahao pursed his lips. "It's fine, you don't need to worry about the shadow slanting. You didn't do anything improper and we are a family. So, if you have time this weekend, you should come over to my place and I'll introduce you as my family in front of them."

Old Madam Han and Tian Qihua immediately agreed. "Of course we have time. How can we not have time!"

Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun were talking about the buildings she had bought from Wei Xiaoqing. Hearing Liang Jiahao's words, Han Yuanjun raised his head and said to him, "Brother, set the time. We will go, and you can meet us at the gate."

Then he lowered his head and asked Liang Zixuan in doubt. "You said that these two buildings will definitely bring in a lot of money in three years? But I heard a few days ago that the government has no plans for the Fourth Ring Road. Baby, are you really sure about this?"

Liang Zixuan: "..."

Can Han Yuanjun not be multitasking?

She almost didn't know what he had said to her because he was talking to Liang Jiahao at the same time.

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