Sweet Beauty

Chapter 438 - Closing The Net III

Wei Guowei sat there as firmly as Mount Tai. His expression didn't change at all when facing Jiang Huifang's accusations.

"Huifang." His voice was light as if he was telling Jiang Huifang that the weather was good today. "We've been husband and wife for over twenty years, and you don't have an ounce of trust in me?"

Jiang Huifang scolded him like a burning firecracker. "A relationship of twenty years?! Wei Guowei, how cruel and ruthless are you?"

She took a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of stew soup, and gave it to Wei Guowei, aggressively saying, "If you say it's not poisonous, then drink it! Don't say you don't like stew soup, just take a sip. If you really have a clear conscience, then drink it!

Suddenly, Wei Guowei raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Huifang with a cold light in his eyes. The corner of his mouth twisted into a cruel smile as he grabbed Jiang Huifang's hand and abruptly stood up.

Ignoring the dishes on the table, he forcefully grabbed Jiang Huifang's hair and pushed her head against the table.

"Ah, what're you doing!" Jiang Huifang's face and hair were all covered with soup, and she looked battered and exhausted.

Wei Xiaoqing was startled by the sudden turn of events. She quickly stood up and retreated. She watched in horror as her father attacked her mother, but didn't say whether she would help or stop him.

Jiang Huifang frantically tried to pull Wei Guowei's hand on her head. Unable to pull it away, she dug her nails deep into the back of his hand and screamed as she struggled. "Xiaoqing, save me! Your father is trying to kill me! Save me!"

Wei Xiaoqing was scared out of her wits. She just stood there and watched silently, with no intention of helping.

Wei Guowei glanced at Wei Xiaoqing coldly. When he saw her standing there motionless, he sneered. "Xiaoqing, don't worry. After your mother died, I'll definitely treat you well!"

"No, no!" Jiang Huifang was so flustered that she burst into tears. "Xiaoqing, don't listen to him. Think about how Liang Zixuan's life used to be. Xiaoqing, in this world, only mom loves you the most!"

Wei Xiaoqing looked at Jiang Huifang's pitiful appearance and didn't dare to go there. She slowly backed away and then said with great sadness. "Mom, don't worry. Dad won't kill you. I- I- I'm going to the bathroom."

"Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing!" Jiang Huifang shouted angrily. "Why are you going to the bathroom at a time like this? Come back here. Come back here and save me!"

Wei Guowei smiled in satisfaction as he saw Wei Xiaoqing running out of the dining room in a panic.

As he expected from his daughter, she was really sensible.

After raising Wei Xiaoqing for so many years, he naturally knew what kind of person she was.

Wei Guowei looked down at Jiang Huifang's panicked face. He couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Huifang, do you know why I tried to kill you?"

"You're an animal, you bastard!" Jiang Huifang was so angry that she scolded loudly. "I'm really blind for loving a cruel and irresponsible person like you!"

"I'm a cruel and irresponsible person?" Wei Guowei laughed instead of getting angry. "Aren't you the one who forced me to be cruel? You are the same as Liang Lihua! You both want my money. Let me tell you, I earned that money by myself, and it has nothing to do with you! If Liang Lihua didn't want my wealth back then, how could I have killed her?"

Wei Guowei's smile became more fierce. He pressed his hand on Jiang Huifang's head, and with his other hand, he scooped up a spoonful of stew soup and brought it to her mouth.

"I can kill Liang Lihua, and I can kill you too! Jiang Huifang, you stupid woman. You should learn from Liang Lihua's dishonest behavior. You want my money? Since you really want it, I will send you to hell. Don't worry, I'll burn a huge amount of money for you every year. You can have as much as you want!"

Seeing that the spoon was just about to reach her mouth, Jiang Huifang cried out in panic. "N-no, I won't drink it!"

Suddenly, footsteps sounded from afar. Wei Guowei raised his head and saw several uniformed policemen rushing in. His eyes widened as he looked at the policemen with his mouth wide open.

Wei Xiaofan issued his police ID and presented it in front of Wei Guowei. "I've received a police report stating that you killed your ex-wife, Liang Lihua, twenty-two years ago and that you're also trying to murder your wife. Now, please come with us for investigation!"

"No, I'm not!" Even at this point, Wei Guowei was still stubborn. He wouldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death. "I just had a big fight with my wife. I didn't want to kill her!"

As Wei Guowei explained this to the police, he relaxed his guard against Jiang Huifang. Jiang Huifang took this opportunity to escape from his hands and held a bowl of stew soup in her hand like a treasure. "Comrades, he wants to kill me. This is the proof. There's cyanide in it."

Wei Guowei was shocked. He did not think that Jiang Huifang would not panic despite facing danger. It was as if her mind was enlightened and she actually knew that she had to protect the evidence!

Wei Guowei was so anxious that he wanted to snatch the stew bowl from Jiang Huifang's hands.

Wei Guowei only managed to take a few steps forward before Wei Xiaofan's strong arm suddenly wrapped around his neck. Wei Xiaofan said to the policeman beside him. "Little Wang, protect the evidence and witnesses. I will take the prisoner away first. You guys looked around carefully for clues."

Little Wang nodded. "Captain Wei, don't worry and leave everything to me. Even if the soup is spilled, I can still detect the cyanide."

Wei Xiaofan smiled, took out the handcuffs from his pockets, and handcuffed Wei Guowei's hands. "It's still the New Year's holidays and yet we have to work because of you!"

The policeman next to him nodded. "That's right! We are all waiting to go home and have a reunion dinner! He really knows how to pick his time to commit a crime!"

Wei Guowei was pushed by Wei Xiaofan and staggered a few steps forward. When he looked up, he saw Wei Xiaoqing standing in the living room, staring at him coldly.

Only then did he realize that she wasn't going to the bathroom. She had obviously run to open the door for the police.

The police had arrived quickly and by chance. It seemed that Wei Xiaoqing and Jiang Huifang had dug a hole for him to go through today!

Wei Guowei gritted his teeth and glared sharply at Wei Xiaoqing.

Wei Xiaoqing was so frightened by his gaze that she turned her head away. "Why are you staring at me?"

Wei Xiaofan walked over and held Wei Guowei by the collar. "Stop staring, it's no use no matter how much you stare.. If you have time to stare, why don't you go to the police station and explain everything honestly, so you don't have to suffer physical pain."

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