Sweet Beauty

Chapter 418 - I Just Can’t Control My Love For You

"Is that so?" Wei Guowei held up his phone and started chatting with Yu Lian. "Then tell me, what kind of man do you like? I know some young talents, I will introduce them to you."

These words made Yu Lian feel embarrassed.

If she said she liked a man like Han Yuanjun, wouldn't Wei Guowei call her a toad who wanted to eat goose meat?1

Yu Lian found it very difficult to get off this horse, and she did not know how to react.

Thinking about it seriously, she suddenly got the idea and smiled. "I like a mature man like President Wei, who is reserved and kind with other people. The most important thing is whether he likes my appearance and whether he loves me in his heart."

These words made Wei Guowei really happy. This was exactly the same thing that had happened with Jiang Huifang many years ago.

What man did not have a good effect on the women who worshipped him? With his arrogance being satisfied, he really wanted to hug the little woman who adored him and give her a good shot.

Wei Guowei deliberately coughed and did not mention his excitement immediately. Instead, he changed the topic and even changed the way he addressed himself. "Yu Lian, do you have a photo? Send one to me."

Yu Lian blinked as evil thoughts began to stir in her heart.

She was almost thirty years old, and she still had no boyfriend.

Her parents had pushed her until she wanted to hit the wall, but it was useless because she had high standards and did not like normal men.

She liked men who had money and status, but the rich second generation was basically bound with the marriage set by their families. Men like Han Yuanjun, who didn't care about their women's backgrounds were very rare.

If there were rich and influential men who were not old enough to be her grandfather, then they were all so greasy that she felt like throwing up.

Although Wei Guowei was old, he was still well-preserved and looked like he was in his forties. Moreover, he was not ugly at all. Even though he had reached the age of 50 and above, he was still handsome.

If not, how can Liang Zixuan and Wei Xiaoqing be so pretty? It had to do with Wei Guowei's genes.

If Yu Lian can't find a wealthy second-generation man, then Wei Guowei was indeed a good candidate.

Especially when she thought about how she would be Liang Zixuan's stepmother if she married Wei Guowei.

Since then, whenever Liang Zixuan saw her, she would respectfully call her mother. From then on, Yu Lian can bully Liang Zixuan however she wanted and get her revenge from before!

Thinking about this, Yu Lian was very excited. She had to put in a lot of effort before she could suppress her laughter. She took a deep breath and said shyly, "President Wei, I- I don't think this is good."

"What's wrong with that?" Wei Guowei raised his eyebrow and swirled the wine in the wine glass in his hand. The red liquid in it gave off a seductive color, like the fading red on a girl's cheeks. It slowly spread into Wei Guowei's heart. "I won't do anything bad. I just want to look at it when I'm free."

Wei Guowei's words were already so clear. It could be said to be a naked hint, but Yu Lian acted as if she didn't understand and said in surprise. "President Wei, you ... Why do you want to look at my photo when you are free?"

Wei Guowei chuckled a little. He brought the glass to his lips and drank the wine in one gulp. Then he said in a warm tone, "Why don't you guess?"

He put down the glass, picked up the remote control, and turned on the tv, increasing the volume. The woman's moaning passed over the phone to Yu Lian's ear.

Yu Lian was so embarrassed that her face turned red. She said in fear, "P-President Wei, y-y-you, what are you doing?"

"What else?" Wei Guowei suddenly laughed bitterly. "My wife is crazy, my daughter is not filial. So I went out alone to catch my breath. Since I have nothing else to do, I can only watch movies like this. Watching this woman, for some reason, I suddenly remembered you and automatically imagined a scene with you..."

When he uttered those explicit words, he did not feel embarrassed in the slightest. He played hooligan and at the same time, pretended to be a man, asking Yu Lian, "Lian, you are not angry with me for saying that, right? It's been a long time since Huifang and I did that. I'm really not interested in her, and seeing you in a company during the day makes my heart itch. I have loved you for a long time and I can't endure it anymore. So I finally have the courage to say this to you."

Yu Lian was not angry when she heard this. Instead, she cried with joy as if she had been wronged. "President Wei, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She asked Wei Guowei in a low voice. "I have to wait until now to say that I have also secretly loved you for a long time."

These two were really a perfect match.

One said, "I want to sleep with you," and the other said, "Tell me the location and time."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Guowei sent the location of his apartment to Yu Lian.

Yu Lian took her bag and hurried out of the house. She quickly ran to a cab as if she was afraid Wei Guowei would regret his decision.

As soon as she entered the apartment, the both of them said nothing. Wei Guowei hugged Yu Lian and kissed her fiercely. Finally, he pushed her down on the bed.

After a while, Wei Guowei who was hugging Yu Lian, saw a dark red patch on the bed. His heart was full of emotion. "Lian, you actually gave me your most precious thing, I ... I don't even know how to ... "

Yu Lian quickly pressed her fingers on Wei Guowei's lips. She shook her head and smiled at him coquettishly. "President Wei, this is my own free will. You don't have to be responsible for me."

As she said this, Yu Lian suddenly lowered her head and said somewhat sorrowfully. "I know you have a wife and a daughter, but I just can't control my love for you. If you want me, I'll give my everything to you. I've never thought of ruining your family... "

Yu Lian started sobbing, "President Wei, this time, I'm already very satisfied. Really, I will suppress the affection towards you in my heart from now on. I don't want anything from you, so please don't make things difficult for me. I beg you, please don't ask me to leave the company. Even though we can't be together, but seeing you in the office every day already makes me feel very satisfied."

Seeing the girl crying like she had suffered a heavy blow, Wei Guowei's old heart immediately softened. He touched the back of Yu Lian's head and pushed her head into his arms. "You silly girl, let me decide what's good for you and for me."





1 The phrase is the same as "a sow is no match for a goose".. It's an excellent description of how individuals are attracted to what appears unattainable.

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