Sweet Beauty

Chapter 415 - Running Away

Wei Xiaoqing glared at Wei Guowei's back as he climbed upstairs. If she could, she would kill him right now. Yet, even though she was angry, she still listened to his words.

Just like Wei Guowei had said, if he fell, Wei Xiaoqing and Jiang Huifang would be sleeping on the street.

Wei Xiaoqing would not do such a stupid thing. Yes, sometimes she acted stupid, but she was not stupid!

Remembering that Wei Guowei did not help her vent her anger today, Wei Xiaoqing hated Wei Guowei so much that her nails dug deep into her flesh.

Since last night, Jiang Huifang had been acting a bit crazy. If you wanted to call her crazy, she wasn't because she still knew how to go back to her room to sleep, but if you wanted to say that she wasn't crazy, she always talked nonsense from time to time.

Wei Xiaoqing had her own affairs to take care of, so she didn't have time to bother with Jiang Huifang.

When Wei Guowei went upstairs to his room, he saw Jiang Huifang still sleeping on the bed. It was almost noon and she still hadn't woken up.

Wei Guowei did not sleep well on the office's couch last night. Now that he looked at the bed, he felt sleepy. After he took off his clothes in exhaustion, he climbed into bed next to Jiang Huifang.

The bed in the house was much more comfortable.

Big and soft, with a wife by his side.

Wei Guowei closed his eyes contentedly and quickly fell asleep.

Suddenly Jiang Huifang shouted.

"Ah! Don't come near me!"

Then, she kicked Wei Guowei out of bed as if she was using some kind of divine power.


Wei Guowei fell heavily to the ground. He felt his bones almost breaking.

He rubbed his waist and sat up slowly. He was confused. It took him a while to realize that he had been kicked by Jiang Huifang.

Jiang Huifang was already sitting on the bed, hugging her blanket with messy hair and a dirty face. She shuddered and muttered to herself, "Not me, really not me. Don't look for me, I don't want to die yet."

"What nonsense are you spouting again!" Wei Guowei almost went mad with anger.

He could tolerate Jiang Huifang being stupid sometimes, and he could also tolerate her constantly swiping his cards for the sake to satisfy her arrogance. This was all because she was beautiful and a few years younger than him.

However, the current Jiang Huifang didn't wash her face or wear any makeup. There were wrinkles on her face, and her hair was disheveled. She looked like a crazy woman.

How can Wei Guowei withstand it?

"Jiang Huifang, are you done? From last night until now, you're not done yet!"

Jiang Huifang was stunned by his roar and turned to face him. As if she had seen her savior, she threw off the blanket and jumped out of bed. Her action was so fast that before Wei Guowei could see clearly, she fell on him like a heavy load.

"Guowei... Guowei, save me! I have been harassed by Liang Lihua! Please save me!" Jiang Huifang hugged Wei Guowei tightly and looked around in fear, as if there was something beside her.

Wei Guowei was so angry that he almost went crazy. He pushed Jiang Huifang away and said impatiently, "Jiang Huifang, open your dog's eyes and look carefully, this is our house! This is our house, there's nothing unclean here. Don't let your imagination run wild and drive yourself crazy!"

"Guowei, you don't see it, but I see it." Jiang Huifang began to cry. Wei Guowei pushed her away, but she didn't give up. She grabbed the man's arm and said seriously, "I actually saw her. She was just standing there looking at me! Guowei, you have to save me. If you don't, she will take me down with her."

"You're crazy!" Wei Guowei gritted his teeth and pushed Jiang Huifang away. He became frightened when he saw Jiang Huifang still crawling towards him, so he kicked her away impatiently. "Have you gone crazy? Jiang Huifang, let me tell you, I can't live with you like this. I will go out and stay out for a few days, you need to calm down. If I come back in a few days and you still behave like this, I will send you to a mental hospital!"

After saying that, Wei Guowei opened the cloakroom's door, took some random clothes, and put them in his backpack. Then he walked away angrily.

There was no way he would stay in this house. His daughter was unfilial, threatening to intimidate him. His wife went crazy and started spouting nonsense.

He felt that this wasn't a house at all, but hell!

No, this place was scarier than hell!

He couldn't stay here at all.

Wei Xiaoqing sat downstairs with her toenails tucked in. Seeing Wei Guowei walking down angrily, she panicked for a moment, threw the nail clippers to the side, and jumped down from the couch. Her bare feet stepped on the brick floor as she ran to grab Wei Guowei's bag. "Dad, where are you going? I didn't know you were going on a business trip today?"

"Go away!" Wei Guowei was so angry. "Seeing how crazy you and your mother are, how can I stay with you?"

He pushed Wei Xiaoqing's hand and left with his bag.

Wei Xiaoqing was stunned as she stood there, unable to react to what Wei Guowei was doing.

Did he run away from home?

How could it be?!

Her money resources ran away from home!

Wei Xiaoqing reacted immediately. She didn't bother continuing to cut her toenails and didn't have time to put on her slippers as she hurriedly ran upstairs.

Wei Guowei and Jiang Huifang's bedroom door was wide open. Wei Xiaoqing rushed in and saw Jiang Huifang sitting on the bed, crying anxiously. Wei Xiaoqing was so depressed that her intestines were almost tied. "Dad ran away from home in a rage!"

While complaining about Wei Guowei, Wei Xiaoqing sat on the bed with Jiang Huifang. The weather was so cold now and she was so frozen that she could not remain standing with bare feet on the cold floor. Now that she was on the bed, she covered her legs with Jiang Huifang's blanket.

Jiang Huifang was frightened by the sudden coldness. She could no longer stand the cold and could not stand the sound of the wind at this point. When she thought of Liang Lihua's ghost and how Liang Lihua's cold fingers touched her face, she felt goosebumps rising all over her body.

"Ah! No! No! Go away! Go away!" Jiang Huifang retreated a few steps back and pushed Wei Xiaoqing's legs out.

Wei Xiaoqing gloomily hid her feet under the blanket, feeling the warmth from it, and finally felt better.

When she saw Jiang Huifang's crazy look, she became angry.. "Mom, are you sick?! Ever since you left Liang Zixuan's place last night, you've been acting like a lunatic."

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