Sweet Beauty

Chapter 413 - If You Don’t Help Me, I’ll Tell Liang Zixuan About It

You still want to vent your anger?

Wei Guowei's heart was full of anger, but he had no place to vent it.

Han Yuanjun dared to install a camera in his room. People like him would never be arrested. Wei Xiaoqing wanted Wei Guowei to help her, but how could he help her?

Wei Guowei was extremely agitated. Jiang Huifang was talking nonsense as if she was crazy, and Wei Xiaoqing kept questioning him. It was as if they were the only ones who had been wronged!

Only then did Wei Guowei remember that he had been beaten up by Liang Zixuan too.

He wasn't in the mood to care about Wei Xiaoqing and Jiang Huifang, so he thought about everything that had happened today.

Fortunately, Wei Guowei wasn't stupid enough to realize that he had fallen into Liang Zixuan's trap the moment she called him and invited him to her home.

Liang Zixuan had lived with the Wei Family for twenty years. In twenty years, it was easy for her to understand their personalities, wasn't it?

Liang Zixuan had taken advantage of their family's weaknesses and set traps ever since she called him.

When they arrived, Liang Zixuan used the opportunity to talk to Luo Yanyun and gave Wei Xiaoqing a seat next to Han Yuanjun so she could approach him. Liang Zixuan then allowed Han Desheng to tell him about her companies in the United States.

And lastly, what was with staying in a separate room? Even though Jiang Huifang didn't want to stay alone, they still had to stay for Wei Xiaoqing's plan.

The only thing Wei Guowei didn't understand was why Jiang Huifang suddenly mentioned Liang Lihua and the bottle of poison?

Apart from him and Jiang Huifang, no one else knew about what was going on at that time.

Even Liang Jiahao didn't know the truth.

If it was Liang Zixuan, how would she know about what had happened that year?

She was only half a year old, and when he poured out the poison, he had clearly done so after making the line clear.

What was going on?

Wei Guowei didn't understand, he felt that something was wrong. The thing between him and Wei Xiaoqing was a trap set by Liang Zixuan. But then what about Jiang Huifang?

Did she go mad?

Just like that, Wei Guowei drove the car home with a heavy heart.

It was already very late, and it was already one o'clock in the morning. But Wei Xiaoqing still felt wronged inside and couldn't calm down. She wanted Wei Guowei to vent her anger.

As for Jiang Huifang, she kept talking about the matter that happened years ago in a crazy way. Wei Guowei was almost driven crazy by these two.

Finally, he slammed the car door with a wave of his hand and drove away.

Wei Xiaoqing looked at the retreating car and stomped her foot in frustration. "Dad, are you still my father? I've been beaten up to such a state, but you didn't send me to the hospital?"

No matter how she called him, Wei Guowei didn't stop at all. Wei Xiaoqing was too irritated, so she found the medicine box and went back to her room to apply the medicine herself.

She didn't care at all that Jiang Huifang was still sitting on the couch in the living room, talking alone.

Jiang Huifang had never told Wei Xiaoqing about this but Wei Xiaoqing still managed to get the truth from Jiang Huifang's short words.

So this was the truth!

Apparently, this was the thing that Jiang Huifang said to her before. About Wei Guowei's weakness.

Wei Xiaoqing snorted proudly. "I'll wait for you until tomorrow. If you don't help me, I'll tell Liang Zixuan about it. When the time comes, I want to see if you still remember me, your daughter."

Wei Guowei still didn't know that he would be tricked by his own daughter. He drove alone with no direction on the road.

He didn't want to go to the hotel, so he ended up driving to the office, lying on the couch and closing his eyes, thinking that he could forget about everything that had happened for a night.

It was unknown whether it was because the couch was uncomfortable or what, Wei Guowei couldn't sleep at all. Liang Lihua's face kept appearing in his mind for no reason.

After so many years, why did Jiang Huifang suddenly mention her name?

Finally, he fell asleep in a daze. Even though he was asleep, he still couldn't figure out what had happened to Jiang Huifang.

The next day was Saturday. As the boss, Wei Guowei was the best at exploiting the employees under him. Usually, the weekend was a day off, but Wei Guowei still made his employees work overtime.

That's why people started arriving one by one at 9 am.

Although there weren't as many people as usual, it still wasn't a small number.

The door to his office was suddenly pushed open from the outside. A beautiful woman walked in. Wei Guowei opened his eyes because of the sunlight and unconsciously turned to look at the woman.

After seeing the situation clearly, he propped himself up from the couch and asked in a daze, "What time is it now?"

"Huh?" The woman mustn't have been expecting him. She screamed in panic, then turned around to see Wei Guowei sitting there in his coat, his hand pressed to his temple.

She bit her lips and whispered, "It's 9 o'clock."

Wei Guowei nodded and rubbed his temple a few times. Feeling more comfortable, he put on his shoes and stared at the woman's hand that was touching the file bag on his desk. He asked in a deep voice. "Yu Lian, why did you come to my office so early in the morning?"

Ever since Han Yuanjun had kicked Yu Lian out of the Han Group, she had been unable to find a job.

The main reason was that she was too proud and arrogant. She didn't want to go to small companies, and big companies didn't want her because she had been fired by Han Yuanjun.

She wandered around for a year and a half without getting a suitable job.

After spending most of her savings, Yu Lian had no choice but to keep looking for a job.

Even if she lowered her requirements, no company would hire her.

Eventually, only employees from Yuan Now called her and asked her to come for an interview.

Finally, an opportunity for an interview arose. Yu Lian accepted the job offer with all her might, and just like that, she became Wei Guowei's assistant.

When Yu Lian saw the suspicious expression on Wei Guowei's face, she took out the tablecloth from under the file bag and pouted, feeling all wronged. "I came to help President Wei clean the table."

Wei Guowei clearly didn't believe her and sneered. "It's the weekend, you don't know if I'm coming or not, so you're only here because you want to clean the table for me?"

Yu Lian took the tablecloth, pointed at the wet table, and said, "President Wei, I'm not lying to you. Come and see for yourself! Since I entered the company, whether you come or not, I have cleaned your office every day. You... If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Yu. She knows that I clean your office every day. Since there are a lot of important documents in your office, I don't believe in the cleaning lady and decided to clean it personally."

Saying that, Yu Lian sadly wiped away her tears. "President Wei, if you don't believe me, then ...then you can fire me."

Wei Guowei, a man that easily be tempted, immediately softened his heart when he saw the beautiful little girl crying sorrowfully in front of him. "I...It's fine, I believed you."

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