Sweet Beauty

Chapter 396 - Cyanide

Gao Nianzu was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously felt that he had said too much. He shrank back his neck and asked cautiously, "Wh-what do you want me to do? Killing people? But isn't that illegal and dangerous? Can I still see the next sun after I do this?"

Liang Zixuan only woke up from her shock when Han Yuanjun squeezed her hand. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw Gao Nianzu stuttering in fear.

"I'm not asking you to kill people or break the law, and there's no danger either. I just want to ask about some things that I do not understand. Han Yuanjun said that this question cannot be asked openly, and since the Gao Family has been doing some research, he recommended you to me."

"Oh ..." Gao Nianzu sighed in relief, then turned back to the dignified Gao Nianzu from before. "Oh, it's just a small matter. Even if sister-in-law asked me to kill and burn someone, I would not hesitate to do it!"

Liang Zixuan: "..."

Then who was the person who had a cowardly expression earlier?

Could it be that she was imagining things?

Gao Nianzu continued to ask, "Sister-in-law, what is this about?"

Liang Zixuan was about to open her mouth, but Han Yuanjun interrupted her. "It's a long story. Let's find a quiet place and talk while sitting down."

Although they were in the Gao Family Residence, Liang Zixuan's matter had to be kept secret. If someone heard it and told other people about her rebirth, even if Gao Nianzu did not use Liang Zixuan for research purposes, there was a possibility that other people would not see it that way.

Therefore, for the sake of Liang Zixuan's safety, it was best to be careful.

"Alright, come with me."

When Liang Zixuan followed Gao Nianzu inside, she was extremely shocked to see a hidden door open in front of her after Gao Nianzu turned over a bottle.

Was there a secret passage in this house?

This was simply a secret mechanism from the ancient era! Liang Zixuan never thought that there would be such a passage in the modern world. Plus, she could see it with her own eyes.

Surprise cannot be described as Liang Zixuan's feelings at this moment.

Gao Nianzu led them through a long corridor, then turned a corner and entered a secret room.

After Liang Zixuan entered, she saw that the walls of this secret room were decorated with paintings from ancient times. In the center of the room was a small table with four cushions on four sides and a set of purple clay pots on the table.

Gao Nianzu signaled Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan to sit down. Han Yuanjun then sat down on a cushion. Seeing Liang Zixuan still staring at the painting in shock, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit on the cushion next to him.

After Liang Zixuan sat down, she smiled and said, "Coming to the Gao Family, I feel like I've been transported to another world. This is really the first time I've seen something like this, so I was a little surprised."

"Sister-in-law, your reaction can be said to be pretty good." Gao Nianzu laughed indifferently. "Previously when Zhang Feng brought his wife, his wife was just standing in the middle of the room in a daze. She couldn't even hear him calling out to her for a long time. Hahaha..."

Liang Zixuan was still a little embarrassed. "Nianzu, your family's house... I liked it very much. "

"If you like it, have Third Brother bring you here more often." At this point, Gao Nianzu suddenly became excited and winked at her. "Sister-in-law, do you have any girlfriends? You can also invite them to come to my house to play!"

Han Yuanjun kicked Gao Nianzu under the table. "Is there something wrong with your eyes? Why are you winking at my wife? Do you want to die?!"

Gao Nianzu looked all wronged. "I just want to meet some girls! You already have a wife, but I don't. That's why I need sister-in-law's help."

Liang Zixuan smiled and nodded. "Alright. When I meet the right girl, I'll definitely introduce her to you."

Gao Nianzu cupped his fists as a sign of gratitude. "Then I will thank sister-in-law here first."

After the chit-chat ended, Liang Zixuan went to the main topic. "I want to ask you something. Do you know anything about poison in a white liquid? It should be tasteless. Wait, that's not right..."

Liang Zixuan recalled that when the baby ate the porridge, there was a slightly bitter taste in her mouth, so she said, "It seems to have a bitter almond taste, but it's not strong, it's very light. If you don't pay attention, you probably won't be able to detect it."

"White liquid, bitter almond taste ..." Gao Nianzu frowned and thought about it seriously. Then, he looked at Liang Zixuan and asked, "Is the dose high?"

"Not high." Liang Zixuan showed her pinky finger. "It's only a small bottle of this size, and with half of it poured in, the effect is already dangerous."

"Cyanide." Gao Nianzu said firmly. "It's cyanide."

"Cyanide?" Han Yuanjun was pouring tea for Gao Nianzu and Liang Zixuan when he suddenly heard these words. He raised his eyes and looked at Gao Nianzu in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"It must be cyanide." Gao Nianzu sipped his tea and said in a serious tone. "Cyanide is a scary poison. Pure cyanide only needs a small dose to kill someone. There will be no chance to save that person."

Liang Zixuan's expression darkened as she recalled the scene she had seen before. Liang Lihua had only tasted a little of it, and although she did not die from eating it, but after a minute or two, her body immediately fell. Probably because she had only tasted it, that's why she still had the time to say the last words to Liang Jiahao.

However, the baby was different. At the time, the baby looked like she was going to die. If it weren't for Liang Zixuan reaching out for the baby's hand, the baby would have died faster than Liang Lihua.

That was why Liang Zixuan was so sure of Gao Nianzu's answer.

"Do you have this poison here?" Liang Zixuan asked.

Gao Nianzu shook his head. "How can something like this be kept at home?" He laughed out loud. "Our family has serious business, not a murder organization. But if sister-in-law wants to know about it, I can send the information about cyanide to your email. You can see it yourself."

Fearing that Liang Zixuan would do something bad, Gao Nianzu advised, "Sister-in-law, some things have passed for so long. Even if you want to take revenge, but if it means risking your life, then you should forget about it."

Talking about this, Gao Nianzu looked at Han Yuanjun and said sincerely, "You are still young and still have a long time to spend with Third Brother. No matter how much you hate this person and want to take revenge, you should think about it. Nowadays, society is ruled by the law.. No matter how strong our influence is, killing a person is still a crime and no one can save you."

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