Sweet Beauty

Chapter 373 - My Granddaughter Still Hasn’t Woken Up

Liang Zixuan lay motionless on the bed. Even when Han Yuanjun touched her wounds, she didn't wake up.

The way she slept was so peaceful that one couldn't tell there was anything wrong with her.

Han Yuanjun tried even harder. "Baby, wake up. Don't sleep anymore. Wake up quickly."

Luo Yanyun looked at Han Yuanjun, who was pushing Liang Zixuan so hard and cried. "What is happening? Why hasn't she woken up? Will Zixuan -"

Qiao Hongya hurriedly hugged her and patted her back to calm her down. "Don't think too much. Zixuan will be fine. Rest assured."

Old Madam Han looked at Old Man Han with a grave expression. "Quickly call the doctor. If Zixuan hasn't woken up by now, something must be wrong!"

Old Man Han wasted no more time and went to the door with his cane.

After telling Deng Hui to call the doctor, he turned around and stood to the side. He looked at Liang Zixuan, who was on the bed with an uneasy feeling.

Soon, several doctors rushed in, and when they saw that Liang Zixuan was still unconscious, they began to worry.

"This shouldn't have happened! Her injuries weren't serious, she should have woken up by now." A doctor who wore glasses frowned.

The other doctor also nodded. "Yes, her injuries aren't serious. She should wake up."

Han Yuanjun immediately made a way for them. "Hurry up, please check on her."

The doctors immediately surrounded Liang Zixuan's bed to examine her.

They opened her eyelids and checked them with a flashlight, then monitored her heartbeat. Her blood pressure was completely normal, so it was impossible to tell what was going on.

The doctors were immediately stumped. "There's no problem with her body. Everything is completely normal. We can't tell what's wrong with her."

Old Madam Han was furious. "You all keep saying normal, normal, but my granddaughter still hasn't woken up. That's abnormal! Is there anything else you haven't checked? Quickly check!"

The bespectacled doctor was a bit embarrassed. He knew Old Madam Han's anger was due to worry, so he said calmly. "We've kept our equipment here and monitored her every hour. There's really nothing wrong with her condition."

Qiao Hongya said depressedly, "Then why hasn't she woken up?!"

The doctors: "..."

They were also confused because they had never experienced such a situation in their many years as doctors.

There were only a few superficial wounds, even the bruise on the back of his head was only superficial.

Their hospital was one of the leading hospitals in the Imperial City. If the doctors here can't tell what was wrong, then even if they transfer Liang Zixuan to another hospital, the doctors over there still can't do anything.

It was no use.

Han Yuanjun understood this, that's why he was so calm and didn't blame the doctors for everything. He thanked them and asked them to leave.

After the doctors left, Luo Yanyun went to Liang Zixuan's bedside, held her hand, and cried miserably. "Zixuan, can you get up quickly? Please don't scare grandmother."

When Qiao Hongya saw that she was crying miserably, he went to her and whispered, "Don't be like this. You must also take care of your health. If you continue to be like this, once Zixuan wakes up, she still has to take care of you."

Luo Yanyun also understood this logic, but even though she understood it, she still felt very sad. "I don't want to be like this either, but I can't help it! I only have one granddaughter. If something happens to her, how can I justify myself to her mother!"

She sobbed until she fell into Qiao Hongya's arms.

Old Madam Han shook her head wistfully. She paced back and forth before finally stopping. She looked at Han Yuanjun and asked, "Jun, what do you think we should do now?"

In fact, of all the people, Han Yuanjun was the most worried. No one was more worried than him.

But in front of the four elders, he couldn't let his panic feelings show. If he panicked, what would happen to them?

Han Yuanjun sat down beside the sickbed and held Liang Zixuan's hand that was hanging on the side lightly. As if by doing this, it would make him feel her strong heartbeat.

Only by doing this will he have the courage to believe that nothing would happen to her and that she would eventually wake up.

"Grandma Yanyun, Grandpa Qiao, grandma, grandpa, don't worry. The doctors said that Zixuan's body is normal and that they couldn't find anything wrong from the medical instruments. I think Zixuan is tired and wants to have a good sleep, then ... Then we shouldn't disturb her and just let her sleep for a while longer."

When the four elders heard this, though they were still very anxious, they all quietly calmed down. Maybe they didn't want to worry their family, or maybe they didn't want to infect Han Yuanjun with their fears, so they all nodded.

Old Madam Han said, "Yes, Jun is right. Zixuan is too tired. As an elderly person, we should be wise and not worry her when she sees our condition later."

Luo Yanyun wiped the tears from her face and replied. "I was too anxious just now. The doctor said Zixuan is fine. Then she will definitely be fine!"

At the same time, the door of the ward was pushed open from outside. Zhang Feng, Shao Renshu, and Dong Yong came in one by one with baskets full of fruit and nutrients.

When they saw Old Man Han and Old Madam Han, they greeted them with respect. They also called Qiao Hongya and Luo Yanyun grandpa and grandma in a very friendly way.

When Old Madam Han saw that there were so many people and that it almost filled the whole ward, she quickly said, "Dear in-laws, the children have come to see Zixuan. How about we go home first and come back tomorrow? Maybe Zixuan will be awake by then, what do you think?"

Luo Yanyun wasn't an unreasonable type, so she nodded her head and said, "Alright, we have old hands and old feet. If we stay here, we'll just get in these youngsters' way. Let's go back first and come back tomorrow."

So the four elders left together.

The remaining people in the ward were all young people, and so the topic of conversation became more relaxed.

They saw that Liang Zixuan was still unconscious and didn't want to add to Han Yuanjun's worries, so they didn't ask why she still hadn't woken up.

Zhang Feng opened the box he had brought and taken out the medicine. He gave the small brown bottle to Han Yuanjun and then said with a smile, "This is our Zhang Family's treasure box! Third Brother, since you have such a long scar on your face, would you like to try my product for treatment? After using it, I can guarantee that there won't be a scar on your face anymore. No matter how handsome you were in the past, you'll be even more handsome in the future!"

Han Yuanjun didn't care about his scar and casually put the bottle on the bedside cabinet.

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