Sweet Beauty

Chapter 363 - Will Han Yuanjun Sleep With Me For You

Yao Xiu was driving very fast. Normally it would take him an hour to get there, but it only took him 20 minutes to get there right now.

The main reason was that there were not many cars on the road now, so the road was not obstructed.

When Han Yuanjun arrived, Deng Hui and Dai Tian also arrived.

Gong Enlai immediately jumped out of the bushes when he saw them.

Yao Xiu looked at the parked car and thought in his heart, "If he's hiding, the car is still here. Isn't it easy for everyone to see him?"

Why did he want to hide?

As he thought about this, he heard Gong Enlai say to Han Yuanjun. "We have tracked down a total of 23 people inside, but we are not sure where Zixuan is. Until we can ensure her safety, we cannot act rashly."

Han Yuanjun took a deep breath and had to admit that Gong Enlai was a professional. He wore camouflage clothes and even his men wore the same clothes. It was perfect for hiding. Besides, it was night, and even if they hid here during the day, it would be hard to find them.

Han Yuanjun nodded. "We can basically be sure that Jiang Ning is the one who kidnapped Zixuan. I can guess why she kidnapped her."

Gong Enlai's expression was a bit ugly, and he also had a scolding look. "How exactly are you dealing with this? You let her approach Zixuan even though you knew how far she would go!"

Han Yuanjun was helpless as well, but now was not the time to explain to Gong Enlai.

"What should we do now?"

In Gong Enlai's heart, he only cared about Liang Zixuan's safety. It was best for the criminals inside to make a run, otherwise, he would definitely let them have a taste of his iron fists!

"Right now, we can't rashly attack them. The best way is for one of us to go inside and confirm Zixuan's whereabouts and safety. Then we can attack them and ensure her safety at the same time."

Han Yuanjun looked at the door of the villa. No one was patrolling there right now, but the lights in the villa and in all the rooms were on. Therefore, he couldn't determine the whereabouts of Liang Zixuan.

Besides, if no one came in to ensure her safety, once they were found, these criminals would surely use her life to threaten them.

"I'm going in!" Han Yuanjun said firmly. "Jiang Ning kidnapped Zixuan because of me. If I go inside, not only will I let her and those criminals lower their guard, I can also protect Zixuan."

Gong Enlai looked at Han Yuanjun in uncertainty and frowned, "Can you do it? If you can't, you will only endanger her life."

Han Yuanjun gritted his teeth. "I can! Right now, time is of the essence. If Zixuan is really inside, she's a second from danger. Considering the situation, only I can go."

"Alright!" Gong Enlai didn't waste time with words, he took a pocket camera from the side and put it on Han Yuanjun's tie.

"Wear this properly. It's better if you can record the whole view of the villa so we can pinpoint the criminal's whereabouts. But remember, before we find Zixuan, you must not act rashly."

"I know." Han Yuanjun lowered his head and looked towards the camera. After correcting it with his hands and making sure there were no problems, he raised his legs and prepared to go.

Gong Enlai grabbed his arm. "Do you know how to use a gun?"

Han Yuanjun was startled for a moment.

Gong Enlai didn't think before taking out his gun and placing it into Han Yuanjun's hand, "Use this to protect yourself."

"No need." Han Yuanjun shook his head. "Don't worry about me. I don't believe in myself. According to my anger now, if I have a gun with me, the moment I'll go inside, I will destroy them all by myself." He paused, "Do you have a knife? The kind that's convenient to carry around."

It wasn't that Han Yuanjun didn't want to kill these people, but he was afraid that if they found out he was armed, they would endanger Liang Zixuan's safety.

Right now, he definitely didn't want to bring any danger to her at all. Even if it cost him his life, Han Yuanjun had to make sure his wife was safe.

Gong Enlai nodded and kept his gun. He pulled out a knife from his waist. "This knife can cut through metal like mud. If it is used well, it would be better than a gun."

Han Yuanjun took the knife and waved it casually. Wherever the tip of the knife hit something, it would cut it in half. After making sure the knife was sharp, he tucked it behind his waist and covered it with his suit.

Then he patted Gong Enlai on the shoulder and walked toward the door of the villa.

Standing in the doorway, he raised his hand and pressed the bell.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the villa, Jiang Ning was watching the man subdue Liang Zixuan with a smug face. Just as the man was about to attack Liang Zixuan, another man suddenly entered the room. "Miss Jiang, Young Master Han is here."

"What?" Jiang Ning suddenly stood up with a face full of surprise and joy. However, the shock only lasted for a moment.

She paced around excitedly, muttering to herself. "I didn't think he would find this place so quickly! As one would expect from a man I like. He's really different."

Jiang Ning kicked the man on top of Liang Zixuan's body. Then she squatted down and looked at Liang Zixuan's tangled clothes with a smug smile on her face. "You are lucky today. Han Yuanjun came so fast. Otherwise, I would let you suffer a fate worse than death!"

Liang Zixuan met her gaze without fear. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth as she smiled, "My man is here to save me. Jiang Ning, what makes you so happy?"

"How can I be unhappy?" Jiang Ning grabbed Liang Zixuan's hair and looked at her with a provocative smile. "Tell me, will Han Yuanjun sleep with me for you? I can't wait to see what level he can reach to save you. Hahaha..."

Jiang Ning's laughter was sinister and cold as it entered Liang Zixuan's ear. Liang Zixuan looked at Jiang Ning's satisfied smile. Suddenly, her head smacked towards Jiang Ning's head.


Jiang Ning crashed to the ground with a golden star shining in her eyes. Even her brain was almost blown away by the impact.

Jiang Ning pushed herself up and angrily shouted to the two men beside her. "Tie her up for me! Then you will cover her mouth and hide in the cloakroom.. I want her to see Han Yuanjun sleeping with me. I want to make her feel like she wants to die!"

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