Sweet Beauty

Chapter 340 - It’s Not Like I’m Begging You

Yao Xiaosheng didn't return to the house she bought outside the school, thinking she would check the list of names after everyone had left. Instead, she went to a nice restaurant with Shen Ning and Jiang Yu.

Since Shen Ning and Jiang Yu were fawning over her, Yao Xiaosheng decided to treat them to plenty of food.

Yao Xiaosheng was generous enough, she didn't go to any small restaurants, but took them to a nice restaurant.

Yao Xiaosheng needed someone to constantly flatter her and satisfy her ego. It's also because she wanted to have so much confidence to face Liang Zixuan in the future. Therefore, she will not be stingy towards these two people.

Shen Ning and Jiang Yu also did their best to please Yao Xiaosheng.

To Yao Xiaosheng's delight, they also said bad things about Liang Zixuan every day in her presence.

Only they, themselves, knew whether everything they said was really true or not.

Yao Xiaosheng threw the menu in front of them and arrogantly said, "Don't hesitate to order whatever you want to eat, don't be polite to me."

"Haha..." Shen Ning laughed like a pug. "Of course not! How can we be polite to you?"

With that, Jiang Yu and her both chose whatever they wanted, and they weren't polite at all.

Yao Xiaosheng's eyelids twitched when she saw their beaming faces and watched them order whatever they wanted. Why did it feel like she was being crazily slaughtered by someone else?

However, she didn't really care much about the money. She just couldn't stand the greedy looks of Shen Ning and Jiang Yu.

At that moment, Liang Zixuan came in with her friends and the judges of the talent show.

There were too many of them, not to mention Liang Zixuan and co. There were about a dozen assistants following behind them. When they entered, they immediately caught the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Apart from a large number of people, the most important reason was that this group of people were all a combination of handsome men and beautiful women. Even with one of them alone, the sight was quite eye-catching, not to mention a large number of people gathered together.

This place was near Nanyang Academy, and most of the tables were occupied by Nanyang Academy students. They were there to celebrate their success to move on in the preliminary round, and now that they saw Liang Zixuan and the judges here, they were all very excited.

Liang Zixuan had booked a table in advance and followed the waiter to her table.

"Let's squeeze at one table. It's so crowded here." Liang Zixuan explained.

Although Qin Yu had been raised like a princess from a young age, she never cared about such things. Besides, she had a good relationship with her assistant, so she naturally didn't mind it.

Qin Yu nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's sit down together."

While they were talking, some of the assistants had already moved some chairs and placed them in the middle. More than a dozen people squeezed in and sat down.

Shen Ning put the menu on the table, quietly pointed at Liang Zixuan's table, and whispered, "They actually went out to eat together?"

Previously, Yao Xiaosheng had said that there was no friendship in the entertainment circle. Just a few days after her saying so, Liang Zixuan had already taken Qin Yu and Goo Shegli out to eat. Wasn't this clearly a slap in the face to Yao Xiaosheng?

As expected, Yao Xiaosheng's face turned red. She looked in the other direction angrily, lowered her voice, and said, "It was just an act, okay?"

"Oh." Shen Ning didn't dare to say anything else. After ordering the food, she just sat there and pretended that nothing had happened. However, her eyes occasionally glanced at Liang Zixuan's table.

After a while, Shen Ning could no longer restrain her curiosity. She leaned her head forward and whispered, "Since we didn't have time to look at the school's bulletin board, why don't we ask Liang Zixuan if the three of us passed the audition?"

Jiang Yu knew that there was no chance for her to pass. If she accidentally forced Chen Zhihao to go to the hospital, it would be weird if she still had a chance.

While Shen Ning and Yao Xiaosheng were talking, Jiang Yu kept silent and pretended to be dumb for the first time.

Yao Xiaosheng felt that Shen Ning's words made a lot of sense, but if she asked Liang Zixuan herself, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

Her gaze shifted to Shen Ning and Jiang Yu. She gently tapped her finger on the table and said, "Jiang Yu, you go and ask her. We'll wait for you here."

"Huh?" Jiang Yu looked up with a blank expression. "I ... Why do I have to go?"

"Yes, you go." Yao Xiaosheng said in a tone that couldn't be refused. "I don't have a good relationship with Liang Zixuan, so of course you have to do it."

Jiang Yu was reluctant, but she still wanted to eat Yao Xiaosheng's big meal. After some thought, she slowly stood up and walked to Liang Zixuan's table.

Seeing Jiang Yu coming to their table, Shi Jian quickly whispered into Zeng Zhelan's ear. "This Jiang Yu has a good relationship with Yao Xiaosheng. I wonder why she's here?"

When Zeng Zhelan saw Jiang Yu's face, she remembered the bold and uncontrollable way she had thrown her studded leather jacket. Unable to hold back, she burst out laughing. "Oh, her... I remember her. She left a deep impression during the audition. I could never forget about it!"

Shi Jian was stunned for a moment before hastily asking, "What did she do until she left a deep impression on you?"

Xu Qigang and Cai Yuhan, who were sitting next to Shi Jian, curiously pricked up their ears and listened as well.

Zeng Zhelan whispered to them about Jiang Yu's performance that day.

When Jiang Yu arrived at their table, she happened to hear Zeng Zhelan talking badly about her. Her face turned pale and she curled her fingers tightly at her side.

Jiang Yu wasn't as bold as Yao Xiaosheng, she stood behind Liang Zixuan and whispered, "Liang Zixuan, I want to ask you something."

After all, Jiang Yu was her classmate. Since she came here, Liang Zixuan could no longer ignore her. She looked at Jiang Yu. "What is it?"

Jiang Yu turned to Yao Xiaosheng and Shen Ning, then looked back at Liang Zixuan and sighed wistfully, "Yao Xiaosheng and Shen Ning wanted to ask if they passed."

Lian Zixuan looked at Jiang Yu's face and happened to see Yao Xiaosheng and Shen Ning looking at her from afar.

Jiang Yu's attitude could be said to be very good. She wasn't angry, she just asked one thing.

However, when she heard Zeng Zhelan telling Shi Jian and the others about her embarrassing situation, she felt that Liang Zixuan was mocking her, and her face immediately turned red.

Jiang Yu didn't know where she got the courage to be so angry with her. "I wanted to look at the board, but since there were so many people, I decided to ask you.. What? I'm not allowed to ask you about it? What kind of person are you? If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me. It's not like I'm begging you!"

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