Sweet Beauty

Chapter 312 - I Can Only Calm Down When I See You With My Own Eyes

Military training was an essential course for every college student, and it was also a nightmare for them.

However, for the students of the Music Academy and the Drama Academy, military training wasn't so difficult.

Most of them practiced dancing from a young age. They had good bodies and weren't afraid of hard work.

On the first day of military training, Liang Zixuan didn't dare to be careless. She woke up early and didn't wear any makeup.

Imagine standing under the scorching sun, standing in a military stance, and running... No matter how subtle the makeup you wore, it'll eventually be ruined by sweat. So, what's the point of wearing it?

Although some luxury cosmetics were waterproof, they still made the wearers feel uncomfortable.

And since Liang Zixuan's skin was pretty good, she only needed to wipe her face with some refreshing warm water.

Han Yuanjun came out of the cloakroom after changing his clothes. He really liked Liang Zixuan's bare face very much.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard, "Do you know what I love the most about you?"

Liang Zixuan raised her head to look at him and shook her head blankly. "I don't know."

Han Yuanjun chuckled, then slowly whispered in her ear. "I like that you don't wear any makeup. When I see women's faces smeared with thick makeup, I wonder how their boyfriend kissed them all." [p/s: No offense for any makeup wearer, even I myself wear the makeup]

The corner of Liang Zixuan's mouth twitched. "Sweet words don't mean anything. All men are the same. Even though they say they don't like it, in their heart, they really want their wives to be the prettiest ones."

She pushed Han Yuanjun away from her, went to the cloakroom, and looked for a pair of shoes to put on. "A man who has no money won't give his wife much money to buy cosmetics. He says it's pointless and unnecessary, but what about once he goes out? He likes to watch those beautiful women."

"Rich men give money to their wives to buy expensive cosmetics, saying that their wives must be the most beautiful. But once they go out, they still like to see other beautiful women."

After putting on her shoes, Liang Zixuan raised her head and looked at Han Yuanjun mockingly, "What about you? Which category do you belong to?"

"Bah!" Han Yuanjun spat on the ground, hugged Liang Zixuan, and kissed her face. "I don't belong to those two. The woman I choose, with or without makeup, is the most beautiful woman in my heart. I spend all my time looking at you, so how would I have the time to look at other women?"

After saying that, he suddenly narrowed his eyes. "If you think I'm cheating on you, when I get to the company later, I'll get rid of the people in the secretary's office. I'll only hire men!"

"I was just joking." Liang Zixuan raised her hand and helped Han Yuanjun tie his tie. "I'm not that petty, don't be so serious. The people in the secretary's office are all doing their jobs well."

Before she left, Liang Zixuan took a pair of sunglasses and put them in her bag.

In the morning, Han Yuanjun, himself, drove Liang Zixuan to school.

Classes started at 8 am, and since the company started operations at 9 am, Han Yuanjun had exactly one hour to drive back from school to the company.

Just for Liang Zixuan, he would get up very early in the morning.

Liang Zixuan felt her heart ache for him. "How about you stop sending me to class? That way, you can sleep longer. Then in the afternoon, you can ask Zou Juan to pick me up."

Then she added, "How about I learn to drive and get my license? I can drive myself to class later."

"No." Han Yuanjun held the steering wheel with one hand and Liang Zixuan's small hand with the other. "I don't trust you to go alone. I'm still in a panic because of what Gao Shuchun said. I can only calm down when I see you with my own eyes."

Liang Zixuan suddenly felt like she was a few years old children being educated by her father.

"There's nothing to worry about. If you are really worried, have Zou Juan come and pick me up."

"No." Han Yuanjun looked at Bai Jia and snorted disdainfully. "Why would I ask other men to send my wife when her husband is right beside her?"

Liang Zixuan felt that his words made sense. It's just that he pampered her so much that she felt it was too unreal.

Before this, there were Wei Guowei and Hou Yingyi in her life. They were all first class scum men. Liang Zixuan had enough of their selfishness, so when a handsome and affectionate man suddenly appeared by her side, she really felt like she was in a dream.

Liang Zixuan held Han Yuanjun's hand tightly. She was really afraid that he would disappear once she let go of him.

Han Yuanjun parked his black Bentley in front of the school gate and got out of the car with Liang Zixuan. "I'll send you in."

As they both walked, Liang Zixuan suddenly opened her bag and took out the sunglasses. She stood in front of Han Yuanjun and waved at him, "Lower your head."

Han Yuanjun's lips curled a little as he happily bent down and leaned his face close to Liang Zixuan.

Liang Zixuan put the sunglasses on his face and looked around. She felt Han Yuanjun looked more handsome when he wore it.

Originally, she wanted to cover his handsome face so as not to attract the girl's panicked and greedy gazes. However, she did not think that the sunglasses would make him even more attractive and give him a forbidden feeling.

Liang Zixuan pursed her lips, thought for a moment, took off the sunglasses, and put them back in her bag.

Han Yuanjun asked her in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Liang Zixuan pursed her lips. "I wanted to cover your handsome face so that no one would see it, but I realized that you look even more handsome when you wear them. Sigh, I give up."

Han Yuanjun pinched her cheek. "Okay. I'll do whatever you say."

At this time, the school was currently bustling. Many students who had just come out for breakfast or to study were walking past them in an endless stream.

Their figures were already quite eye-catching when they stood beside a Bentley, attracting the attention of countless people.

Some were envious, while others despised Liang Zixuan for having a handsome husband.

"How old is she? Her husband sent her yesterday, and he also came today. Heh, is she afraid that her husband would run away?"

"Don't you know how to hide your affection and show off at home? You came to our school to show your love, who are you going to show it to!"

The voice wasn't loud, but it was clearly heard by Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan.

Han Yuanjun raised his head and looked towards the source of the voice. However, there were too many people standing there, so he couldn't be sure who had said it.

Liang Zixuan grabbed his hand and whispered, "Don't worry about it. You can't stop someone's mouth. If they want to say something, there's nothing you can do. Besides, it's not good for me to argue with my seniors on the first day I enter the class."

For Liang Zixuan, this was not a big deal.

Still, what she didn't understand was that many students on campus were in love with each other. Then why didn't these people protest?

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