Sweet Beauty

Chapter 310 - So Worried To The Point Of Getting Wrinkles

Liang Zixuan didn't know that they were so jealous of her, but as long as they didn't go against her, it was fine.

She had come here to study, but at the same time, she also had selfish motives. In her previous life, she had seen Chinese fans go crazy after 4VB1 Passion. At that time, she deliberately researched Korean music, wanting to find out why the Chinese fans were so crazy about them.

After her research, Liang Zixuan finally understood. First, one had to have outstanding looks. Second, one must be able to sing and dance well. Then, if one could be cute, it was even better.

Before entering the school, Liang Zixuan had already made up her mind to create a female idol group and a male idol group to compete with 4VB1 Passion.

In the afternoon, the school held an opening and admission ceremony for the new students.

Liang Zixuan sat among the crowd in a low-key manner, saying nothing.

Principal Tao stood on the stage and excitedly announced the good news that Liang Zixuan had told him in his office.

As soon as his words rang out, the crowd erupted into an uproar.

This was great news for the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts students.

Especially for students studying dancing and singing, being in an idol group was simply unimaginable.

Many people began to look at Liang Zixuan with curious eyes.

Liang Zixuan pursed her lips and sat there quietly.

"Zixuan, is what Principal Tao just said true? If so, can we, the students from the acting faculty, register?" Shi Jian asked excitedly.

Liang Zixuan nodded. "It's possible. The acting faculty students are also multi-talented. When they take the exam, shouldn't they also prepare for the talent show? As long as you have confidence in yourself, you can sign up."

Hearing Liang Zixuan's words, the other students became excited.

Originally, Principal Tao wanted to ask Liang Zixuan to come on stage to say a few words, but when he thought about how she had always been a humble and low-key person, if he asked her to come on stage without her permission, then she would probably oppose him.

So Principal Tao just thought like this but didn't do it.

At three in the afternoon, Liang Zixuan walked out of the school gate. Zou Juan was already waiting for her there.

Liang Zixuan got into the car and said to him, "Let's go back to the company."

Zou Juan nodded, started the engine, and drove the car out.

Usually, Liang Zixuan would be in this car together with Han Yuanjun, but today she was alone, so Zou Juan was not used to this. After all, he was not that familiar with her.

Zou Juan tried to find something to say. "Liang Zixuan, how's your first day going?"

Liang Zixuan smiled gently. "It's pretty good. I'm really sorry for troubling you to pick me up every day."

"It's not troublesome at all, haha ??..." Zou Juan laughed.

After arriving at the Han Group, Liang Zixuan took the elevator to the top floor. When Yao Xiu saw her, he immediately ordered his secretary to pour Liang Zixuan a cup of coffee. He then smiled and asked, "How did your first day go?"

Liang Zixuan said with a faint smile. "Pretty good."

Then she glanced at the door of the President's office and whispered, "Is he inside?"

"He's inside." Yao Xiu nodded and helped her open the door. "You can come in. The President keeps looking at his phone all the time. I think he's waiting for your call. He hasn't even had lunch yet."

Liang Zixuan remembered that she was the one who accompanied Han Yuanjun to lunch every day. Even when she's not here, she will help him order the food. This had become their habit.

Today, she had forgotten about it.

Liang Zixuan entered the room and saw that Han Yuanjun was engrossed in his work. She didn't want to disturb him and wanted to sit on the couch to wait until he finished his work.

Who would have thought that Han Yuanjun would suddenly raise his head? When he saw her, the corners of his mouth lifted into a happy smile. He put down the pen in his hand and held out his arm towards her. "Come here."

Liang Zixuan turned around and saw that Yao Xiu had closed the door for her. Smiling, she walked over and hugged Han Yuanjun's neck while sitting on his lap.

"How was your first day?"

Liang Zixuan raised her eyebrows. In the past hour, she had heard three people asking this question. She pecked Han Yuanjun on the lips and smiled. "Not bad. I'm slowly getting used to it."

However, Han Yuanjun was not satisfied with that peck. His lips met hers, and he suddenly kissed her fiercely.

Although Liang Zixuan did not come to his office often except during lunch break, Han Yuanjun knew that she was in the same building as him and could still see what she was doing through the camera.

Now, Liang Zixuan suddenly went to school, and although it was not far away and was in the same city, Han Yuanjun suddenly felt empty inside. From time to time, he would look at his phone to see if she had texted him.

He had been losing his mind for hours, and when he finally saw her, he couldn't hold it anymore.

His kiss made Liang Zixuan blush and her heart beat erratically. She pushed him away slowly.

Han Yuanjun took a deep breath and hugged her tightly. Only when he felt her presence did he gradually calm down. "You are used to it, but I'm not used to it."

His tone sounded a little wronged. "I almost forgot to have lunch. My heart and my mind are full of you. I keep thinking, will you be bullied? Did someone give you a stinky face? I'm worried so much to the point of getting wrinkles!"

Liang Zixuan held his face in her hand and eyed it for a moment before she smiled and said, "Yes, there really is a long line of wrinkles in the corner of your eyes."

Han Yuanjun was stunned for a moment and then began to look around for a mirror. He was a man, his appearance wasn't something he should care about. So, how could there be a mirror in his office?

Liang Zixuan smiled as she took out her small compact mirror from her bag and held it in front of his face.

Han Yuanjun looked at his face in the mirror in his hand. He looked to the left, then to the right, then to the left again, then right again, and frowned before finally smiling.

Liang Zixuan laughed and put the mirror back in her bag. "I was just teasing you! You still look very young and very handsome. When you followed me to my dorm today, my roommates thought you were one of the senior students."

"Really?" Han Yuanjun held her small hand and kissed her cheek. "You are already married to me, so even if you hate me for being old, you can't run away from me. I will never let you go."

"I don't mind. My husband is someone who is incomparable. You don't know this. When you accompanied me today, so many people looked at you and were very jealous of me."

Han Yuanjun was very happy to receive such praise from Liang Zixuan. He kept kissing her cheek a few more times.

Liang Zixuan hugged his neck and said softly, "What I said in the principal's office this morning …"

"That matters…" Han Yuanjun interrupted her. He hugged her, picked up the intercom phone, and dialed a number. "Manager Lang, come to my office now."

After hanging up, Han Yuanjun dotingly kissed Liang Zixuan on the lips. "I've already planned everything out for you.. As long as you take the lesson seriously, leave the rest to me."

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