Sweet Beauty

Chapter 302 - Maybe Liang Zixuan Was Already Sleeping With Qiao Hongya Before She Married Han Yuanjun

"Master Qiao! It's really you! Oh my God, I really admire you. Can you take a picture with me?"

"Master Qiao, are you here for a lecture? What class are you going to teach? I'm going to enroll!"

"Oh my God, it's really Master Qiao. I'm so excited..."

Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun were quickly pushed out of the crowd. They both stood outside the crowd and looked at the excited students.

Liang Zixuan pursed her lips and waved at Qiao Hongya. "I'll sign in first. Come and find us later!"

"Wait, Zixuan..." Qiao Hongya was about to stop Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun when the couple walked in, leaving him alone.

Qiao Hongya chuckled sadly. Since it's not good to get angry with these students, he started answering their questions and taking pictures with them.

Liang Zixuan had never set foot in a university before. She was already 21 years old and almost 22. For a first-year university student, her age could really be considered older.

Yet, she didn't feel awkward at all. She looked around everywhere and felt that there was something new everywhere.

"Hey, who's that guy? Why does he look familiar?" Several students stopped and looked at Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun.

"Uwaah! What class is he in? So handsome!"

Many girls stopped moving their legs when they saw Han Yuanjun and stood there looking at him admiringly.

When Liang Zixuan heard their words, she felt a little jealous. At first, they both held hands, but she suddenly pushed Han Yuanjun's hand away, took his arm in front of everyone, and walked with him affectionately.

Han Yuanjun lowered his head to look at her frowning face and couldn't help but laugh. "What's wrong?"

"Humph!" Liang Zixuan pouted. "If you dare to come here dressed like this again in the future, I'll make you kneel before me!"

Didn't this man know how handsome he was?

Liang Zixuan was so infuriated by so many women staring at Han Yuanjun as if he were a peach blossom in their eyes.

Han Yuanjun smiled. "Alright, I'll wear a suit tomorrow."

After saying that, he deliberately pinched Liang Zixuan's soft face in front of everyone.

"Aiya, that's his girlfriend, right? She's a spoiled brat. I'm so jealous..."

"He actually has a girlfriend! I thought that was his sister! So angry!"

Liang Zixuan didn't care about what these people were saying. She held Han Yuanjun by the arm and walked away, swaggering like she was declaring her own sovereignty over him.

It wasn't easy for them to find the Administration Office and find a teacher who was in charge of the admission of new students. When they got there, there was a long queue in front of them.

Liang Zixuan stood on her tiptoes and looked ahead, then she said to Han Yuanjun, who was standing beside her, "Why don't you go to the company first? I can wait here by myself."

"I'm good." When Han Yuanjun saw that she wanted to look ahead, he grabbed her by the waist and gently lifted her up. "Did you see it? How many more people?"

"I saw it." Liang Zixuan waved her hand and Han Yuanjun put her down. She took a deep breath and said, "There are many people ahead. It won't be finished in a short time. Go to work. You don't need to accompany me."

Lu Yanyu insisted, "I'll stay here with you. Even if I was late for an hour or two, the company won't go bankrupt."

"What's so noisy?" Suddenly, a high-pitched female voice rang out from the front. "All of you, shut up. This is a school, not a market. If you want to buy vegetables, go back!"

Liang Zixuan's face immediately flushed from being scolded. She stuck her tongue out at Han Yuanjun mischievously.

Han Yuanjun was initially displeased. There were three teachers sitting in the office, but only one teacher was in charge of registering students, while two other teachers sat cross-legged and gossiping.

However, when he saw Liang Zixuan's mischievous face, the anger in his heart immediately subsided.

Thinking that this was her first day, it was better not to cause her any problems and let her become a target of public criticism.

Han Yuanjun waited with Liang Zixuan.

The queue moved forward very slowly. After a long time, a student finished enrolling. Behind Liang Zixuan and Han Yuanjun, another long queue had formed.

The laughter of the two teachers who were eating the watermelon seeds gradually drifted over.

"I heard that Liang Zixuan has also come to our school, but I don't know if this news is true or not." Teacher Shao said with a smile.

Teacher Ma had a disgusted expression on her face as she popped watermelon seeds into her mouth. "So what if it's true? Does she think that just because she married Han Yuanjun, she is so amazing? No matter how great she is on the outside, by the time she comes to our school, she'll just be an onion and we can peel her naked. When that time comes, who would want her anymore?"

Teacher Shao looked at the new students, but she didn't see Liang Zixuan. "Don't say that. Our school has cooperation with Han Group, and many of our outstanding graduates come to work at Han Group every year. If we offend Liang Zixuan, what will happen if they don't give us preferential treatment in the future?"

"Tsk!" Teacher Ma took a handful of watermelon seeds and threw one into her mouth. "Han Group Media won't cooperate with us because of Liang Zixuan? Our school is the best Music Academy in the country, and many of the best students in the country come from our school. If they don't cooperate with us, then it will be their loss. I don't think Han Yuanjun would be that stupid."

Both of them started talking badly about Liang Zixuan without restraint, saying that her music was just mediocre, that it was children's music, and that her acting skills were awkward, without standards at all.

Han Yuanjun's face turned green when he heard this, while his deep eyes were filled with anger.

Liang Zixuan squeezed his hand, shook her head at him, and whispered, ''Actually, what they said was true. Don't be angry, I want to go here because I want to learn something. Don't be angry."

Finally, it was Liang Zixuan's turn. The registration teacher suddenly stood up, held her stomach, and left without a word.

Liang Zixuan stood there awkwardly, looking at Teacher Shao and Teacher Ma, who were both eating watermelon seeds.

The two of them were chatting as if they hadn't seen Liang Zixuan.

"If it weren't for Qiao Hongya willing to come to our school and recommend her name, our school wouldn't be interested in Liang Zixuan."

"I wonder what Liang Zixuan's relationship is with Qiao Hongya. Qiao Hongya helped her with the TV show and also helped her write songs."

"What kind of relationship?" Teacher Ma laughed rudely.. "Maybe Liang Zixuan was already sleeping with Qiao Hongya before she married Han Yuanjun. Otherwise, why would he help her in this way? Looking at her arrogant face, you can tell that she's definitely not a good person!"

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