Sweet Beauty

Chapter 229 - Trouble During The Filming XI

*There will be slightly disturbing content in this chapter. It's a minor scene. If you feel uncomfortable, please skip it.*

Only then did Liang Zixuan realize that there was a trap going on tonight.

It was something Xie Cheng planned for her!

Liang Zixuan already had a bad feeling when Xie Cheng became so generous and treated everyone in the crew to a meal and the restaurant that he booked just happened to be the restaurant where they ate.

From the moment they walked into that restaurant, Xie Cheng had intentionally led Hou Yingyi to approach her, making her feel disgusted. She didn't want to stay, so she left alone in advance.

Xie Cheng had really calculated everyone's moves. He knew that Dai Huian didn't dare to offend him, and he also knew that Zeng Zhelan was going guard against Hou Yingyi, that's why Xie Cheng pestered her to have a drink with Hou Yingyi, so that she didn't come back. Now that Liang Zixuan was alone, no one could come to save her.

"Xie Cheng, get lost!" Since Xie Cheng was already this shameless, Liang Zixuan no longer had to pretend. She pushed the door closed and cursed, "I warn you, don't provoke me. Otherwise, I will kill you. Do you believe me?"

"Aiyo, I'm so scared! Liang Zixuan, if you sleep under me tonight, I will let you play the female lead role. If you reject me, I'll beat you until you can't stand up straight!"

Liang Zixuan really did not expect Xie Cheng to be this kind of person. She was shocked and scared now, and after being in a stalemate with him for so long, she was so tired that she was about to collapse.

Liang Zixuan was on the verge of tears. She really had no other choice. Looking at the door that was opening more and more, she shouted anxiously, "Xie Cheng, I told you to scram, did you hear me?!"

"Come on! Stop pretending with me. You slept with Zhu Sheng and Shi Jingguo, so what wrong if you sleep with me tonight?"

Half of Xie Cheng's body had already squeezed through the door. He reached out to grab Liang Zixuan. "I'm better than them. I guarantee that you'll feel comfortable later on. Be good and don't resist anymore."

Liang Zixuan saw Xie Cheng's hand reach out towards her and knew that she couldn't hold it anymore. She let go of the door in fear and ran into the room.

Having lost all resistance, the door opened completely. Xie Cheng couldn't wait to squeeze through the door, and he immediately chased after Liang Zixuan.

Liang Zixuan grabbed the pillow on the sofa and threw it hard towards him. "Xie Cheng, who said I slept with Zhu Sheng and Shi Jingguo? Let me tell you, my fiancé is Han Yuanjun!"

The pillow gently hit Xie Cheng's face, like cotton hitting a rock. He felt no pain at all. Not only did it not hurt, it even attracted his interest.

Xie Cheng had slept with so many women, and after he finished sleeping with them, he just felt bored.

Liang Zixuan's ferocious behavior made him more excited. He grabbed the pillow from his face and casually threw it aside, rubbing his hands together as he walked towards her. "Don't tease me, your fiancé is Han Yuanjun? Heh … Fine, even if you are his fiancée, do you think I can't touch his woman?"

Xie Cheng didn't believe that from the bottom of his heart.

Han Yuanjun had always been single and he had never heard of a woman around him.

Xie Cheng felt that Liang Zixuan was using Han Yuanjun's name to scare him. If he believed her, then he was an idiot!

Liang Zixuan was forced into a corner by him. She saw the ashtray on the bedside table, and without saying anything, she picked it up and threw it towards Xie Cheng. "I'm not lying to you, my fiancé is really Han Yuanjun! Xie Cheng, if you dare touch me today, he will surely take your life!"

Xie Cheng's fat body dodged to the side. He easily dodged the flying ashtray. He grinned and smiled lewdly, "Han Yuanjun can't take my life, but you can! Zixuan, come on, this Big Brother will make you feel good."

With that, Xie Cheng leaped towards Liang Zixuan and pressed her against the wall. His lips that were as thick as sausages could not wait to kiss her face.

"Let me go!"

Liang Zixuan cried out loud in despair. "Han Yuanjun, help me!"

"Han Yuanjun will not come to save you." Xie Cheng laughed complacently as his greasy lips kissed Liang Zixuan's face. "I'll save you. Come, have some fun with me!"

Suddenly, Liang Zixuan froze and stopped crying. There was even surprise on her face. She looked behind Xie Cheng and exclaimed, "Han Yuanjun, you really came?"

"Don't lie to Laozi." Xie Cheng snorted, "I won't believe that."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a sharp wind passed through his ears. His head was suddenly hit by something heavy, and his whole body suddenly flew out.

Xie Cheng's body hit the wall hard, and his brain was almost gone. With great difficulty, he managed to stabilize his mind. As soon as he raised his head, a foot wearing black leather shoes ruthlessly kicked towards his head.

"Puff …" He didn't have time to feel the pain, so he raised his head to see who it was. When his eyes met with that sharp gaze, he was so scared that his body trembled. Then, that man's ice-cold face appeared in his sight.

Xie Cheng's heart jolted and his pupils constricted. His legs went soft and he kneeled down. "Y-Young M-Master Han."

Oh my God!

It's really Han Yuanjun.

It's over, now he's dead for sure!

Han Yuanjun looked at him coldly and the coldness seemed to be coming from hell before he stretched out his hand towards Liang Zixuan.

Liang Zixuan had long lost all her strength after being tortured by Xie Cheng. When she saw Han Yuanjun, her tense nerves relaxed. She stepped forward and her legs were stiff. Her body almost collapsed to the ground if it were not for Han Yuanjun holding her tightly in his arms.

He looked down and saw her tear-stained face and helped her wipe away the tears. He kissed her cheek and apologetically said, "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm late."

"No, no." Liang Zixuan's voice was shaky. She used all her strength and hugged Han Yuanjun tightly. Leaning against his arms, she cried, "Brother Han, I'm so scared ..."

"Good girl, don't be afraid. I'm here, don't be afraid." Han Yuanjun calmed her gently and patted her back.

"Scared … I'm so scared...I ... I'm almost ... Woo woo …" Liang Zixuan was as weak as a rabbit in Han Yuanjun's arms, crying incessantly.

Han Yuanjun's heart was about to break. He gritted his teeth and glared at Xie Cheng with bloodshot eyes. Xie Cheng was so scared that his back went stiff. He knelt on the ground and continued to bow to Han Yuanjun.

"Young Master Han, I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong. I don't know she's your woman. Young Master Han, please forgive me this time. I beg you ...."

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