Sweet Beauty

Chapter 222 - Trouble During The Filming IV

Wei Xiaoqing's role cannot be considered a good role, and it's a maidservant. The female lead standing next to Wei Xiaoqing thought that Wei Xiaoqing was pretty. She was afraid Wei Xiaoqing would overshadow her, so she asked the makeup artist to make Wei Xiaoqing's ugly.

It wasn't easy for Wei Xiaoqing to get such a role in a movie, and it was even with Hou Yingyi's help, but it was all useless in the end.

Annoyed, Wei Xiaoqing squatted to the side. The crew didn't even provide her a chair at all. Receiving this kind of treatment, she could not let go of her anger at all.

She looked up and saw Hou Yingyi return with a sad face. She couldn't hold back her anger anymore. She stood up, ran towards him, grabbed his collar, and pushed him against the wall.

"You went looking for that bitch?" Wei Xiaoqing asked with a dark face.

Hou Yingyi looked at her impatiently, "Don't call her that! She's your sister."

"She's not my sister! I didn't seduce my sister's boyfriend!" Wei Xiaoqing gritted her teeth in hatred, thinking back to when Liang Zixuan had left the Wei Family.

At that time, Hou Yingyi joined forces with her, calling Liang Zixuan a bitch. But now, look how changed he was.

"What's that? Now that you see Liang Zixuan's reputation getting higher, you feel remorseful so much that you wanted to get back to her again?"

Wei Xiaoqing crossed her arms. Seeing Hou Yingyi's disappointed face, she felt angry in her heart. "Why don't you look at yourself and think about it? Can she take you seriously?"

"Wei Xiaoqing, shut up!" Hou Yingyi raised his hand to cover Wei Xiaoqing's mouth and looked to the side. After making sure that no one was watching them, he turned around and put his hand down. "I'm just blind, that's why I broke up with her for you!"

Hou Yingyi felt sad and angry. He adjusted the collar of his shirt that had just been pulled by Wei Xiaoqing. "I warn you, don't be like this in front of me again. If it weren't for me, would you get this role? Whether I want to go back to her is my business. Say one more bad word about her, I will ask the crew to kick you out!"

"You!" Wei Xiaoqing was so angry that she tried to hit Hou Yingyi. He pushed her away forcibly and turned away in disgust.

Wei Xiaoqing could only watch Hou Yingyi's leaving figure with hatred. She didn't know if Hou Yingyi was really stupid or just faked it. Liang Zixuan was already with Han Yuanjun, so how can she turn around and eat rotten grass!

Seeing Hou Yingyi's unwilling and disappointed appearance, it looked like he wouldn't stop until he got Liang Zixuan.

Wei Xiaoqing had nothing left now. After what happened last time, Wei Guowei also didn't care about her and Jiang Huifang. Even though he still gave them money, he didn't want to pay anything to support her anymore.

Other than Hou Yingyi, she actually had no one else to depend on.

Wei Xiaoqing gritted her teeth, her eyes gradually turning red.

"Wei Xiaoqing, what's wrong? You quarreled with Hou Yingyi again?" Xie Cheng looked at Wei Xiaoqing's reddened eyes and dragged her to his resting room. He pretended to be kind and said, "If Hou Yingyi bullies you, then tell me, and I'll help you scold him!"

As he said this, his fat pig's hand caressed Wei Xiaoqing's waist.

Wei Xiaoqing's scrunched in disgust and remained silent, letting Xie Cheng's hand caressed her body. She then grumbled. "Director Xie, don't scold him. This kind of thing is normal in every relationship. Today he was in a bad mood, but tomorrow, he will apologize to me. I'm used to it."

Xie Cheng's hand was right under Wei Xiaoqing's breast. She was like a pitiful quail, not daring to move.

Seeing that she didn't resist, Xie Cheng became a little more courageous. He grabbed Wei Xiaoqing's hand with his other hand and touched her body.

Wei Xiaoqing was very disgusted, but she did not dare to offend this director. If she offended Xie Cheng, even Hou Yingyi would not be able to protect her.

Xie Cheng was very perverted and famous in the entertainment circle. Wei Xiaoqing heard that he had slept with the second female lead in the movie two nights ago.

Wei Xiaoqing suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way to deal with Liang Zixuan.

At this moment, her body was forcefully grabbed by Xie Cheng. Her face turned red and she panicked. "Director Xie.."

"Don't be afraid." Xie Cheng blew next to Wei Xiaoqing's ear. "There's no one here. Please just rub it for me."

Wei Xiaoqing lowered her head, not daring to look at Xie Cheng's complacent and obscene expression. Her small hand gently moved, and Xie Cheng immediately sighed in satisfaction. "Wei Xiaoqing, you are so good. That child, Hou Yingyi, must be blessed. How about this? You follow me and I'll let you play the second female lead for the next movie?"

F*ck, they're already like this, and she's still had to act as a second female lead?

Wei Xiaoqing never considered Xie Cheng a worthy opponent. He was a fat man with big ears and small eyes. Whenever he saw a beautiful actress, he would lecherously stare at them. Wei Xiaoqing didn't want to follow him.

How nice is Hou Yingyi? He's young, handsome, and had a lot of money. So, why should Wei Xiaoqing leave him and be with this obscene old man?!

"Director Xie, you don't know, but Yingyi is actually pretty good to me. I'm telling the truth. Those rumors, Yingyi and I were together first. At that time, Liang Zixuan also liked him, so she told everyone that she was Hou Yingyi's girlfriend, and since she is my elder sister, I didn't let Yingyi go out and clarify things, afraid that it would ruin her reputation. But who would have thought that later on, Liang Zixuan actually retorted with a bite, saying that I'd seduced her boyfriend."

"There's such a thing?" Xie Cheng was skeptical. He looked at Wei Xiaoqing, wishing that he could destroy the dress on her body.

Wei Xiaoqing leaned on Xie Cheng, feeling wronged and almost crying. "Really. Then, when Liang Zixuan climbed to a high branch, she was afraid others would say that she was two-faced, so she deliberately caused a commotion, causing everyone to think that I had stolen her boyfriend."

"High branch?" Xie Cheng was interested, "Who is that?"

Wei Xiaoqing pouted. "Zhu Sheng! Otherwise, how did you think that Liang Zixuan, who had never gone to university before, would be able to enter the Han Group? Look at their relationship, don't tell me that you can't see it?"

Xie Cheng thought about it carefully and it turned out to be true!

Seeing Xie Cheng's excited expression, Wei Xiaoqing knew that this time the man's mind was stupid and he would believe anything, so she didn't hesitate any more and lit up the fire, making Xie Cheng felt like he was floating in the air.

"Liang Zixuan slept with Zhu Sheng first, then Zhu Sheng took her to the Han Group. After that, she slept with the director of 'I'm a Singer', then she went to take part in the program.. This time, she was better than before. She slept with the manager of Han Group's Artist Department and came to act in an online drama!"

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