Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1279: My Wife Is Pregnant, Why Don't You All Look So Happy?

Chapter 1279: My Wife Is Pregnant, Why Don't You All Look So Happy?

When the other colleagues saw Yao Au apologizing to Jia Qiulian in such a humble way, they all got a little scared. At that time, they had all done their part in pointing fingers at Jia Qiulian.         


Suddenly, everyone was surrounding him. Someone behind Yao Au quietly tugged at his shirt. "Yao Au, what's going on?"     

Yao Au didn't avoid Jia Qiulian and said in a normal voice, "Our team has been suspended for one year. In this one year, we can only learn."     

"What, suspended!" These words scared the hell out of a bunch of people. They had a mortgage behind them. Jason and two other people who were planning to get married were suddenly suspended. With their normal salaries, not to mention a wife, they couldn't even pay the mortgage or the car loan!     

When everyone saw Yao Au apologizing to Jia Qiulian, they also understood what was going on. They immediately started apologizing to her at once.     

"Jia Qiulian, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said such an outrageous thing. Please forgive me."     

"Jia Qiulian, I'm sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me."     

"Jia Qiulian, don't be angry. It was my fault for being petty. Please forgive me."     

Jia Qiulian didn't know what to do. There were too many people surrounding her. After a while, Han Cihui came out with a plate of fruit and a glass of milk. Seeing the crowd surrounding his wife, he hastily shouted, "What are you doing by surrounding my wife? What evil intentions do you have this time!"     

"Director Han, we know we were wrong. We apologize to Jia Qiulian and ask for her forgiveness. Can you plead with President Han not to suspend us?"     

Han Cihui walked from behind them to Jia Qiulian without saying anything. He put the plate of fruit on the table and handed Jia Qiulian the hot milk.     

Jia Qiulian politely thanked him and took a sip of the milk.     

When Yao Au and the people saw that Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui had no opinion about this, they became even more agitated.     

"Director Han, Jia Qiulian, we really know our mistakes. Please forgive us!"     

"That's right. If we don't work for a year, we'll starve to death."     

"We all have to take care of the house, the car, the wife, and the kids. We really can't do this!"     

Jia Qiulian put down the glass of milk and smiled at them. "I'm not angry."     

She spoke calmly as if she had never been angry. "President Han suspended our team for a year, not to punish anyone, but to ...."     

She suddenly smiled sweetly at Han Cihui. "It's because I'm pregnant. President Han and President Liang wanted Director Han to take care of me, so they suspended all our projects for a year."     

"What?" Everyone was shocked. Yao Au was so shocked that his mouth was wide open. He looked at Jia Qiulian's stomach in astonishment. "Jia Qiulian, you, you're pregnant?"     

Han Cihui glanced at them. "My wife is pregnant. Why don't you all look so happy?"     

"Oh, no, no, no! Congratulations to both of you."     

"Director Han, congratulations!"     

Finally, everyone recovered from their shock and congratulated them. At this moment, they truly regretted their actions. How long had it been since they had insulted Jia Qiulian with words like 'catch the wind and chase the shadow₁'?     

Not only did Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui have a good relationship, but Jia Qiulian was also pregnant!     



If Jia Qiulian was a vengeful person, then...     

No one dared to think about it. They could only congratulate Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui with tenfold enthusiasm.     

Han Cihui smiled. "Don't worry. Although our team has been suspended for a year, this whole year, you can all study hard and won't starve to death!"     

"Study hard?" Yao Au pouted, "No work, just study. It's impossible for President Han to give us a bonus..."     

"It's like this." Jia Qiulian patiently explained to them, "Since I am currently writing the script for Director Li's drama, our team will work with his team this year and be responsible for the production of the TV series together with them."     

"Many people are needed to produce this TV series. In this way, Director Li's team does not need to borrow outsiders. You can also learn from the more experienced seniors in Director Li's team. Next year, when our team is planning a movie, you'll have more experience and be able to achieve double the results with half the work."     

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Some even patted their chests and said with a smile, "Good, good."     

"All right, don't worry about your work for this year. I will take you all to a meeting with Director Li later. He will instruct you guys to do the specific tasks."     

Han Cihui clapped his hands. "Everyone, go back to work. Don't bother my wife again."     

Everyone immediately dispersed with smiles. The worries and depression in their hearts were wiped away, and they all returned to their seats talking and laughing.     

At ten in the morning, Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui led their team and met up with Director Li's team.     

Director Li treated Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui better. Before this, he was still urging Jia Qiulian to submit the script on time, but now, he changed the tune and started laughing. "Jia Qiulian, don't be hasty. Take your time with the script. We will strive for excellence. Don't be anxious. Do you understand?"     

Jia Qiulian obviously knew that this was the result of Liang Zixuan personally coming to speak with Director Li. Otherwise, how could he be so happy to combine the two teams?     

"All right, thank you, Director Li. I will do my best."     

After the meeting ended, Jia Qiulian stood up and stretched lazily. Han Cihui's hand quickly and slowly grabbed her waist.     

She looked at him in surprise. "What are you doing?"     

Han Cihui said seriously, "I'm afraid you fell and hit the table."     

Jia Qiulian: "..."     

Jia Qiulian looked at him without saying a word. "I just want to stretch my waist. Aren't you exaggerating?"     

"No, it's not!" Han Cihui held Jia Qiulian's hand as if he were a eunuch serving the queen dowager. "Right now, you are the main target for our family to protect. Nothing can happen to you, and it is my job as your husband to protect you."     

Jia Qiulian smiled helplessly. She said nothing and let Han Cihui carry her all the way back.     

• • • •     

After solving Jia Qiulian's problem, Liang Zixuan heaved a long sigh. She sat on the sofa in Han Yuanjun's office and drank juice. She said with relief, "The matter between Qiulian and Cihui has been resolved. I will fly to America the day after tomorrow."     

"What?!" Han Yuanjun raised his head and looked at her in surprise. "Everything has been resolved, why do you still have to go to America? Didn't you go there just to hide?"     







₁ "Catch the wind and chase the shadow" means to speak or act on hearsay evidence or make groundless accusations. Both "wind" and "shadow" are things that people can't catch or hold as solid objects. So they were used as analogies for rumors, gossip, or unreliable findings or observations. The judgment you made that is based on unreliable things is very likely to be wrong.     

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