Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1236 - 1236 Did She Really Not Need To Care About Him Anymore?

1236 Did She Really Not Need To Care About Him Anymore?

The sparring partner looked at the person resentfully for a moment, then put on his uniform and went back into the arena.

Han Cihui’s kicks were by no means weak. He used all his strength to kick the body of his sparring partner. The pain was unbearable to the bone. The sparring partner fell to the ground and got up again, but he fell back as soon as he got up. It went on and on like this. Finally, the sparring partner couldn’t get up anymore and began to cry.

“Brother Han, why don’t we switch people? I really can’t take it anymore. It hurts too much! Wuwuwu ...”

Han Cihui frowned and shook his head. “Get up!”

“No, Brother Han, please have mercy on me. I really can’t do it anymore. Even if the head of the club gives me ten times my salary today, I can’t do it anymore! Really... I feel like I’m just one step away from death ...”

Han Cihui gritted his teeth in frustration. He turned around and saw the head of the club hiding at the side, and asked, “Is there anyone else?”

The head of the club was so scared that his neck shrank and he walked out timidly. “B-brother Han, your strength is indeed a little too much today. None of the people in our club can stand it...”

Han Cihui looked at him. “Aren’t you a black belt too? Come on, let’s spar!”

“Bah!” The head of the club slapped his own face and said humbly, “What kind of dog sh*t black belt am I? In front of you, I’m worse than nothing! Brother Han, my brother, why don’t you take a rest today? I’ll play another round with you another day. ”


The meaning was obvious. No one from the taekwondo club dared to fight with Han Cihui today.

Han Cihui’s anger had not subsided yet. He shook his hand. The wound on his hand was already scarred. It was only now that he could faintly feel the pain.

He shook his head and went to the dressing room. After changing his clothes, he went to the hospital.

He was furious just now, so he had to hurt himself to vent his anger. Even so, he understood what Jia Qiulian meant. No matter how sad he was, he could not do anything that would hurt himself.

After treating his wounds, Han Cihui did not know where to go... At this time, he did not want to see anyone.

He did not want to hear words of comfort, and even less did he want to see the scorn and ridicule on the faces of those who knew him. After thinking for a long time, Han Cihui took a cab and went to a hotel.

He had bought a lot of wine, all kinds of wine. He was not someone who had a habit of drinking, but at this moment, he really felt like drinking.

From beer to red wine, and from red wine to liquor, and finally... He was drunk on the hotel floor and passed out.

? ? ? ?

After Jia Qiulian left Han Cihui, she did not go to the company but just went straight home. After the marriage, the two of them moved into their own house.

Since Zhang Xiuying felt that they definitely would not be able to stay with Han Xiwang, and she did not want to make the situation worse, she asked them to move out.

Since they were not always at home, they did not hire a nanny. Now that Jia Qiulian was home alone, she curled up on the sofa.

Her mind was filled with Han Cihui’s words. “I don’t need you to care!”

Did she really not need to care about him anymore?

Or was he saying that because she had interfered too much in the past and no longer deserved to interfere in his life now?

Jia Qiulian hugged herself in discomfort and burst into tears all of a sudden.

When Liang Zixuan came to the company the next day, she specifically sat down in Han Cihui’s office and waited for them there.

Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui did not show up until ten in the morning. Only then did Liang Zixuan realize the seriousness of the situation and that it might not be something they could handle on their own.

Liang Zixuan called Jia Qiulian repeatedly, but her calls were never answered. She stormed out of Han Cihui’s office and took the elevator to the 88th floor.


When the executives in Han Yuanjun’s office saw Liang Zixuan rushing in without knocking, they originally wanted to greet her, but when they saw her anxious expression, they all swallowed their unspoken words.

Han Yuanjun said to the executives, “You guys go back first, I will find you later.”

“Alright, President Han.” Several of them walked out one by one. As soon as they had all left, Liang Zixuan closed the door of Han Yuanjun’s office and went to his desk.

Impatiently, she said, “Cihui and Qiulian didn’t come to the company this morning. Qiulian didn’t answer my calls either. Could... Could something have happened to them?”

Han Yuanjun calmly took out his phone. “Don’t worry, I’ll call Cihui now.”

He dialed Han Cihui’s number and a cold female voice greeted him. “The number you dialed couldn’t be reached.”

Han Yuanjun hung up the phone and his expression turned serious. “The phone is off.”

“Hubby,” Liang Zixuan became more and more agitated. “Why don’t we go take a look?”

Han Yuanjun was also worried. He put the work in his hand and took his coat. “En, let’s go to their house.”

Han Yuanjun drove his car and soon arrived at Han Cihui’s villa with Liang Zixuan. Liang Zixuan first rang the doorbell, but when no one answered, she unlocked the door with her fingerprint.

Liang Zixuan had just taken a few steps when she saw Jia Qiulian lying on the sofa.

“Qiulian...” Liang Zixuan ran over and shook Jia Qiulian’s body, but Jia Qiulian didn’t wake up.

Liang Zixuan jumped up in fright and reached out her hand to touch Jia Qiulian’s forehead. As soon as her fingers touched Jia Qiulian’s forehead, her hand shrank back as if it had been burned.

“Why is it so hot?” Liang Zixuan turned to Han Yuanjun. “Qiulian has a fever. Her forehead is very hot.”

Han Yuanjun’s face turned ugly. He ran upstairs and searched every room. When he didn’t find Han Cihui, he ran back down. “That brat isn’t at home!”

“Let’s send Qiulian to the hospital first.” Liang Zixuan said, “You can look for Cihui later!”

“En!” Han Yuanjun bent down and carried Jia Qiulian. Liang Zixuan followed beside him and helped him open the door.

Jia Qiulian’s forehead was still hot from the fever. She lay in Liang Zixuan’s arms, talking non-stop in her sleep. “Don’t, don’t ...”

Liang Zixuan’s heart ached when she heard this. She hugged Jia Qiulian tightly.

“What did Cihui do to Qiulian last night? How can he let her sleep alone in the living room? Look at the temperature on her forehead, it’s enough to boil an egg!”

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