Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1201 - 1201 Don’t Tell Him About This

1201 Don’t Tell Him About This

Liang Zixuan’s eyes widened in surprise and she immediately understood.

Jia Qiulian sneered, “When I lived in the United States, I often went to his place. Sometimes, when I did not have time to go home and was late for my class, I would shower and sleep at his place. There were many times he wanted to do it with me, but I did not want to, and he could not do anything either. I always thought that since he loved me, he would respect me, but I really did not think he would install a camera in the bathroom. When I was taking a shower, he was actually outside, watching!”

“Scum!” Liang Zixuan could not help but curse, “How can this person be like this? I never thought that a man could be so baseless! What kind of scum is he? Why is he still alive? A person like him should have met with King Yama!”

Liang Zixuan was really angry, she was truly furious.

As a woman, she also did not want her privacy to be seen by others.

Even with the most intimate person, she did not want them to take such photos.

If Jia Qiulian knew, she would have already argued with Zhao Kang and destroyed the evidence.

But this thing had already happened, and there was no point in talking about it now.

Liang Zixuan could not help but sigh. Life was always about oneself. About the choices one would make. About the consequences one would face resulting from the said choices.


If you fell in love with someone you should not fall in love with, if you trusted someone you should not trust too much, your life would only end at disadvantage.

“Qiulian...” Liang Zixuan restrained her urge to kill Zhao Kang and asked in a calm tone, “Did he use those photos to threaten you?”

“En!” Jia Qiulian had obviously calmed down. Her hand gently patted Han Yingzhe’s back.

No one knew when, but the little man had fallen asleep in her arms. He fell asleep so soundly.

“He gave me two choices. Either I divorce Cihui and get back with him, or I give him money and make sure he lives in luxury for the rest of his life. If not, he will post my photos on the Internet. He even said that it would be very easy for him to destroy my life!”

He was saying that destroying Jia Qiulian’s life was as easy as flipping his hand!

Liang Zixuan gritted her teeth and thought, as a female celebrity, once the photos spread out, Jia Qiulian’s future path would definitely be ruined.

There were many female celebrities who had lost their reputation because of such photos. In the end, they had to retire from the entertainment industry and give up their favorite careers.

And Jia Qiulian was not only a female celebrity, but she was also the daughter-in-law of the Han Family!

How could the Han Family accept such a woman as their daughter-in-law?

Even if the elders of the Han Family were very tolerant and farsighted, but ... who could bear the accusations and insults of the public?

No one could!

Perhaps, when the photos spread out, Jia Qiulian and Han Cihui’s marriage would also be ruined.

No wonder Jia Qiulian was so preoccupied with her worries last night and didn’t say anything.

That Zhao Kang was too cruel!

“And how did you deal with him last night?”

“I gave him money.” Jia Qiulian’s lips curled up into a helpless smile. “I really had no other choice at that time. The premiere was about to begin and I couldn’t let this matter ruin it. This movie is the blood and sweat of Han Cihui and me. We both worked hard to make this movie a success. I couldn’t let Zhao Kang ruin it, so I’m giving him one million.”

“You really gave it to him?” Liang Zixuan frowned. “A scoundrel like him, once you give him the money, he will ask for it again another time. Once he tastes the sweetness of money, he will become even greedier and start treating you like an ATM machine. He will use those photos to threaten you again and again. Will you be able to sleep peacefully in the future? Will you be able to live a normal life?”

“No way!” Jia Qiulian smiled sadly. “I really couldn’t sleep at all last night. My mind was full of those things. For a moment, I even thought of killing myself. I feel like killing myself is no different than being threatened by him.”

“You can’t think like that!” Liang Zixuan gently stroked Jia Qiulian’s head. “There is a solution to everything, and death isn’t one of them. Do you understand?”

“I know.” Jia Qiulian adjusted Han Yingzhe’s body to be more comfortable and hugged him to make him sleep better.

“Sister-in-law, I’ve been thinking last night about whether my life would be different if I didn’t pursue vanity and if I didn’t enter the entertainment world. Even if Zhao Kang threatened me with those photos, it wouldn’t ruin my life, would it?”

“Not really.” Liang Zixuan raised her hand and covered Han Yingzhe’s face with her palm to prevent the sunlight from shining directly on his face.

“No matter what you do, as long as that man doesn’t want to let you go, he will use any means to destroy your life. The only way is to solve this problem as soon as possible. We can’t let him threaten you with everything he has!”

Jia Qiulian said nothing. There was nothing she could do now. If it were up to her, she would not have given the money to Zhao Kang.

She looked a little dejected. Her face was full of worry, and she couldn’t seem to get rid of that thought no matter how hard she tried.

Liang Zixuan also couldn’t come up with a good plan at the moment. She suddenly asked, “Qiulian, does Cihui know about this?”

“No!” Jia Qiulian lowered her head and began to blame herself. “I really don’t know how to talk to him. I... I’m afraid that if he can’t accept it, he will divorce me!”

“Do you want him to divorce you?” asked Liang Zixuan.

Jia Qiulian shook her head. “No, I don’t want to! I love him very much, and I know he loves me very much too. But I really don’t want him to have any bad feelings toward me. I would rather leave him without a word than have him looking at me with disgusting looks!”

How could she leave so easily?

If this were Liang Zixuan and if she tried to leave Han Yuanjun now, he would probably kill her before killing himself!

They were already married and spent a lot of time together. Whether in the company or in their daily life, they were both quite spoiled with each other. Besides, once Han Yuanjun was so sure that Liang Zixuan was his heart’s choice and the most suitable person in his life, he would not change his decision again.

So, if Liang Zixuan really left him, it would be very difficult for him to get back up again.

This was the same as Han Cihui.

“Qiulian, don’t tell this to Cihui.”

Liang Zixuan thought for a moment and said, “No matter how strong a man’s feelings are for you, he still cannot accept it. This generation should have actually learned from the mistakes of the past generation. There is nothing wrong with these women, nor is there anything wrong with their character. Just because of a black spot in their past, those who are married are forced to divorce, while those who are not married, even when their age reaches 40, they are still unmarried because no man wants them. Men ... how can they tolerate such a thing when it happens to their wives?”

Afraid that her words would add to Jia Qiulian’s psychological burden, she added, “Leave this matter to me. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about it. Even to my husband, I won’t say a word to him. This is a secret between the two of us.”

“And now that Zhao Kang is working for the Han Group, then this matter can be solved so easily!”

After Liang Zixuan finished speaking, a cunning light shone from her eyes, as bright as a fox’s eyes.

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