Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1091: It's Better If Han Yuanjun Protects You Forever

Chapter 1091: It's Better If Han Yuanjun Protects You Forever

Those words really made Wei Xiaoqing angry. She indeed wanted to seduce Han Yuanjun, and her behavior before marriage was really bad.         


But after marriage, she had never done anything out of line!     

Wei Xiaoqing acted mad and raised her hand to slap Hou Yingyi's face hard. "Bastard! Hou Yingyi, you bastard!"     

The sound of the slap suddenly made Hou Yingyi go berserk.     

He tore at Wei Xiaoqing's clothes roughly like a wild beast. Wei Xiaoqing was so scared and angry at him at the same time.     

But there was nothing she could do.     

Her strength was incomparable to Hou Yingyi's.     

• • • •     

Wei Xiaoqing hugged her pillow and went to the couch at the side and lay down, feeling all wronged.     

She really felt that her life now was very miserable.     

Hou Yingyi didn't want to go home, and when he did go home, he wanted to embarrass her as soon as he arrived. And what was even more annoying was that Han Yuanjun's sudden visit tonight had driven her crazy!     

Wei Xiaoqing curled up on the couch like a poor kitten, crying in sorrow.     

Wei Xiaoqing had originally thought that this kind of life was hard enough, but she didn't know what awaited her the next day.     

The company that Hou Shihong and Hou Yingyi wanted to work so hard with suddenly rudely refused their visit.     

In the beginning, they were still having fun because there were only two days left to sign the contract. However, when Hou Shihong and Hou Yingyi arrived at the company, they were stopped at the reception desk.     

No matter how many kind words Hou Shihong and Hou Yingyi said, the other party did not see them.     

In the end, Hou Shihong found out that all of this was Han Yuanjun's doing.     

Han Yuanjun was toying with them!     

It was good enough that Hou Shihong didn't vent all his anger on Wei Xiaoqing when he got home. Hou Yingyi, however, was different. He felt that the humiliation he had suffered today was because of Wei Xiaoqing.     

"You sl*t!" Hou Yingyi ripped off his tie and slapped Wei Xiaoqing's face. "How many times have you slept with Han Yuanjun that he helps you like this?!"     

"Yingyi!" Yu Meilin jumped up to her feet and pulled the angry Hou Yingyi away from Wei Xiaoqing.     

Hou Yingyi was about to push Yu Meilin away when Hou Shihong, who had been silent all this time, finally roared. "Why did you go crazy right after you got home!"     

Yu Meilin nodded. Without hesitation, she bluntly said, "Han Yuanjun had already warned me yesterday. If you hit Wei Xiaoqing now, he might do something to us!"     

"He has already done something to us!"     

Hou Yingyi raised his hand and pointed at Wei Xiaoqing's nose while shouting angrily. "This bastard is a shameless wh*re. She must have slept with Han Yuanjun before!"     

"I did not!" Wei Xiaoqing covered her face and cried in sorrow. "I never did anything with him!"         


Whether Wei Xiaoqing had done it or not, Yu Meilin did not care at all.     

Right now, she was only worried about the future of the Hou Family. Since Han Yuanjun had interfered in Wei Xiaoqing's matter, if they didn't handle it well, what happened to the Qian Family would probably happen to their family.     

Yu Meilin patiently advised Hou Yingyi. "Who cares if they did anything before? Right now, our whole family must treat her and her child well. I believe that what happened this time was a warning from Han Yuanjun to us. As long as we treat Wei Xiaoqing and her child well, he will probably stop attacking us."     

Hou Shihong looked deeply at Yu Meilin. He had never thought his wife was smart.     

When he found out that Han Yuanjun was the culprit, he immediately thought that Han Yuanjun coming to their house was not just to warn them.     

It seemed that in the future, their Hou Family would have to treat Wei Xiaoqing and the child like a Buddha.     

After being lectured by Yu Meilin, Hou Yingyi finally came to his senses. He also felt that what Yu Meilin said made a lot of sense.     

There was no need for him to fight against Han Yuanjun because of Wei Xiaoqing, and the Moutai Group also didn't need to suffer any losses because of Wei Xiaoqing.     

"Sure!" Hou Yingyi smiled mockingly and nodded. His cold gaze fell on Wei Xiaoqing's face like a knife, "You are awesome! You are indeed awesome. This family will finally be yours in the future."     

Originally, Wei Xiaoqing should have been happy when she heard that the Hou Family would treat her well in the future.     

But now, she was not happy at all.     

If the people of the Hou Family were willing to be kind to her without a hidden motive, then she would definitely be happy, but it was obviously not like that!     

The Hou Family hated her to the bone now, especially Hou Yingyi. His eyes seemed to be warning her. "It's better if Han Yuanjun protects you forever, otherwise I will kill you without a burial ground!"     

Wei Xiaoqing hugged her body in an aggrieved manner and retreated to a corner, lowering the presence of her own existence.     

Seeing Hou Shihong, Yu Meilin, and Hou Yingyi sitting on the couch furiously without saying anything, Wei Xiaoqing felt like crying.     

She was really scared.     

If Han Yuanjun knew that she had changed his child and he had already used more extreme methods to deal with the Hou Family, then she... Then she... Wouldn't her life be like purgatory in the future?     

The great mental torture made Wei Xiaoqing a little dazed. When she saw Hou Zexian, she was so nervous that she did not know what to do. When she saw the child, she was so scared that she trembled.     

During the day, when neither Hou Shihong nor Hou Yingyi were at home and only Yu Meilin and Hou Zexian were at home, Yu Meilin noticed that Wei Xiaoqing was getting more and more out of hand.     

Even if you called her a little louder, she would tremble uncontrollably.     

Yu Meilin wanted to scold her, but she didn't dare to do so now. She could only sigh and say, "Wei Xiaoqing, can you please stop behaving like this? If Han Yuanjun sees this, he might think I'm bullying you!"     

As soon as Han Yuanjun's name came out of Yu Meilin's mouth, Wei Xiaoqing immediately wrapped her arms around herself and curled up on the couch. Her eyes looked at the door with fear, as if... It was as if Han Yuanjun was standing there watching her.     

The entire Hou Family had already accepted the fact that Hou Zexian would take care of the child. Now, Hou Zexian was no longer hiding and was openly walking around the villa with the child.     

Hearing Yu Meilin's words, he raised his head and looked at Wei Xiaoqing. His lips curved into a mocking smile.     

Sure enough, the more a person did something embarrassing, the more suspicious their behavior became.         


Wei Xiaoqing really deserved it, and he didn't feel sorry for her in the least!     

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