Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1083: I Request This Video To Be Played!

Chapter 1083: I Request This Video To Be Played!

Qian Zhong said in a happy tone. "Luckily, you're there."         


Yao Bao was about to say something, but he immediately hung up the call when he heard the sound of footsteps. When he turned around, he saw Qin Shanyuan and Liang Jiaying walking toward him. He quickly put his phone away and quickly went into the restroom.     

"Jiaying, have you finished backing up the video yet?"     

"Don't worry, I've finished backing it up. There are three copies in total. Your computer, my computer, and also ..."     

Liang Jiaying suddenly stopped and chuckled. "Don't worry!"     

Yao Bao waited until the voices faded away and laughed coldly.     


Hah! His guess was spot on!     

Three days later, the Qin Group fell into a state of panic.     

Every computer, including Qin Shanyuan's, was infected with a virus.     

"Director Qin!" The Operations Manager was sweating profusely, "This virus is so vicious and we may not be able to fix it in a short time. And even if we can restore the network, we might ...."     

The look on his face, as if he wanted to say something but was holding back made everyone's nerves tense.     

"What could possibly happen?" Qin Shanyuan asked calmly.     

The manager took a deep breath. "Perhaps the files in the computer cannot be recovered."     

"This is not good!" Liang Jiaying was close to tears. "All the important documents are on the computer. If they cannot be recovered ..."     

"It's all right, Jiaying. We still have the surveillance computers..."     

Just as Qin Shanyuan finished his sentence, the manager said loudly. "Director Qin, even the computers in the surveillance department have been hacked!"     

Qin Shanyuan's calm face suddenly became tense and veins stood out on his forehead. However, it was clear that he was trying his best to hold back his emotions and not let himself explode.     

"No matter what, do your best to recover as much as possible. If you can't..."     

Qin Shanyuan took a deep breath and patted the manager on the shoulder. "Qin Group's fate depends on you!"     

After saying that, he wearily left the conference room. Liang Jiaying was like a child who had done something wrong, her tears began to flow down her face. She was afraid that Qin Shanyuan would be angry, so she did not dare to cry earlier.     

Seeing their anxious and helpless expressions, Yao Bao smiled in his heart. He went to the hidden corner and called Qian Zhong.     

"President Qian, everything is done. Now Qin Shanyuan is as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. There is nothing he can do!"     

"Very good!" Qian Zhong laughed out loud, "Hahaha, Little Bao, it's all thanks to you this time. I will not treat you unfairly in the future."     

After hanging up, Qian Zhong went to Qian Yazhu's office.     

When Qian Yazhu saw him, he stood up excitedly. "Dad, how did it go?"         


"It went well!" Qian Zhong smiled and said, "Qin Shanyuan is still too young. This time, let's take it as us teaching a lesson to him!"     

Qian Yazhu was also happy in his heart. Although this matter was not handled by him, but by his father, the company not only managed to overcome the crisis but also defeated Qin Shanyuan!     

"Dad, so what about the lawsuit..."     

"Fight back." Qian Zhong slapped the desk, "Qin Shanyuan has no more evidence now, they will undoubtedly lose this case!"     

"Alright!" Qian Yazhu was also excited by Qian Zhong's momentum, "I'm ready!"     

Qian Yazhu was so happy that he almost went crazy. In his entire life, he had never been this excited before.     

He immediately called his lawyer and told him to prepare everything according to the original plan. Later, he went to the Public Relations Department and told the manager to continue spreading the word about how Qin Shanyuan had dared to steal the Qian Group's formula.     

This time, Qin Shanyuan did not react. He was stern and silent as if he was at a loss. He just watched what was happening without making a single sound.     

Netizens were a bit confused by this.     

Previously, Qin Shanyuan had dared to speak out against the Qian Group and was ready to counterattack. But now he was suddenly silent and speechless.     

All sorts of guesses and questions were pushed toward the Qin Group and Qin Shanyuan. Qin Shanyuan was still silent. The people at work also seemed to be in no mood, as if they had suffered a great blow.     

It was finally the day of the court hearing.     

Qian Yazhu felt very good and felt that victory was within his grasp. He took the initiative to invite all kinds of media to come for an interview in the public courtroom. There were dozens of cameras filled with countless people.     

Everyone was looking at Qin Shanyuan, who was sitting in the dock, waiting for the judge's decision.     

When Qian Yazhu's lawyer presented fake evidence that Qin Shanyuan had stolen the Qian Group's formula, the crowd saw that Qin Shanyuan still said nothing. They began to click their tongues, and there were whispers among them.     

"Qin Shanyuan couldn't have really stolen the Qian Group's formula, can he?"     

"I think so. Look at him. He did not say anything and had an impassive expression on his face. He acted like a thief with a guilty conscience!"     

"But before this, Qin Shanyuan openly accepted the subpoena and even requested a public hearing. Isn't that enough to prove that he wasn't afraid? After all, no one would be so stupid as to request a public hearing to damage their own reputation and slap themselves in the face even though they did something bad, right?"     

The judge waited a few moments. Seeing no movement from Qin Shanyuan, he asked, "What's the defense attorney's excuse?"     

At this moment, Qin Shanyuan's lawyer finally stood up and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket. "This is a surveillance video from the day of the contract signing between Qian Group and my client. I request this video to be played."     

When he said that, Qian Yazhu immediately widened his eyes and looked at Qian Zhong, who was sitting in the front seat in the audience, in disbelief.     

Qian Zhong also looked at him in surprise.     

Qin Shanyuan's expression was very calm, so calm that not a single emotion could be seen on his face. At this moment, Qian Zhong felt that he was being played by Qin Shanyuan.     

This little white rabbit, who looked the most innocent and harmless, was the least gentle when it came to biting someone!     

When the video footage appeared on the big screen, everyone present was stunned. The cameras began to record the video.         


In the end, this case ended with a victory for Qin Shanyuan.     

After the trial ended, Qin Shanyuan left the courtroom and was immediately surrounded by a group of reporters. About a dozen microphones were raised in front of his face.     

"Qin Shanyuan, may I ask since you had absolute evidence, why didn't you come out to explain it at that time?"     

If Qin Shanyuan had thrown away the evidence from the beginning, Qian Yazhu would not have been so stupid as to fight against him in a lose-lose claim. No one would be that stupid!     

Standing among the reporters, Qin Shanyuan calmly replied, "I did not want to make things too bad. I wanted to give Qian Yazhu some face, but he was really too aggressive, slandering, hurting, and accusing me. The thing that I cannot tolerate the most is that he used this to hurt Liang Jiaying. I will explain it once again here. Liang Jiaying and I met in the United States, and Qian Yazhu left her when she was in the most difficult time. Therefore, I will not tolerate Qian Yazhu trying to ruin her reputation again!"     

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