Sweet Beauty

Chapter 1031: The Child Has Gone Missing!

Chapter 1031: The Child Has Gone Missing!

Tian Qihua told Liang Zixuan everything the doctor had told her. Liang Zixuan had been very worried. She had heard from others that women who had given birth were not allowed to shower for a month.         


Liang Zixuan was afraid that she would smell so bad that she would get mold. What she couldn't stand the most was the smell of sweat.     

If she was not allowed to eat for a week, she might be able to bear it. But if she could not shower for a week, she would die.     

So Tian Qihua asked the doctor, and the doctor said that as long as Liang Zixuan did not catch a cold, she could do whatever she wanted.     

It could be said that in this society, many abide by the taboos set by the older generation.     

During the winter, they could do anything they wanted, and it was fine. But during the hot weather, they were not allowed to stand by the window or take a shower. They would sweat profusely and thus turn on the air conditioner. When the wind blew, they could easily catch a cold. It was not good for their health.     

Tian Qihua was a very open-minded person. As long as the doctor said it was okay, she would fulfill all Liang Zixuan's wishes.     

"Really?" Liang Zixuan was so happy that her eyes squinted into a smile. "I can really do whatever I want?"     

"Of course!" Tian Qihua nodded. "When the child comes out of the nursery, you can give him your milk if you want. The nurse will come here every day to help you. If you don't want to give him your milk, that's fine t-"     

"No, mom!" Liang Zixuan said honestly, "I want my child to drink my milk. Mother's milk is the best food for a baby."     

Han Yuanjun blinked at Liang Zixuan and blinked again. He secretly thought about how to make the brat not drink Liang Zixuan's milk.     

Liang Zixuan was allowed to go home the next day. Han Yuanjun had asked someone to bring all Liang Zixuan's things home. Then he took her to do a full body examination. After confirming that she had recovered well, Han Yuanjun was finally able to sigh in relief and brought Liang Zixuan back to the ward.     

"Your child can leave the nursery tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night is the handover ceremony of the position of head of the Han Family. Jun, Zixuan, are you guys ready?"     

During the handover ceremony of the head of the family, their child must come with them.     

Han Yuanjun held Liang Zixuan's hand tightly and said to Tian Qihua, "Mom, don't worry. Both of us have experienced big storms and typhoons. This is not a difficult matter for us."     

Tian Qihua suddenly thought of something and said, "Oh yes, your grandfather has registered your child's birth certificate. He chose the name Han Yingzhe for your child."     

Before the child was born, Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan had searched for so many names for the child. But since they had to take care of many things during this period of time, they did not have the time and opportunity to choose the name.     

Old Man Han had chosen this name from the list of names given by Han Yuanjun and Liang Zixuan before he went to register the birth certificate for the child.     

"Han Yingzhe..." Liang Zixuan repeated the name twice. The more she said it, the more she liked it. "I really liked this name at the time. I want him to be as smart and wise as his father when he grows up. I hope he will be happy and safe for the rest of his life."     

Han Yuanjun looked at Liang Zixuan proudly. "As smart and wise as me? Baby, after you gave birth to our child, your mouth has become so sweet like honey."     

"Hehehe..." Tian Qihua was laughing like crazy. "Zixuan is just giving you a face. If you want me to say it, Zixuan is the smart and wise one here."     

"You are right." Han Yuanjun raised his eyebrow proudly. "If she's not smart and wise, why would she marry me?"     

Tian Qihua: "...."     

Liang Zixuan: "...."     

This person's skin was getting thicker and thicker.     

Liang Zixuan also felt that Han Yuanjun's skin had become even thicker after the birth of their child.         


• • • •     

Late at night.     

Suddenly, loud footsteps were heard outside the door.     

Han Yuanjun was lying asleep on the sofa. He suddenly opened his eyes and got up alertly. He quickly walked to the door.     

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that everything outside was in disorder. Nurses were pacing back and forth in the corridor. Han Yuanjun frowned and asked Deng Hui and Dai Tian. "What's going on?"     

Deng Hui lowered his voice and said, "I heard that the child of the patient in room number five has gone missing."     

Child had gone missing?     

Han Yuanjun was very surprised.     

This was a hospital.     

Moreover, this was the best hospital in Imperial City.     

How could something like the loss of a child happen in this hospital?     

As he frowned and looked towards ward number five, he suddenly saw a burst of fire from the window of ward number six. The nurses and doctors around him became more and more agitated.     

"Hurry up! Hurry up and go save the patient in ward number six! Call the fire department immediately! A few of you, hurry up and put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. And those of you I didn't call, help me evacuate the crowd. Make sure everyone is safe! Hurry up! Don't just stand there, move!"     

"Got it!"     

The nurses who were called immediately ran in panic.     

Han Yuanjun frowned when he saw this. "The child in ward number five has gone missing and there is a fire in ward number six. How can there be so much trouble tonight?"     

Was it a coincidence or was it intentional?     

If it was intentional, then what was the purpose of the action?     

Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped around his waist. Han Yuanjun looked over his shoulder and saw that although Liang Zixuan's expression was somewhat anxious, her eyes were very calm as she looked at the chaos outside.     

Han Yuanjun smiled and gently held the hands that were around his waist. "Why did you wake up?"     

Liang Zixuan said softly. "It's so noisy outside. How can I sleep?"     

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