Chapter 94 Hydra Part 2

Richard's directive was immediately relayed to all units, resulting in a noticeable shift in the ground force's tactics. The LAV-25s and other armored vehicles began to scatter, moving in unpredictable patterns to avoid becoming the next target for the Hydra.

"Roger that, Eagle-Actual. Spooky-1 is on it," the AC-130 pilot confirmed. The aircraft adjusted its position, aiming its formidable weapons at the colossal creature.

The aircraft, armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles on its pylons, locked onto the massive creature.

"Eagle-Actual, Spooky-1 has a lock," the pilot radioed in.

"Fire when ready," Richard ordered.

With a whirr and a hiss, a Hellfire missile was launched from the AC-130. The missile's trajectory was straight and true, heading directly for the Hydra. Upon impact, a fiery explosion enveloped a portion of the creature, causing it to thrash violently, its shrieks echoing throughout the city ruins.

On the ground, soldiers cheered as they witnessed the direct hit. However, their celebrations were short-lived. While the missile had damaged the Hydra, it was far from defeated. The creature, now enraged, began to lash out more ferociously, its attacks becoming more unpredictable.

For every sweep of its sharp teeth, it cut cleanly through buildings, toppling structures that had stood for decades. Roads were torn up, and entire blocks were reduced to rubble in mere moments.

The ground forces were struggling to maintain their positions amidst the chaos. The combined threat of the Hydra and the approaching zombies made the situation dire.

The Apache, still in the air, swooped down, launching another barrage of Hydra 70 rockets. The LAV-25s continued their hit-and-run tactics, firing at the creature's eyes and mouth, trying to blind or distract it.

Getting annoyed by the incessant firing of the Apache, the Hydra shrieked as it unearthed rubble from the ground, launching it towards the helicopter. The rubble was lighter than the LAV-25 and thus hurtled through the air at a speed so fast the pilot couldn't react.


The pilot screamed and then—the rubble crashed on the front of the Apache. The force of the impact shattered the cockpit's glass, and the sheer weight of the debris crushed the gunner, pinning him inside.

The helicopter, destabilized by the sudden weight, began to spin out of control. The Apache spiraled downwards, narrowly missing nearby structures. Soldiers on the ground watched in horror as the Apache plummeted, crashing with a deafening explosion. Thick black smoke and flames rose from the wreckage.

Richard gnashed his teeth in frustration. Even with the AC-130, their firepower to exterminate that thing is lacking.

"Looks like we'll have to bring in more firepower sir. How about we mobilize Excalibur and bombard those monsters?" Sara suggested.

"We can do that, but the site is near to the resort. It would cause collateral damage. Let's have the gunship do the job. Spooky-1, I want fire for effect on that Hydra," Richard ordered.

"Copy that, Eagle-Actual. Adjusting for maximum payload," the AC-130 pilot replied.

The AC-130, flying high above, realigned its position for a more direct assault on the Hydra. The gunship's sensors and targeting systems zeroed in on the creature's vulnerable areas.

"All stations, pull back! Spooky-1 is about to commence bombardment!" Richard's voice boomed over the comms, urging the ground forces to retreat to a safer distance.

The soldiers, already exhausted from the intense firefight, quickly retreated to their defensive positions, while the LAV-25s sped away, trying to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the imminent bombardment.

"Spooky-1 to Eagle-Actual, firing in 3... 2... 1..."

The gunship unleashed a torrent of firepower. With a combination of Hellfire missiles, 40mm Bofors cannons, and 25mm Gatling guns, the AC-130 poured down a rain of destruction onto the Hydra. The ground shook with each impact, and the Hydra, caught in the onslaught.

Richard watched from his monitor screen and saw the health bar of the Hydra depleting rapidly. The AC-130 was an effective tool for exterminating Hydra as the Hydra couldn't reach the AC-130 flying two kilometers above ground. The creature tried to evade the barrage, but the continuous rain of bullets and missiles made it impossible for it to escape.

"Keep up the pressure, Spooky-1. We've got it on the ropes," Richard communicated to the AC-130 pilot.

"Roger that, Eagle-Actual. Maintaining sustained fire," the pilot responded.

Meanwhile, the ground forces were dealing with the horde of zombies that continued to approach. The soldiers formed a perimeter, using their vehicles as barriers. Machine guns fired continuously, mowing down wave after wave of the undead. But for every zombie they took down, it seemed two more took its place.

"Sara, get a status report on our ammunition and supplies," Richard ordered.

She quickly scanned the data and replied, "We have enough ammunition for another hour of sustained combat. After that, we'll be running low

Richard nodded, processing the information. "We need to end this quickly. If the Hydra is taken down, we can focus all our resources on the zombies."

Minutes felt like hours as the battle raged on. The AC-130's relentless assault began to show results. The Hydra, weakened and injured, tried to find cover, but the gunship kept it in its sights, not letting up for a second.

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the air, different from the Hydra's usual shrieks. The creature started to slow down, its movements sluggish. It made one last attempt to lash out, but its strength was waning.

"Spooky-1, hold your fire," Richard ordered, sensing the Hydra's imminent defeat.

The AC-130 ceased its assault, and the battlefield went eerily quiet. The Hydra, severely injured and unable to continue the fight, collapsed to the ground, its massive body creating a small earthquake upon impact.

"We did it," Sara whispered, relief evident in her voice.

Richard nodded, "Good job, everyone. Now, let's clean up the rest of the mess and secure the area."

With the primary threat neutralized, the ground forces mobilized to eliminate the remaining zombies. It would take time to secure the entire area, but with the Hydra defeated, the tide of the battle had turned in their favor.

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