Chapter 90 On the Way

The convoy moved out, engines of cars and helicopters roaring to life, cutting through the eerie silence that had fallen over the city since the outbreak. The noise attracted nearby zombies, their groans joining the cacophony of sounds. The team was heading to World's Resort Manila, following the same route Graves had taken.

The vehicles were heavily armed, ready to plow through hordes of zombies if necessary. Every soldier was on high alert, eyes scanning the surroundings for any threats. The helicopters flew overhead, their blades chopping through the air, providing an aerial view of the path ahead and the lurking dangers.

Richard was monitoring the entire operation from the command center. Every so often, his gaze would shift to the live feed on the screens, showing the convoy's progress and the increasing number of zombies trailing them, drawn by the noise.

Mark, leading the convoy, radioed in, "Eagle Actual, we've got a horde following and ahead of us, advise?"

Richard's voice crackled over the comm, calm yet authoritative, "Maintain course, Mark. The Apaches will provide cover if necessary. We stick to the plan."

"Copy that Eagle Actual."

"Raptor-1, you are cleared hot to engage on every zombie chasing the convoy, over," Richard ordered.

"Copy that, Eagle Actual, making our rounds stand by for effect."

BRRRT! The deafening sound of the Apache's 30mm chain gun echoed as it spat out rounds at an incredible rate. The high-explosive rounds found their marks, decimating the leading edge of the horde with pinpoint precision. Zombies chasing the convoy were torn apart, dismembered, and annihilated in the violent hail of gunfire. Smoke and the stench of burning flesh permeated the air as the convoy pressed on.

But the horde was vast, and for every zombie that fell, it seemed two more took its place. The soldiers in the vehicles, with eyes like hawks, focused on the surrounding threats. If zombies were to get closer to them, that's where they'll engage.

Richard, who was watching the monitor, flickered his attention to the hordes ahead of the convoy.

"Raptor-1, switch to Hellfires, thin them out," he commanded.

"Roger that, Eagle Actual," replied the Apache pilot. He toggled the controls, locking onto the densest part of the zombie mass. The sleek, deadly Hellfire missiles unleashed from the Apache, piercing the air with their fiery tails before impacting the ground.

A huge explosion erupted in the center of the horde, scattering bodies and debris in every direction. The sheer force of the blast created a temporary clearing, giving the convoy a momentary respite. The vehicles accelerated, taking advantage of the opening to put distance between themselves and the remaining zombies.

"Eagle Actual, the path is clear. We're making good progress towards the resort," Mark reported.

"Keep the pace, and stay alert. We're not out of the woods yet," Richard responded. His eyes were glued to the monitors, scanning for any other potential threats.

As they went along the route, pocket zombies, but nothing the convoy couldn't handle.

The resort soon came into view; its once grand structure now appeared foreboding amidst the desolation. Richard's hands were on his chin as he paced back and forth. They were stepping into enemy territory now.


Meanwhile, at the Resort's Worlds Manila grand entrance, the Boss was on the rooftop of one of the hotels that gave him a good view of the outskirts. He saw helicopters flying about the sky, producing rotor noises, a convoy of military vehicles down the road, and a chatter of gunfire erupting within those vehicles as they dealt with the zombies.

His gaze flickered to the helicopter flying above.

"No fucking way, that's an Apache helicopter," The Boss exclaimed in surprise. There's no way they are winning a battle against a militia that is in possession of one of the most highly sophisticated attack aircraft built in the world.

As a military personnel, he knew the sheer power and capability the Apache brought. Its arsenal, from the chain guns to the Hellfire missiles, could annihilate his militia with ease. But he couldn't let the fear seep through; he had to maintain control and composure, not just for himself but for the morale of his men and the legitimacy of the power he wielded.

"Looking surprised huh?" Graves spoke, his lips curled into a grin as looked at the Boss.

The Boss showed no signs of weakness in front of Graves and remained composed. He found it surprising and odd at the same time. Surprising that there are militia camped near their position while at the same time odd because they possess something that even the Philippines Armed Forces did not.

The Philippine Air Force or Army doesn't have Apache in their arsenal—Wait there is another aircraft coming into view. Two rotor blades spinning atop its large and bulky body. There's no mistaking it, that's the Chinook helicopter. Another helicopter that isn't in the inventory of the Philippine military forces. The realization hit The Boss hard. They weren't dealing with a regular militia group or some band of survivors. These people were well-equipped, almost on the level of a small country's military force.

Graves was enjoying the subtle emotion displayed by the Boss's face. "Well, aren't you in for a surprise," Graves remarked, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk.

"Yeah, Graves, I admit it, you have indeed a strong military camp. But I wonder why, why are they negotiating and not attacking us?"

"Why are you so confused about that?" Graves raised a brow. "Of course, they would negotiate, there is life on the line here. And you have no idea how important it is to our commanding officer those 300 survivors are."


Meanwhile, back at the command center.

Richard shifted his attention to another monitor screen displayed on the far-right of the wall.

"Spooky-1 are you in position?" Richard asked.

Spooky-1 is the codename given to the AC-130 gunship that was providing overwatch for the operation.

"Affirmative, Eagle Actual. We are orbiting the resort and have eyes on it. We have a positive ID of Specter-1, on his knees, his arms tied behind his back," the Spooky-1 responded and continued. "Multiple armed guards, stationed around and between the resort. Setting up Overlay-ID on all hostiles."

"Understood, Spooky-1. Stand by for orders. We are going to see what we got in a few minutes."

"I can't wait for our debut, sir," Spooky-1 said.

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