Chapter 71 The Celebration

It was seven o'clock in the evening on August 13th, 2023. Richard stood before the mirror, meticulously inspecting his attire. He had opted for a simple and comfortable look: a white polo shirt, neatly fitted straight-cut jeans, and a pair of brown leather shoes. He ran his fingers through his hair, making sure it was presentable. There was no need for a formal uniform tonight, just something suitable for a relaxed evening.

With a last glance at himself, he nodded in approval. He wasn't one to fuss over his appearance, but tonight's gathering called for a touch of effort. After all, it was meant to be a break from the usual routine as the camp commander.

Satisfied with his appearance, Richard headed for the door, ready to join the celebration. He rode his personal JLTV Oshkosh to the bar where a line of military vehicles such as JLTV Oshkosh, 6X6 Cougar, and M117 Guardian dropped off their passengers, who were soldiers but in their casual attire, they got from the department stores of the malls within Oriental.

When it was his turn, Richard exited the vehicle and handed the keys to the valet, who was also a soldier but dressed in a valet's attire.

"Take care of her okay? She is my current girlfriend while I don't have a real one," Richard said casually, feigning hurt.

The valet chuckled as he accepted the keys. "Don't worry, sir. We'll treat her like a queen while you're inside."

Richard grinned and gave a nod of approval before making his way into the bar. The atmosphere inside was lively and relaxed. The bass thumped from the speakers, and the chatter of soldiers and survivors filled the air. Flashing strobes of lights added dynamic energy to the scene as people moved to the rhythm of the music. Richard navigated his way through the crowd, exchanging greetings and smiles with familiar faces.

Moments later, he was noticed by one of his closest associates.


Richard snapped his head towards the source of the voice. There, he saw Graves, along with Mark, Philip, and Stephen. They raised their glasses in salute, and Richard reciprocated with a smile.

"Good to see you all," Richard said, joining them at their table.

Graves, always the enthusiastic one, grinned. "We were just talking about how far we've come since the outbreak. This celebration is well-deserved."

Philip nodded in agreement. "And it's thanks to your leadership, sir. We couldn't have asked for a better commander."

"Oh come on guys, don't flatter me with those praises, really. I have to admit, I don't deserve some of it because it was you who did the job," Richard humbly replied, a hint of modesty in his voice.

"Oh come on, sir, don't be too humble, here have a drink," Graves handed Richard a cold beer and raised his own bottle. "To our commander!"

All the soldiers present inside raised their bottles and shouted. "To the commander!"

Richard couldn't help but smile at the camaraderie and warmth of his team. He clinked his beer bottle with his Chief of Staff, though Graves was not part of it anymore, before drinking deeply from it. The cold, crisp taste of the beer was refreshing, and it helped Richard relax further into the celebratory mood.

"Okay let's talk about our commander here. We have been curious about your personal life before the apocalypse," Graves said, and sipped his beer. "So tell us something about yourself, sir."

Richard sipped a handful of beer before replying. "Well, before the apocalypse, I was a simple university student. I go to school, study, and after that, return home."

"Do you have a girlfriend, sir?" Mark followed with another question.

Richard chuckled at the question, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the evening. "Well, not at that time. I was too focused on my studies and responsibilities. No time for dating, you know how it is."

Philip leaned in with a mischievous grin. "And what about now, sir? Any special someone caught your eye in this post-apocalyptic world?"

Richard raised an eyebrow playfully. "Ah, you're trying to set me up, aren't you? But to answer your question, no, no special someone yet. I've been a bit preoccupied with my role as the commanding officer of Blackwatch."

Graves nudged him with an elbow. "Come on, sir, you know it's going to be stressful if you are only doing work after work. You should have someone that will look after you. For example, I have Emily. I heard that she was into you."

"I know, but her feelings came from after being saved by me. And that's not a bad thing, but I want a relationship to be built on more than just gratitude," Richard replied.

"You won't get a girl with that kind of attitude, sir. In this apocalypse, you should experience things that you didn't have the chance to experience before," Stephen chimed in.

Richard chuckled, appreciating their concern. "You're right, Mark. To be honest, I do want to experience having a girlfriend. But who would take interest in me?"

"Sir?" Graves tilted his head to the side. "Are you seriously saying that right now when your little sister's classmates are into you? You can literally take one of them."

"Well, it's the same situation with Emily. They developed their feelings for me when I saved them," Richard sir.

"Sir you are so boring if you don't mind me saying," Graves chuckled, taking another sip of his beer. "But I get it. You want something genuine, not just because you're the hero who saved them. In that case, I have someone that fits the criteria."

"Yeah, I have one too," Mark said.


"Oh she is coming right now," Graves said and continued. "And speaking of the devil, here she comes."

Richard watched as Sara approached, her confident stride turning heads as she made her way through the crowd.

Sara's choice of attire was both stylish and practical for the occasion. She wore a knee-length, form-fitting navy blue dress with a subtle floral pattern. The dress had short sleeves and a modest neckline, striking a balance between casual and elegant. It accentuated her slender figure and hinted at her fashionable taste.

She paired the dress with comfortable yet fashionable ankle boots and a simple leather belt cinched at her waist.

She is the only woman inside the bar, and her presence immediately draws attention. Her long, blonde hair cascaded gracefully down her shoulders, and her blue eyes locked with Richard.

As Sara reached the table, her lips curved into a warm and friendly smile. "Good evening sir."

"G–Good evening," Richard stuttered.

"Sara, please take a seat next to the commander," Graves instructed, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Sara complied, gracefully taking the seat next to Richard.

Graves, always the smooth talker, decided to break the ice. "Sara, our commanding officer here, said that he wanted to experience having a girlfriend and you specifically caught his eye."

"Wait, Graves what the fuck?! I didn't say that. Sara, please don't listen to his mischievous ramblings," Richard exclaimed, blushing slightly.

Sara too was surprised slightly but Richard could see her cheeks reddening.

"I think we should leave them alone," Mark suggested.

"I agree," Philip nodded in agreement. "Let's give them some space.

The four of them rose to their feet, leaving Richard and Sara to their own devices.

"Guys please don't leave!" Richard pleaded, but it was too late. His Chief of Staff had already dispersed into the crowd, leaving him alone with Sara.

Sara, still slightly flustered by the unexpected situation, let out a soft chuckle. "Well, it seems we've been abandoned."

Richard sighed and looked at Sara. "Yeah…"

Now that she was looking at Sara, he didn't see until now that Sara had a pretty face. For him, Sara was just an important staff of his like others, but tonight, in this unexpected turn of events, he found himself seeing her in a new light. Sara's features were soft and inviting, and her smile radiated warmth. He realized that he had never taken the time to truly appreciate the people around him, especially those like Sara, who had been a dedicated member of the Blackwatch.

Sara, picking up on his contemplative mood, tilted her head slightly. "Is everything alright, sir?"

Richard blinked, coming back to the present moment. "Oh, yes, everything's fine. It's just... Well, I suppose I've been so focused on my duties that I haven't really taken the time to get to know those around me on a more personal level."

Sara nodded in understanding. "So…you want us to know each other on a personal level?"

"If that's okay with you," Richard responded, a genuine smile forming on his face.

Sara's own smile brightened. "I'd be honored, sir."

"Please stop calling me sir, Richard is fine."

Sara smiled. "In that case sir, call me by my name Sara,"

And so it began with Richard telling her stories about himself, he shared embarrassing moments and endearing anecdotes from his past. Sara, in turn, opened up about her experiences ever since she was summoned to this world.

As they talked, the initial awkwardness melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and familiarity.

One story led to another, and before they knew it, they had been chatting for hours. The bar's lively ambiance had transformed into a quieter, more intimate space around them as if the rest of the world had faded into the background.

They are also getting drunk after drinking and laughing, finding solace and understanding in each other's words.

"And so while Graves was calling air support, I kept shooting and shooting—Sara?"

As Sara leaned in closer, her laughter infectious and her face flushed with the effects of the alcohol, Richard found himself captivated by her presence. Her breath was warm against his cheek, and her lips were tantalizingly close to his.

"I think you have had enough, Sara," Richard said. He gently placed a hand on her arm, trying to steady her. The alcohol had clearly taken its toll, and he didn't want her to overdo it.

Sara blinked, her eyes momentarily unfocused as she looked at Richard. "Oh, right," she murmured, her words slightly slurred. She leaned back in her chair, a small giggle escaping her lips.

"I'm shory…Richard…I'm gwetting…zizzy…can we go somewhere phrase alone?"

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