Chapter 59 The Wave

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 100/100

Age: 21

Level: 24

Experience points: 2,101,924/2,348,658

Skills: Weapon Proficiency Level 2, Melee Proficiency Level 2, Driving Proficiency Level 2.

Available Skill Points: 2

Summoned Troops: 850/950

Current gold balance: 68,061,300 gold coins]

"Woah…killing a Goliath gives tons of reward huh?" Richard muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Andrea asked as she leaned her face close.

"Forget what I said," Richard said as he reached for his radio. "All stations, Goliath has been eliminated. I repeat, Goliath has been eliminated."

After hearing Richard's announcement of their victory, there was a collective cheer and a sense of relief from the soldiers who had been engaged in the intense battle. The Goliath had been a formidable opponent, and its demise was a significant victory.

But—it wasn't the end.

"Eagle Actual, zombie hordes are approaching the perimeter of the Oriental," Mark informed.

Richard checked the time on his wristwatch, and there he saw the time. It was one minute before midnight.

"We have to get going, the battle is far from over. Andrea, thank you for the assistance earlier."

"Uhm—I just took the final blow. You could have defeated it on your own," Andrea said humbly.

Andrea was right, Richard's army could have defeated the Goliath with two or three missiles. If only they had more firepower, the casualties would be minimal. Well now that he received a huge chunk of money out of the Goliath, he could use it to invest it more on air and ground assets.

"Still, we can't deny the fact that you helped us, so accept it," Richard said with a smile. "Perhaps, we'd need it again."

"I'll try my best," Andrea replied with a nod. She knew that she had a role to play in this fight, and she was ready to embrace it.

"Follow me."

Richard led the way towards one of the JLTV Oshkosh. He hopped into the driver's seat while Andrea took the passenger seat beside him. The engine roared to life, and the vehicle quickly joined the convoy of armored vehicles preparing to defend the Oriental.

Richard was behind the convoy, and behind the JLTV Oshkosh he was driving were fast-running zombies chasing them.

"So that's the real wave huh?" Richard commented as he was looking at the car mirror, monitoring the relentless pursuit of the fast-running zombies. Their pallid, decaying faces were contorted in grotesque hunger as they closed the gap between the convoy and themselves.

But before the zombies could even get close, the troops stationed at the Northern Front unleashed a hail of bullets at the wave of zombies! MG42 Machine gun, M2 Browning, and the main armaments of the M117 Guardian, LAV-25, and 6X6 Cougar.

Zombies were mowed down in droves, but their sheer numbers were overwhelming. For everyone that fell, it seemed two more rushed to take its place.

"Would they be overwhelmed?" Andrea asked concernedly to Richard.

"As long as it's ordinary zombies, they won't be overrun," Richard replied as he grabbed the tablet from the passenger seat next to him.

As soon as he grabbed it, he opened the app that connected him to the command center system, allowing him to see what the command center was seeing.

"All stations, this is Blackwatch. All fronts are engaging the zombies. Flyers are detected in the airspace, hunters are behind the lines…"

The command center gave incessant orders and instructions to the military personnel fighting the zombies.

"All attack helicopters, as soon as you are rearmed and refueled, support the ground forces immediately!"

"These zombies aren't giving us a—"

"Richard, look out!" Andrea shouted as a massive shadow loomed over them.


Before Richard could react, the JLTV Oshkosh he was driving was hit broadside by a Hunter. The impact sent the vehicle spinning, and the world outside became a chaotic blur of twisted metal and shattered glass.

Inside the JLTV Oshkosh, both Richard and Andrea were thrown around like ragdolls. The vehicle finally came to a stop, its engine sputtering, and smoke filling the cabin.

Richard groaned as he tried to regain his bearings. His vision was blurred, and his head throbbed from the impact. He quickly checked his status.

[User: Richard Gonzales

Health: 60/100]

"Are you okay, Sir Richard?" Andrea called out as she reached towards him.

Richard, though shaken, managed to reply. "I think so. Just a few bumps and bruises."

Blood trickled down his forehead, and he felt dizzy.

"We have to get out of here," Richard said and Andrea simply kicked the door with her might, causing it to swing open. They scrambled out of the wrecked JLTV Oshkosh, coughing as they emerged.

The Hunter, its massive form still looming nearby, looked down on them. Atop it, there's a health bar and a name.

[Alpha Hunter]

[In the hierarchy of Hunters, the Alpha variant reigns supreme, standing head and shoulders above its infected kin in both size and prowess. With unmatched speed and agility, it sprints and leaps beyond the capabilities of standard Hunters, exhibiting relentless aggression as it swiftly eliminates any perceived threats on sight.]

After reading the description of the Alpha Hunter, Richard knew they were fighting probably the second strongest infected. He won't even need the description to tell him that they are superior because it is evident from their appearance alone.

The Alpha Hunter was a towering behemoth, its hulking frame reaching a staggering four meters in height and two meters in width. Its massive, sinewy limbs were adorned with grotesquely oversized, razor-sharp claws.

As it let out a deafening roar, the very ground beneath them seemed to quake in submission. Is it for intimidation? It was not, because after the roar, three ordinary Hunters, relatively smaller in size but no less menacing, landed behind the Alpha Hunter as if they had been summoned to its dark bidding.

"This is not looking good," Richard said as he rose to his feet.

"Stay behind me, Sir Richard," Andrea said, raising her katana with a fierce resolve, and locking gaze with the Alpha Hunter.

Richard took the opportunity of Andrea not looking at him by buying weapons from his system. The M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher materialized in his arms.

"I'll support you," Richard declared.

The three ordinary Hunters behind the Alpha Hunter let out guttural growls. Without a moment's hesitation, the Alpha Hunter lunged forward, its massive form covering the distance with alarming speed. Richard aimed the grenade launcher and squeezed the trigger. The launcher roared to life, sending a barrage of? 40×46 millimeter grenade explosive rounds hurtling toward the oncoming threat.

The deafening explosion shook the air, engulfing the Alpha Hunter in a cloud of smoke. But Alpha Hunter emerged, barely affected by the onslaught. It snarled, seemingly unscathed, and continued its charge.

Beside Richard, Andrea moved with blinding speed. She darted to the side, narrowly evading the Alpha Hunter's deadly claws. With a swift motion, she countered, her katana slashing through the air. The blade found its mark, slicing a deep gash across the Alpha Hunter's arm. Black, viscous blood oozed from the wound.

Richard fired another round of 40×46 millimeter grenade explosive rounds, creating a series of explosions around the Alpha Hunter. The concussive force rocked the infected behemoth, causing it to stagger for a moment.

Its cohorts finally arrived to reinforce their leader, but Andrea acted with lightning speed. With one arcing slice of her katana, she instantly chopped off the heads of the ordinary Hunters, severing their connection to the Alpha Hunter. Their lifeless bodies collapsed to the ground in a heap.

Richard was taken by surprise, Andrea had one-shotted the ordinary hunters. It must be the pill that she consumed earlier.

Now, this left the Alpha Hunter alone. Its health is at 25 percent. The grenade launcher was doing three percent damage and he had fired six rounds. So four percent was dealt with by Andrea.

As Richard was about to reload, the Alpha Hunter charged at him, its arm outstretched to deliver a deadly swipe. Richard barely had time to react as he jumped backward, narrowly avoiding the creature's attack. The Alpha Hunter's claws scraped the ground, sending sparks flying.

Andrea, not wasting a moment, took advantage of the Alpha Hunter's momentary distraction. She lunged forward, delivering a powerful jump kick to the creature's side. Her boot connected with a resounding impact, and the Alpha Hunter was sent flying three meters away.

The infected behemoth crashed to the ground, its massive form momentarily stunned. Richard seized this opportunity to reload his grenade launcher quickly. As the Alpha Hunter struggled to rise. He fired six rounds at it in quick succession, each explosive round detonating with devastating force around the Alpha Hunter. The concussive blasts rocked the creature, sending it tumbling across the ground.

Andrea dashed forward and immediately closed in the distance. Raising her katana high, she performed a series of slashes. For Richard, her movement was a blur, it was so fast that he couldn't see it.

The Alpha Hunter roared and swept its arm in front, swatting Andrea away like an insignificant nuisance. She was sent sprawling, her body crashing into an edifice of a building.

Andrea fell down from the third floor to the ground with a thud. Such an injury would definitely kill an ordinary person but not for Andrea. She rose up and stood her ground, her katana still clutched tightly in her hand.

The Alpha Hunter only has 40 percent health, just a little more.

As they were about to continue where they left off, an ear-numbing noise sounded from their left. And before Richard could process it, the Alpha Hunter's head was obliterated and its body fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

"What the heck?" Richard looked to the right and saw the M1A2 Abrams tank.

"How do you like it, sir? It's the Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot we fired," the tank crews said as the Abrams tank drove forward.

"No wonder its head was obliterated," Richard chuckled.

Richard could hear the fighting from every front, the gunshots, the cannons roaring, and the rapid-firing burst of the C-RAM as it intercepted Flyers flying in the sky.

"Blackwatch to Eagle Actual, what's your sitrep?"

"I'm alive," Richard replied. "How's every front doing?"

"They are doing good, Actual. Our biggest threat is the Hunters but we are sending everything we have on them—Wait, Actual, one of the Hunters breached into the University!"

Richard's eyes widened. "Lisa!"

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