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Above the Oriental Blackwatch Military Camp, cruising at thirty thousand feet, the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber maintained a steady flight path. Inside the cockpit, the pilot and co-pilot worked in tandem, their movements precise and methodical. The aircraft, known for its stealth capabilities and substantial payload capacity, was now a crucial element in the unfolding operation below.

"Ghost Leader to Eagle Actual, we have reached the target location," the pilot communicated.

Back at the command center, Richard responded promptly. "Eagle Actual to Ghost Leader, confirm target acquisition. You are clear to commence operation."

The pilot acknowledged, "Roger that, Eagle Actual. Preparing for bombing sequence."

Inside the B-2, the atmosphere was one of intense focus. The bomber was equipped with state-of-the-art avionics and navigation systems. The pilot navigated the B-2 using a combination of GPS and inertial guidance systems, ensuring pinpoint accuracy for the drop. 

"Initiating bomb bay doors opening," the co-pilot announced, activating the controls. The bomb bay doors responded, opening smoothly, revealing the payload within. The B-2 carried a mix of precision-guided bombs, each capable of causing significant damage upon impact.

The pilot cross-checked their altitude and coordinates against the target below. The B-2's Heads-Up Display (HUD) provided critical information in real-time, overlaying the target data over the pilot's field of view. He made slight adjustments to align the aircraft perfectly with the target.

"Eagle Actual, Ghost Leader. Bomb bay doors open, aligning for drop."

Richard's voice came through the radio, "Ghost Leader, you are authorized to engage. Execute with extreme precision."

"Copy that, Eagle Actual. Engaging target."

As more bombs fell, the shield began to crack, small fissures appearing across its surface. Crimson gritted her teeth, focusing all her energy on maintaining the barrier, but it was clear she was struggling. The relentless impact of the bombs was overwhelming her defenses, leaving her vulnerable for the first time.

Finally, a particularly powerful explosion struck near her, the force of the blast too much for the weakened shield. It shattered, sending shards of blood-like energy scattering into the air. Crimson was thrown to the ground, her body battered by the shockwave.

The bombing didn't end there as she saw twenty more bombs dropping to her spot. Without much time to react, she scrambled to her feet, attempting to dodge the incoming onslaught. However, it was futile as the bombs continued to rain down with unrelenting fury. Each explosion was closer than the last.

Crimson tried to summon another barrier, but her powers were depleted. Her attempts were feeble, and the protective layer she managed to create was quickly torn apart by the next wave of explosions. The invincible Crimson, who had seemed unstoppable moments ago, was now being torn apart by the merciless bombardment. Limbs were severed, and her once formidable figure was dismembered by the relentless impact of the explosions.

The final bomb detonated directly above Crimson, its impact sending a colossal blast wave that obliterated everything in its vicinity. 

"All bombs detonated upon impact Eagle Actual," Ghost Leader announced.

"I need visual confirmation," Richard ordered.

"Copy that, bringing up the EO/IR camera system now," the co-pilot responded, activating the Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) surveillance system installed in the B-2. This advanced camera system allowed for detailed imaging of the ground, even from high altitudes, using a combination of optical and thermal imaging technologies.

The EO/IR system zoomed in on the devastated Oriental Blackwatch Military Camp, transmitting high-resolution images back to the bomber and to the command center. The camera panned over the area, providing a clear view of the aftermath of the bombardment. 

lightsnοvεl The camp was—unrecognizable with skyscrapers mostly dominating within the perimeter of the camp, crumbling and their facade shattered. The streets were littered with craters, and there were fires here and there. It was sad to see.

As the camera focused on the epicenter of the explosions, they saw the body of Crimson, her body torn and dismembered yet regenerating. 

"Okay this time, no mistake. Let's retrieve her body and extract the pill out of her," Richard ordered, looking at Graves. 

"With pleasure."

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