Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Chapter 202 A Bit of Trolling from the Progenitor

Chapter 202 A Bit of Trolling from the Progenitor

In an unknown location, Lin Feng materialized from the shadows and walked toward the group that was waiting for him.

"You are quite early," Su Xue said, walking towards her and wiping off the dust that had settled on his clothes. "Must have been an easy mob to deal with."

"Their summoner is not with them but I'm pretty sure that there is someone here in Seoul that is overseeing their operation. They can't be alone and in no way would get here without means of transportation. Now that you have approached me, I'm sure you have interesting news to tell me?"

"I did, there is a plane orbiting Seoul with an altitude of thirty thousand feet. It must be where their officer is communicating with their ground troops."

"As expected, I knew you would spot them quickly…" Lin Feng said with an amused smile. He turned around and gazed towards the sky. It's filled with thick clouds and shimmering stars. Even if he were to squint his eyes, there is no chance of him seeing the plane flying at 30,000 feet, except from Su Xue.

"Over there," Su Xue pointed her finger to the sky.

Lin Feng nodded, following Su Xue's pointed finger. His gaze seemed to pierce through the thick veil of clouds, though he couldn't visually confirm the aircraft's presence. "Good work, Su Xue. They think they're safe up there, hidden in the sky," he mused

"Shall I bring it down?" One of his harems asked, her tone nonchalant, as if she were discussing something mundane rather than the prospect of bringing down an aircraft.

Lin Feng's gaze flickered to that woman and he shook his head. "No, this is something that I can do. And it'll be bad if they see your abilities."

"Very well, Master," she said, taking a step back.

"Su Xue, give me their real-time position," Lin Feng instructed to which Su Xue nodded in acknowledgment.

Lin Feng approached the downed hexagon tapered street pole, its eight-meter in height. Su Xue, attentive to his every move, relayed real-time coordinates of the aircraft orbiting high above Seoul. Lin Feng's eyes narrowed as he considered the pole, analyzing its weight and aerodynamics.

With a casual yet powerful grip, Lin Feng effortlessly ripped the pole from the ground, lifting it as though it were a mere stick. He balanced it in his hand, feeling its weight and structure. The pole, made of durable material, seemed like a perfect makeshift projectile in his hands.

"Are you planning on throwing that pole to that plane flying over at thirty thousand feet?" Su Xue asked, her eyes furrowing concernedly.

"Do the math, Su Xue. I want to know if it can reach that height," Lin Feng ordered.

"Master, considering the average weight of a street pole, which is approximately 400 kilograms, and its aerodynamic structure, which is not optimized for flight, we have to calculate the required initial velocity for it to reach an altitude of thirty thousand feet. To overcome gravity and air resistance, the pole would need to be launched at an incredibly high velocity. The force required would be immense, given the drag coefficient of such an object. Given the height of thirty thousand feet, which is about 9144 meters, we can use the basic projectile motion equations. However, we must factor in air resistance, which significantly alters the trajectory."

After a few moments, Su Xue met her master's gaze somberly. "Master, to reach that altitude, the initial velocity would need to be several times the speed of sound. The pole would need to be launched at a speed exceeding Mach 5 to even have a chance of reaching that height."

"And the air resistance?" Lin Feng inquired, already suspecting the answer.

"The air resistance at such speeds would be tremendous. The pole would likely disintegrate before reaching even a fraction of that altitude. The structural integrity of a street pole is simply not designed to withstand such forces," Su Xue concluded.

"As expected…but what if I changed something with it?" Lin Feng's lips curled into a cunning smile. Gripping the pole tightly, red tendrils came out from underneath his hand and they wrapped around the pole and began to transform it. The once-ordinary street pole began to morph, its structure altering at a molecular level.

"You have infused it with a new property taken out of your body," Su Xue observed. "In that case, that may reach the height and protect it from getting disintegrated from the air resistance."

Lin Feng aimed the pole at the sky. "Is the angle good enough?"

"Adjust it by another 5 degrees to the right," Su Xue quickly calculated. "That should compensate for the current wind velocity and direction at higher altitudes."

Lin Feng made the adjustment, his eyes focused intently on the invisible target in the sky. He flexed his muscles, preparing to launch the pole with the necessary force.

He took a deep breath, channeling his strength. With a powerful heave, he launched the pole skyward. It soared upwards at an incredible speed, its trajectory true to Su Xue's calculations.


Meanwhile, on the C-17 Globemaster. Graves removed his earpiece and took a seat. The mission was a success in a way that they managed to gauge the capabilities of the progenitor. He was strong, really strong and nothing would change if he was leading the team on the ground. He could even die there. This mission is supposed to be a suicidal one, but he feels bad for those men.

He wondered what Richard came up with to counter the progenitor. Well, he'll learn it once they return to the Philippines.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing scraping sound rang through the aircraft, causing Graves to stand up abruptly. Alarmed, he rushed towards the cockpit where the pilot and co-pilot were managing the controls.

"What was that noise?" Graves demanded.

The pilot glanced back at him, his expression composed but serious. "Something just grazed us," he reported. "It was brief, but it felt like a high-speed object."

Graves' mind raced. Could it be related to Lin Feng? He had to consider the possibility. "Is there any damage to the aircraft?" he asked urgently.

The co-pilot, who was busy checking the instruments, responded, "No visible damage from here. All systems are still functioning normally. But I've increased our speed just in case. We need to get out of this airspace as soon as possible."

Graves nodded in agreement. "Keep me updated on any changes. I'll inform the command about this incident."

Returning to his seat, Graves pondered the implications of what had just happened. If Lin Feng was capable of targeting them even at this altitude, it meant his reach and capabilities were far beyond what they had anticipated. Richard's plan on getting stronger must be rock solid now.


Back on the ground.

"You missed, master," Su Xue informed. "Do you want to take another shot?"

"No…it's best that we get out of here before the Blackwatch retaliates. I provoked them to use their nuclear missiles."

"You did?" Su Xue sighed. "In that case we should really fall back now."

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