Chapter 166 The Challenge

The super soldier that Richard summoned earlier was standing in the command center. The staffers working inside exchanged glances, wondering what it was doing here.

It has been standing there for thirty minutes. And it is creeping them out.

"Probably one of our commanding officer's summons," one of the staff working on the communications guessed.

"Could be," Sara said, agreeing to her co-worker's words. "Sir Richard said that he was going to reap his rewards. It is possible that this man standing before us is one of them."

She approached the soldier and as she neared, she started to take in the bulk of his statue. It was tall, wide, and looked powerful.

"Introduce yourselves, I'm your master's girlfriend," Sara ordered.

"I have no name," came a reply from a man with a deep voice. "My master has not given me one yet."

"I see," Sara hummed as she contemplated. When Richard summons a military unit, there's not a name assigned to them. So they are addressed on what role they play. She still remembered Richard's words prior to him giving her a name.

"Okay, Cyber Specialist, I'm going to name you because your title is long. How about I call you Sara?"

Those words are still fresh in her memories. It was one of the most important moments in her life, a turning point where she went from being a mere pawn to having an identity. She looked at the super soldier before her, contemplating a similar act.

"You need a name," Sara said decisively. "Let's call you... Titan. It suits your stature."

"I apologize, but only the master can give me a name," the super soldier regretfully

informed her. "Until then, you may address me as Super Soldier."

Sara's expression softened, understanding the protocol and the soldier's loyalty to Richard. She nodded, respecting his decision. "Very well, Super Soldier. It is."

Just then, Richard enters the command center, followed by Graves who is wearing an advanced combat suit similar to Richard.

Richard's gaze swept over the room, landing on the imposing figure of the Super Soldier and Sara beside him.

"Ah, I see you've met," Richard remarked, walking over to them. "He's one of my recent summons, he is referred to as Super Soldier. But a title serving as your identity is lame. How about this? I'm going to give you a name."

"Actually Richard, I have given him a name but it was declined since you're the only one who can name him," Sara interjected quickly, slightly embarrassed but determined.

Richard raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? And what name did you have in mind, Sara?"

She hesitated for a moment before answering, "Titan. I thought it suited his stature and presence."

Richard nodded thoughtfully, turning to the Super Soldier. "Titan, huh? I like it. It's strong, and commanding. From now on, you will be known as Titan."

The Super Soldier, now Titan, acknowledged his new name with a nod. "Understood, Master. I am Titan."

Graves, who had been quietly observing the exchange, let out a low whistle. "Fitting name for a beast like him," he commented, looking impressed.

The mood in the command center shifted slightly, the staff now curious and less apprehensive about the newly named Titan. Sara felt a sense of accomplishment, having played a part in giving Titan something more personal than just a title.

Richard glanced around the room, his expression turning serious. "Now, Titan, I want to test your capabilities. Is it okay if you can demonstrate it to us through about?"

Titan stood straighter, if possible, at Richard's request. His voice was steady and confident as he replied, "As you wish, Master. I am ready to demonstrate my capabilities."

"Very well. You'll be fighting this man over here," Richard said, glancing over to Graves. "For the arena, I'm thinking we can use the Skyway."

"Wait…Uhm…Sir Richard, can I talk to you for a second?" Graves tapped lightly on Richard's shoulder.

Richard turned to Graves, noticing the slight hesitation in his demeanor. "What is it, Graves?"

Graves glanced at Titan, then back to Richard. "Is this what you are talking about when you asked me if I am up to the challenge? Fight this guy? Sir…you can see for yourself. That man looked strong, I don't think I can fight it."

"Actually you can, because you are going to wear a suit that I wore when I fought the mutated zombies. You can do it. And if we are going to gauge one's strength, it is going to be through gold coins. One unit of super soldier costs about 15,000,000 gold coins. Your suit cost double that."

Richard's words seemed to reassure Graves, although there was still a hint of apprehension in his eyes. "Alright, if you say so, Sir," he said, nodding slowly.

Richard clapped him on the shoulder. "You'll do fine, Graves. Remember, it's just a demonstration. We're not here to destroy each other."

Turning to the rest of the team, Richard explained the rules. "This is a controlled bout. The objective is to test capabilities, not to incapacitate. Only your fist and the environment are allowed to be used as weapons. That means you can hurl a vehicle or rubble, or anything your hands can grab onto your opponent, but no firearms or explosives. We need to keep this as safe as possible."

Graves and Titan nodded in understanding.

"Okay, we are going to use a chopper to get to the Skyway. It is abandoned and there's no presence of zombies in the area. We can use the area without concerning ourselves with attracting hordes of zombies."

The two nodded again in understanding.

"Very well, follow me to the rooftop, and let's get you both on a helicopter," Richard led the way to the rooftop where a CH-47 Chinook awaited them.

As they all boarded, the mood was one of focused anticipation. The helicopter took off smoothly, heading towards the designated area on the Skyway. Sara, sitting next to Richard, watched the landscape below change, the deserted and zombie-free area coming into view.

For those who don't know, a skyway is an elevated expressway constructed to alleviate traffic congestion. It stretched across Metro Manila, connecting major cities. But now, it was filled with abandoned vehicles and debris.

While Richard's gaze was scanning the contour of the highway, there was a resounding boom reverberating in the area. He snapped his eyes toward the sound and saw the Titan.

"Wait…did he just jump 200 feet in the air?" Richard uttered in disbelief.

Graves meanwhile, waited for the helicopter to land. He was reading the manual of the suit before he got into the battle with the Titan.

"Okay…Graves, do your best," Richard cheered. "I'll be with you on comms and we are going to watch you from above."

"Is there a time limit?"

"Yeah…five minutes would do," Richard said.


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