Chapter 159 RTB

"So…how do we contact one another?" Santos added.

"Oh about that... we will hand you a radio. Unfortunately, I don't have it here, it's on the helicopter. Do you mind if I order one of my men to get it?" Graves asked, already reaching for his earpiece to communicate with his team.

"That would be fine," Santos replied

Graves nodded and spoke into his earpiece, "Specter-2, bring one of the spare radios to the command center, over."

"Copy that, Specter-1. On my way," came the swift reply.

While waiting, Graves and Santos engaged in a light conversation about the current situation. Santos shared insights into how her group had been managing, highlighting the challenges they faced daily. Graves listened attentively, gaining a better understanding of the community's struggles and needs.

Soon enough, one of Graves's men arrived, handing over a sturdy-looking radio. "Here you go, sir."

Graves took the radio and handed it to Santos. "This should keep us connected. We'll be on standby for your decision."

Santos accepted the radio, examining it briefly. "Thank you. We'll be in touch. And thank you for coming forward and offering your assistance."

Graves stood up, extending his hand. "It's been a pleasure, ma'am. We hope to work together for the betterment of everyone here."

Then, General Peralta entered the office.

"General… please see to it that this gentleman here and his team are escorted safely back to their helicopter," Santos instructed.

"Of course, ma'am," Peralta acknowledged with a nod. He turned to Graves, "If you'll follow me, we'll make sure you get back without any issues."

As they walked out of the office, Graves glanced back at Santos, who gave him a nod of acknowledgment. He then followed Peralta through the camp.

While they were heading towards the parked helicopter, Peralta asked.

"So, what did you two discuss?"

"Just like what I told you earlier, we want to move here in this city. It's a perfect place. She said she'll be talking about it with the council and get back to us in a few days," Graves replied, keeping his tone even.

Peralta nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Imagine what would happen if your forces were to stay here…there will be a conflict of interests…"

"Really?" Graves glanced at Peralta and saw his serious expression. "Hmm…if it comes to a point where we entered an agreement with the council and we are moving in, would you accept my boss as your boss?"

"That's what we have to settle before anything else," Peralta responded. "You see…Sir Graves…if someone like you comes here in our camp and you are militarily stronger, who do you think will reign? Of course, it's going to be your camp."

"You don't have to worry about us taking over…our leader is reasonable and kind, I can assure you that."

Moments later, they arrived at the Pave Hawk helicopters. Graves watched as his men boarded the aircraft. He turned back to Peralta, offering a final handshake.

"Thank you for the escort, General. And for the candid conversation."

Peralta returned the handshake firmly. "Agreed.?Safe flight, Graves."

Graves climbed aboard the helicopter, settling into his seat as the rotors began to spin. As the helicopter lifted off, he gazed down at the camp, soon, it was going to be them living in it.

Graves pressed his earpiece, contacting the command center. "Specter-1 to Eagle."

"This is Eagle, send traffic," Richard responded.

"Decision will take about three days, according to Santos," Graves reported. "We had a productive talk. There are concerns about leadership and command structure, but we're willing to work through these."

"That's good to hear," Richard replied. "We'll prepare on our end. What's your situation?"

"We are RTB, Eagle," Graves confirmed.

"Copy that, Specter-1," Richard replied. "We'll have a meeting once you're back to discuss our approach and strategy. Eagle out."


At the command center, the moment Richard ended transmission with Graves, he spoke.

"I'm going to excuse myself in the meantime."

"For what sir?" Mark asked and then realized immediately as to why. "Oh…I see. Good luck with taking care of her, sir. She's probably staying on the rooftop."

"Yeah…hold the fort for me while I'm gone," Richard replied, standing up from his seat.

As Richard made his way to the rooftop, he thought about Sara, hoping to understand the reason behind her recent change in behavior. He stepped out onto the rooftop, finding Sara there, looking out over the cityscape. The wind gently blew her golden hair, and she seemed deep in thought.

"Sara," Richard called out softly, not wanting to startle her.

She turned, slightly surprised. "Oh, Richard... I didn't expect you here.'

"I wanted to check on you," Richard said, approaching her. "You seemed... different today. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine…"

"But you are not fine," Richard interjected gently. "I know you, Sara. Something's on your mind. You can talk to me."

"Nothing…this is just a girl's thing…Richard…I'm on my period and it's just making me feel off," Sara finally admitted, looking slightly embarrassed.

Richard nodded, understandingly. "I get it, and it's completely okay."

He approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. She's so soft and warm, he thought. Richard gently rested his chin on her shoulder, offering a comforting presence.

"If there's anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable, just let me know."

Sara leaned back slightly into his embrace. "There is one favor."

"Anything for you babe," Richard said.

Sara tilted her head to the side, showing her neck. "Can you plant a kiss on my neck? It always comforts me."

Without hesitation, Richard softly kissed her neck, offering the gentle comfort she sought. Sara let out a small sigh, visibly relaxing under his touch.

"Thank you," she murmured. "That helps more than you know."

"You know I don't mind doing this in the command center if you are not in the mood…"

Sara giggled. "That would be inappropriate. You are a leader and you shouldn't display yourself like that in front of your men."

"Thank you for that reminder," Richard chuckled, releasing her from his embrace. "How about we return inside?"

"Hmm…" Sara agreed with a hum.

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