Request (2)

Request (2)

"Can you also tell me about things that will happen in the near future?"

"Well, even I can't see that. However, be wary of those with deep grudges wherever you go. Your fate is such that those kinds of people are drawn to you."

"Simply put."

"If you resolve their grudges, it will become a blessing, and if you don't, it will become a curse."

Doesn't this guy understand what 'simply put' means?

"Leave now, I'm hungry."


I leave the tent after the shaman's dismissal.

And with my energy depleted, I trudge towards the city.

As I walk, my energy gradually returns.

'Is it thanks to the Spirit Engraving?'

The first stage of the Undying Engraving increases natural regeneration, and the second stage increases endurance and magic resistance.

Magic resistance is literally resistance to magic damage, and endurance affects the maximum amount of stamina and its regeneration speed.

In other words, unlike physical stats like strength or agility, it's not a noticeable stat.


'It's not bad.'

If these sub-stats don't support the character, they won't be able to fulfill their role properly later on.

Moreover, to unlock the 6th stage engraving, which is the core of my build, I need to gradually increase them from now on.

'From the 3rd stage engraving onwards, it's quite useful on its own.'

I was originally planning to go straight to the 3rd stage, but I'll leave that for tomorrow.

Then, since I have some time left today—


Just as I'm re-evaluating my plans for the day, I hear a familiar voice from somewhere.

It's a somewhat whispering shout.

For a moment, I think I might have misheard, but...


I look in the direction of the sound, and a face pops out from the swaying bushes.


"Be quiet! We'll be in big trouble if we're caught!"

At Ainar's urgent request, I instinctively crouch down in front of the bushes and lower my voice.

"...Why are you here?"

"I heard from the elder that you came to the sanctuary, so I came to see you for a moment. You have to pass through this path to go to the city, right?"

Hmm, I see.

But how did she know when I would come?

"Still, it's good that I came early. My legs were getting stiff!"

So she was just planning to wait until I came.

As expected of Ainar.

"Anyway, someone might pass by, so come over here quickly."

Since she's a welcome face and I was curious about how she's doing, I climb over the thick bushes and crouch down between them.

Only then can I see Ainar's body properly.

I ask with genuine concern,

"...Why are you so thin?"

Her height has decreased to around 175 centimeters due to the Bone Knight's essence.

But she didn't look small because she still had muscles, but what about now?

Ainar smiles bitterly.

"Huhuhu, don't look too much, it's embarrassing. I know better than anyone that I look pathetic."

Her once muscular warrior's body has transformed into a slim, lean figure in just a month.

"Does the elder not feed you properly?"

"It's not that, it's just that my muscles have been compressed from training every day, and I ended up like this."


"There's something like that. I don't know much about it either, so don't ask for details."

"I see..."

Even so, what kind of training could turn her healthy body into this?

I keep my mouth shut, unable to contain my dismay.

Ainar then forces a smile and changes the subject.

"I heard about you from the elder. You gained the title of Little Balkan, right? As expected, you're amazing, Bjorn!"

"It's nothing special."

"What happened there? I'm curious about your story."

Ainar looks at me with sparkling eyes.

She must be curious about the outside world after spending all her time training.

Feeling a bit sorry for her, I settle down and start telling her my story in earnest.

"Oh, you formed a team with Hikurod? That's good. I was worried after leaving, but I can trust him."

I tell her about forming a team with Hikurod.

And about the various incidents we experienced in the labyrinth.

But just as the story is about to end...

"Ainar, second daughter of Frenelin!!!!!!"

A roaring shout erupts from afar.

"Did you run away again!!!!"

"Oh, no. I think the elder noticed that I ran away."

Ainar hurriedly gets up at the loud roar that makes my ears ring even from afar.

I ask with concern,

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. My training will just be doubled today. I can just stay up all night, so don't worry too much."

No, I'm even more worried...

"Anyway, I was bored to death, so it was nice to hear an interesting story. So come again next time."


"Then I'll be off!"

Ainar turns around and starts running in the direction of the sound.

So I'm about to continue on my way...

"Ah, right! Bjorn!"

Ainar suddenly turns around and calls out to me.

And she says something unexpected.

"I couldn't say it earlier, but I'm glad you look well!"

"I look well?"

"Before, you had a more... venomous look, I guess? Well, I didn't mind that either…! But now you seem a bit more relaxed! It must be because your new companions are trustworthy!"

Hmm, is that so?

I don't know...

"Ainar!!! Get your ass over here!!"

"Ugh, anyway, see you later!! I'll keep training hard and come back as a more reliable warrior!"

Ainar then disappears from my sight.

But I stand there and think for a moment.

'The venom is gone...'

Is this a positive change or a negative one?

I don't know yet.


Since the Spirit Engraving finished early and I had some time left, I visit the Magic Tower.

To fulfill today's research quota.

"Huh? Mr. Yandel, why are you here today? Weren't you supposed to come tomorrow?"

"Something came up tomorrow, so I came today."

"No, if you have a prior engagement, shouldn't you avoid making other plans?"

...She has a point.

But I'm a fine barbarian.

I'm not bound by social etiquette and customs.

"What does 'prior engagement' mean?"

"Ugh, you really only act like this at times like this... Anyway, sit down and wait for a bit. I'll start as soon as I finish what I'm doing."


After a short wait, the preparations for today's experiment are complete.

For reference, today's experiment is about confirming how the vampire's magic resistance affects mental magic and measuring the exact value of the decreased sun resistance...

"I don't need an explanation, just do it."

"Then shall we begin?"


As I sit there blankly, entrusting my body to the sinister-looking experimental tools, the experiment ends sooner than expected.

But just as I'm about to leave without looking back...

"Hey, Mr. Yandel!"

Raven calls out to me urgently.

I thought she had something to say about the research...

"So when are you going to tell me about that?"

"About what?"

"The sacred relic you used to catch the vampire! How did you know? That the [Tears of the Goddess] was there?"

Ah, again?

It's a conversation that happens every time I visit this place.

"I keep telling you, I don't even know what that is."

"You're going to act like that again?"

Raven crosses her arms and glares at me.

But does she even know? That she just looks arrogant with her small stature.

I ask directly,

"Arrua Raven, what is the [Tears of the Goddess] that you're so obsessed with?"

At first, I thought she suspected me of being an evil spirit.

But judging by her behavior afterwards, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Just look at when she was asking about the pill and the letter.

If she had suspected me of being an evil spirit, it would have shown somehow during the conversation.

"...It's not because of the sacred relic."

She finally answers.

If she's not doing this because she suspects me of being an evil spirit, then what is her reason?

The answer is something I never expected.

"It's because of a book that contains information about that sacred relic."


"The Compendium of Rifts. You're not going to tell me you don't know about it, are you?"

No, even if you look at me like that, I really don't know...

"I understand if you want to keep the existence of that book a secret. I did the same. Knowledge becomes more valuable the fewer people know about it, right?"

"...So what do you want to say?"

"If you have that book or know where to find it, I want to buy it. The one I have is poorly preserved, so there are many parts I can't read."

Judging by her scholarly look, it doesn't seem like she's trying to test me with made-up stories...

Was it really because of the book?

"If that was your goal, you could have just asked me directly instead of beating around the bush."

"But in negotiations, the one who seems desperate always loses, right?"

Hmm, that's true.

As I'm nodding involuntarily, she confesses her true intentions.

"I was thinking of trying to negotiate as if it was no big deal once you admitted that you found the sacred relic. But it was useless since you already knew its value..."

"So you decided to take a direct approach."

"Yes. So, Mr. Yandel, can't you just be honest now?"

I contemplate for a moment.

Since I'm quite certain that the item I used back then was a sacred relic, insisting otherwise like before doesn't seem like a good idea.

It's better to admit what needs to be admitted.

"I obtained that [Tears of the Goddess] or whatever by breaking the statue in front of the fountain."

"As expected! I knew it!"

"But that's all."


As she looks flustered, I speak quickly,

"I broke it out of boredom while you guys were searching the surroundings, and it just came out."

"Then... you don't know about the book?"

She mutters with a blank expression and then snaps back to her senses,

"Wait a minute, there's a contradiction. If that's true, how could you even think of using something you didn't know about in that situation?"

It's a sharp question.

But I had already anticipated it, so my answer is smooth.

"The box had the goddess's symbol on it, so I assumed it was one of her items. And it actually worked."


"I swear on my honor as a warrior that everything I just said is true."

As I even offer the modern man's oath, which is like a cheat code, Raven's expression turns gloomy.

"Then... what the hell was I doing?"

She seems to be filled with self-deprecation after realizing she was just shadowboxing alone.

I feel a bit sorry, but I also have this thought.

The players' community, 'Ghostbusters'.

I thought its biggest advantage was 'information exchange', but...

'Maybe it wasn't for other people.'

To some, I'm a player,

And to others, I'm an evil spirit.

That's why...

"I'm hungry, so I'll be on my way!"

I open the door and leave the room like a barbarian.

Misha, who follows me as my benefactor.

The dwarf who treats me like a friend.

And Ainar, who always encourages and admires me, saying that I'll become a great warrior.

They're all the same.

Bjorn, son of Yandel.

I can't be true to anyone with this body.

Well, I guess it wouldn't be much different even with Lee Hansu's body.


After leaving the Magic Tower, I immediately go to the commercial district and pick up the completed magic underwear.

And then it's 5:00 PM.

It's a bit of an awkward time to end the day.

So I head to the library with my tired body.

Because that's at least a bit more productive than going back and resting.


I receive the magic from the librarian and head straight for the bookshelves.

There's no point in greeting her, as she wouldn't respond anyway, and I don't have the energy for that today.


"...You've become famous, haven't you?"

The librarian, who usually finds it annoying to even exchange a word, speaks to me for some reason.

"It just happened."

I give a rough answer and leave.

I used to think it would be beneficial to befriend her since she's a mage...

'Actually, it's funny that I'm still concerned about that kind of thing now.'

I'm a 6th-grade explorer.

And I even gained the title of Little Balkan.

It's more than enough specs to join a team with a mage, and my current team already has a mage.

Although he's not from the Magic Tower...

'Judging by the fact that she's working as a librarian, she must be the same.'

I chuckle to myself.

It's because I know that no matter what excuses I make, it's just rationalization.


A justification that only exists for the sake of righteousness.

In the end, my true feelings are different.

I just didn't want to do it.

I didn't want to calculate every single action and try to gain favor with others.

At least today, I'm a bit tired of that.



…I stop walking towards the bookshelf.

And I face the problem I was avoiding instead of running away.

‘It’s natural for Ainar to say that the venom is gone.’

I have a problem.

It’s a mental problem.

Maybe my body is feeling better, but the emotions that I thought had dried up are slowly resurfacing.

It’s not good news for me, whose top priority is survival.

Then what’s the solution?

‘I don’t know, let’s just do what needs to be done.’

I turn around.

And I approach the librarian.

“Stop staring blankly and just tell me what you want to say.”

“…How did you know I had something to say?”

“You just had that look in your eyes.”

There are a few reasons, but I’m too lazy to explain.

As I stare at her with that feeling, the perceptive librarian concisely states her business.

“I have a friend who works in the administration. They’re looking for an explorer to entrust with a request, so I recommended you.”

“You recommended me?”

“Strictly speaking, I didn’t recommend you. Your name just came up in conversation, and my friend asked me to set up a meeting with you. Of course, if you’re busy or don’t want to, you can refuse—”

“Alright, I’ll meet them and hear them out.”

The librarian nods slightly, looking at me with a surprised expression at my answer.

“Then I’ll let my friend know.”

A request…

It’s about time for that kind of event to happen.

‘So now I have a way to earn money in the city as well.’

It was a good thing I listened to her.

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