Barbarian Hero (2)

"They must be struggling right now, not having anyone to clear the path. Hand over the Orc Hero's essence to me. I'll take the lead and open the way."

"Now that I see it, you're just a crazy bastard."

My brother glares at me with a cold expression.

Only then do I realize one thing.

"No one to clear the path? What are you talking about? Can't you see those mages over there?"

Talking to this guy is a waste of time.

As a mere member, he doesn't even have the knowledge to make proper judgments...

And he doesn't fully grasp the current situation.

It's the same for the other members who are watching this situation with interest from a distance.

"Half-breed, come over here. I don't want to bear the shame of leaving my sister behind in a dangerous situation."

"Bjo, Bjorn...?"

I need someone who's easier to talk to.

For example, the higher-up who must have been leading the battle against Riakis.

'That guy should be able to understand.'

However, I don't think he'll bring his superior just because I ask nicely, so...


I clear my throat first.

And then I shout with all my might, like a barbarian.

"If you don't want to die, invest in me! I'll open the way—!!"

It's a shout that they can't help but hear, even if they don't want to.

After a brief moment, a man comes out.


"Your name?"

"Bjorn, son of Yandel."

"Iraz McGrane, currently holding the position of Vice-Leader of the Dzarwi Clan."

He finishes the introductions in an instant and gets straight to the point.

"Tell me, Bjorn Yandel. Who told you that we defeated the Orc Hero?"

Right, as expected, that comes first.

"I deduced it."

"Deduced it...?"


Of course, I didn't understand it at first either.

Why would a large clan like this come down to control something like the Orc Encampment?

After carefully piecing together the clues, I reached a conclusion.

"If you really came down here just to hunt Orc Great Warriors, you wouldn't have that much strategic supplies."

A large clan?

So they always carry around that many consumables?

Well, no way.

There's a limit to everything, and this is beyond that limit.

"Unless you had another purpose."

5th-grade monster, Orc Hero.

It's a kind of hidden boss that is summoned when you offer 777 Orc Great Warrior magic stones as a sacrifice at the altar in the center of the encampment.

That must have been their goal.

The 'Orc Lord', which appears with a very low probability, is something they can't defeat no matter what they do.

'The reason they had so many supplies was probably to prepare for the possibility of an Orc Lord appearing.'

"But it seems like the Orc Lord didn't appear, huh?"

"Huh, you even know that?"

McGrane lets out a strange exclamation.

However, there are no further questions.

"Alright, then explain to us why we need you."

It's a single sentence that omits the various questions and curiosities he must still have.

There's no time to waste, it seems.

I sense the scent of an efficiency freak from this man, so I also get straight to the point.

"I have the Undying Engraving and the Vampire's essence. For reference, it's the essence from a rift guardian."

"So you can use all three abilities."

Although the fact that a vampire appeared as a rift guardian must be news to him, McGrane just nods once and moves on.


"I have the Corpse Golem's essence. It's not well-known, but the Pain Resistance stat is—"

"No need for a long-winded explanation. You're saying you can fight even while drinking potions, right?"

"...That's right."

"So is that all?"

I nod honestly, and he closes his eyes as if to organize his thoughts. As befits someone suspected of being an efficiency freak, it doesn't take long.

"Indeed, that's not bad. No, it's more than excellent compared to those two."

It's a completely different reaction compared to Misha's brother, who looked at me like I was crazy when I said the same thing.

He even reaches a conclusion quickly.

"Alright, I'll invest in you."

"Vice-Leader! That essence was requested by a noble family—!"

Misha's brother shouts something in objection to his decision...

"Enough! We can just say that the essence didn't drop. If we can save even one more person with one essence, it's worth the investment, isn't it?"

He instantly dismisses the objection and continues speaking to me.

"Of course, there's one condition. If you survive and escape from this place, you'll join our clan."

Damn it, no wonder he agreed so easily.

There's no need to think about it.

"I refuse."

Once you join a clan, it's difficult to leave.

It's not impossible, but you'll be branded as a traitor who doesn't know gratitude.

There was even a time when I skipped out on the 'withdrawal fee' in the game and ended up getting ambushed in the labyrinth.

And this is reality, not a game.

"Why? It's a good offer."

"I don't intend to join anyone yet."

Maybe in the future, if I create my own clan...

But there's no need to become a mere member and restrict my future actions.

Well, if my life were on the line, it would be a different story...

'But they're in the same situation, right?'

It's a game of chicken.

And one where the winner is practically decided.

My life is on the line, but they're carrying the lives of 23 people on their shoulders.

"That's unfortunate, you're refusing."

"So what's your decision?"

"Alright, I'll give you the essence."

Maybe he thinks there's no time to waste on a power struggle?

McGrane cleanly lets go of his lingering thoughts. And he sends someone to bring a box.

'This is strangely nerve-wracking.'

I try to calm myself and slowly open the box.


There are three Orc Heroes that can be summoned with magic stones.

For your information, each one of them is a named monster with a unique name.

In other words, they're higher variants and each possess a troublesome essence. That's why raid-level strategies are essential, even though they're 5th-grade monsters.

And here's the important part...

'Danish? Belta? Tarugas? Which one of the three dropped the essence?'

These guys, whom I usually call the Orc Three Brothers, each drop a different colored essence.

Danish drops a red essence containing [Battle Cry].

Belta drops a blue essence containing [Banner of Struggle].

And Tarugas drops a green essence containing that skill, which is the core of my shield barbarian build.

So which one of the three is it?


I open the box and check the color of the transparent test tube.


My luck continues.

It makes me feel uneasy.


「The essence of [Orc Hero] seeps into the character’s soul.」

「Strength increased by +70.」

「Agility increased by +35.」

「Fighting Spirit increased by +40.」

「Physical Resistance increased by +20.」

「Bone Density increased by +30…….」


Changes occur immediately and in multiple ways.

There are no external changes like with Ainar, but…


As expected of a physical-type essence, power surges through my body.

The increase in strength is needless to say, and the increase in agility has also made my body feel much lighter.

I’ll be able to move much more nimbly than before, no matter what I do.

And most importantly…

‘Is this because of Fighting Spirit?’

I feel an urge to use this power as soon as possible, which is unlike my usual self.

“First, take off your equipment.”

I suppress the feeling of elation and take off my equipment as instructed.

As I’m doing so, someone speaks to me.

“By the way, how did you know? That we received a request.”

“I didn’t know.”

“…You didn’t know? Then how could you so confidently ask for the essence?”

Well, they wouldn’t have known which of the three essences would drop either, right?

I assumed they would store it in a test tube and decide who to give it to later.

The cost of a test tube isn’t a big burden for them.

“Hmm, that makes sense.”

“Is that all you wanted to ask?”

“That’s all for now. We don’t have time.”

As soon as I put the equipment I took off into my backpack and hand it to Misha, McGrane hands me a bundle of scrolls.

I don’t bother asking what they are.

I just grab them all and tear them apart with a ‘rip!’

「Character has used Physical Defense Enhancement Scroll.」

「Physical Resistance temporarily increased by +10.」

「Character has used High-Grade Endurance Enhancement Scroll.」

「Stamina depletion temporarily reduced.」

「Character has used Energy Regeneration Enhancement Scroll.」

「Stamina regeneration temporarily greatly increased…….」



Auras of various colors faintly glow on my skin due to the effects of the scrolls.

“Now, drink this too.”

After the scrolls, it’s various potions.

「Character has consumed Strength Enhancement Elixir.」

「Strength temporarily increased by +10.」

「Character has consumed Tears of the Spirit.」

「All elemental resistances temporarily increased by +15.」

「Consumed Basilisk Flask.」

「Pain Resistance temporarily increased by +15…….」

Damn, is this the power of money?

“Honestly, it’s hard to get used to.”

“Hmm, you can’t be like this.”

“…I agree.”

The real doping hasn’t even begun yet.

As McGrane gives a signal, the support-type explorers start casting their abilities.

「Aaron Diflane has cast [Blessing of the Spirit].」

「Character’s Magic Resistance is greatly increased.」

「Aaron Diflane has cast [Flame of Regeneration].」

「Character’s physical regeneration is greatly increased.」

「Tarotes Pian has cast [Coffin of Sacrifice].」

「Character’s threat level is greatly increased, and……」

Every time a new kind of power flows into my body, I feel an indescribable thrill.

It’s like I’ve become an emperor.

But it’s still not enough.

To break through that darkness filled with Riakis’s clones, I need to become more than just an emperor, I need to become a monster.

“Now it’s your turn.”

Misha’s brother approaches as he gestures.

Although he can’t say it in front of the vice-leader, he seems displeased.

Actually, it’s the same for both of us.

“No matter what ability he absorbs, his will be the most helpful.”

“I see.”

To make a rational decision, personal feelings need to be discarded.

Therefore, I bite Misha’s brother’s neck.


Hard enough to taste the fishy blood.

「Character has cast [Blood Lord].」

The vampire’s active skill, [Blood Lord].

The effect is simple.

「Temporarily absorbs Tailon Kaltstein’s passive skill [Unholy One].」

When directly sucking blood, you can randomly absorb one of the target’s skills.

“It seems you took that one, judging by the change in your eye color.”

“I know that without you telling me.”

[Unholy One].

It’s a passive skill that reduces the maximum number of essences you can absorb by 1 but increases the performance of all active skills by 1.5 times.

“You’re quite lucky.”

Although I wholeheartedly agree, I wish he wouldn’t say such things. It makes me feel like something equally shitty will happen later.

“Then shall we begin?”

I nod.

And I slowly visualize and activate the skill.

The skill I acquired through the Orc Hero’s essence.

「Character has cast [Gigantification].」

The ground suddenly becomes distant, and the people around me shrink.

「Character’s size increases, and threat level and physical stats increase proportionally.」

It’s Barbarian Hero Mode.

Everyone’s attention is drawn to my majestic form.

“Oh, my…”

“That’s… a monster.”

As a sign of respect, McGrane takes off his cloak and his adjutant’s and hands them to me.

“…It would be best to at least cover yourself with these.”

I agree and quickly take them and wrap them around my waist.

Now I’m ready to go.

“There’s only about 30 minutes left. Can you do it?”

Can I do it?

I barely manage to contain the overflowing power and shout,


Nothing is impossible for me right now.


「Bjorn Yandel」

Level: 3

Physical: 310 (New +155) / Mental: 104 (New +12) / Ability: 115

Item Level: 683

Total Combat Index: 695.75 (New +167)

Acquired Essences: Corpse Golem - Rank 7 / Vampire (Guardian) - Rank 5 / Orc Hero - Rank 5

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