Field Boss (3)

Field Boss (3)

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter-

Black rain that makes my skin sting just by touching it.

I know what this is.

[Rain of Despair]

The passive aura skill of the Lord of Chaos, Riakis.

「Character is taking continuous chaos-attribute damage.」

「Character’s Magic Resistance is greatly decreased.」

「Warning: Continuous exposure to chaos-attribute damage may inflict the status effect [Confusion] with a certain probability.」

This skill not only deals area-of-effect damage but also erodes the terrain where the rain falls, removing all kinds of field effects.

That means…

‘Damn it…’

I was hoping it wouldn’t happen, but it really did.

“It’s, it’s him! He’s here!”

“He, hey! Wh, what are you all doing! Go and stop him!”

Panic erupts among the 3rd-floor explorers who paid the protection fee.

And their gazes all turn to one place.

“Don’t tell me, you’re going to abandon us and run away!”

“You took our equipment, saying you would protect us! Take responsibility!”

Dozens of people shout with emotions running high.

The executive who had made several announcements in front of the crowd sighs deeply with a bitter smile.

“…So it’s come to this.”

I can understand how he feels.

Since they took the protection fee, their only option is to fight the Floor Master with all their might.


“This expedition will result in a huge loss.”

Surprisingly, the executive’s face only shows resignation, without any signs of anxiety or impatience.

He takes a deep breath and shouts loudly,

“The Lord of Chaos Riakis is here! Everyone, take out everything you’ve prepared!!”

His instructions echo loudly.

At this, those with the Dzarwi Clan’s emblem on their chests move in unison.

“Each team to their positions!”

Mages, priests, and ranged damage dealers head towards the center.

Melee warriors move to the outskirts.

And they start using all sorts of consumables without hesitation.

「Used High-Grade Stamina Enhancement Scroll.」

「Used Energy Regeneration Enhancement Scroll.」

「Used Numbered Item [Banner of the Sun Lord].」

「The light of Ersium imbues the weap… 」



Various doping-type magic scrolls, consumable Numbered Items, and various equipment enhancement consumables.

In less than a minute…

Consumables worth at least tens of millions of stones disappear into light.

“We have enough supplies, so don’t hold back! We’re returning alive, even if it’s just one more person!”

I have the thought that I underestimated them.

Now I see, they weren’t lacking in imagination.

They had already prepared for the worst-case scenario, making sure they were ready behind the scenes.

‘But they still collected the protection fee…’

It was literally a gamble.

They bet on the side that seemed more likely to succeed.


I can’t help but laugh.

‘As expected, there are so many efficiency freaks in this world.’

I need to be a bit more humble.

These people also risked their lives countless times as explorers to get to where they are now.

There’s no way they reached that level just because of luck.

“To always carry around this much supplies…”

“As expected of a large clan!”

Instead of looking down on them, it’s better to always be wary…

And instead of envy, it’s more efficient to observe and learn from them.

“Bjorn, what are we going to do now?”

“What do you mean? We have to watch for now.”

In the first place, that was the original plan.

Once we encounter the Floor Master, even just leaving this place requires taking a huge risk.

Well, if there’s no answer, we’ll have to risk it and run away immediately, but…

‘This should be enough to hold out.’

As if to prove it, a wall of fire surrounds us in a circle.

It’s not a skill from an essence, but just a regular magic spell.

「Chaos Spirit has been destroyed.」

「The location is eroded.」

Since it started raining…

The Chaos Spirits that started swarming in like a tidal wave have been disappearing before they could penetrate the wall of fire.


And the huge barrier formed above our heads even blocks the pouring rain.

Well, the things that can be blocked by the wall of fire or the barrier are limited…

“Bjorn, look over there!”

A giant shadow slowly grows larger from where Misha points.

Accompanied by a heavy tremor.

Thud! Thud!

Horns protruding from its head.

Thick and rough black hide.

And an ominous aura emanating from it.


A beast of monstrous size that distorts my sense of distance, something you would only see in a monster movie, easily leaps over the wall of fire and reveals itself.

“Th, that’s…”

“Lo, Lord of Chaos Riakis!!”

The crowd shrinks back in fear at the sight, but the clan members remain calm.

“Hold your positions! Don’t let him get past us!”

The warriors stand their ground, as if they’re used to fighting large monsters.

Could it be that he didn’t like that?


Riakis slams his front paw down, and the battle begins in earnest.


What’s a raid like in real life, not in a game?

The answer to my long-held curiosity is simple.

“Don’t even try to block it, just dodge! Got it?!”

Even melee damage dealers and tanks prioritize evasion, nimbly dodging the swinging tail and stomping claws.

Well, they know best.

No matter how strong their bodies are or how high their strength stats are, there’s no way they can win a strength contest against such a monster.

‘So this is what a real battle against a Floor Master is like. Interesting.’

Perhaps it’s because it’s a role I’ll have to play someday…

My gaze is drawn to the melee explorers rather than the mages and other damage dealers.

I can see many things to learn from them.

There have also been several close calls.


No matter how much they focus on dodging…

It’s impossible to avoid injuries in a battle with such a high-level monster.

Normally, getting hit by such a blow would be instant death, but…

“He’s, he’s still alive after taking that…”

“…He’s truly amazing.”

With their stats boosted by numerous essences, various scroll dopings, and the support of priests and other support-type explorers, they’ve become weapons themselves.


“Damn it, I almost died!”

The warriors return to the front lines immediately after getting their bodies smashed to pieces and receiving healing.

Of course, not everyone is like that.

“Damn it, he wasn’t supposed to die like this…”

“Focus on the battle!”

As the battle drags on, casualties start to appear.

One melee warrior is crushed to death by a foot, and three ranged damage dealers who were grouped together are instantly melted by Riakis’s breath.

However, if we calmly analyze the current situation…

‘It’s still stable.’

“Fo, four people are already dead… I, isn’t this dangerous?”

Regardless of the reactions of the 3rd-floor explorers…

The warriors are still holding out well on the front lines.

The combined magic of the mages is also powerful enough to push back Riakis as he approaches the center.

‘It seems like they’re also aware of the Dark Orb pattern.’

“Le, let’s just observe for now! It’s the renowned Dzarwi Clan, after all! They’ll find a way, won’t they?”

Black orbs rise from the eroded ground and head towards Riakis.

「Lord of Chaos Riakis is drawing in the power of the source.」

The orbs, which I was most worried about, are also detonated in mid-air by ranged damage dealers before they can be absorbed by Riakis.

“Cease fire!!”

“He shouldn’t feel threatened anymore!”

They even manage Riakis’s health by occasionally stopping their attacks, so now I’m sure.

They know the strategy.

‘So they’re just trying to hold out. If they enter the second phase without that item, it’s game over.’

“Why are they stopping the attack now? Are they all idiots? They should finish him off while they have the momentum…”

Well, it’s understandable in a way.

A veteran player who has played [Dungeon and Stone] for 10 years?

Someone who knows everything about this game?

So what?

Thinking that I’m the only one in this world who knows everything is just arrogance.

The labyrinth has existed for thousands of years.

It’s not like the game’s lore, for these people, it’s reality.

They had to enter to make a living, and there must have been countless trial and errors.

And that knowledge must have been passed down to future generations through records.

‘Although the truly valuable knowledge would be monopolized by a few.’

Of course, I’m not too worried.

Even the ‘hidden elements’ that were particularly difficult to find in the game seem to be mostly unknown to the people here.

My knowledge as a veteran player will still be my greatest weapon for survival in this place.


I open my watch and check the time.


It’s already been over 3 hours.

Despite the prolonged battle, the clan members haven’t lost their focus and are faithfully carrying out their roles.


‘With that much consumable usage, it doesn’t matter how much they earned in protection fees.’

I suddenly understand why large clans don’t hunt Floor Masters even though they know the strategy.

The rewards for subjugation aren’t insignificant, but…

The enormous amount of resources required.

The possibility of elite members dying.

And the tremendous risks involved if they fail…

‘It’s not worth it.’

Just as I’m thinking that…


For some reason, Riakis ignores the warriors and charges towards the center, instantly crushing five ranged damage dealers.

It’s a situation that can happen during a raid.

Fortunately, the warriors desperately rush towards Riakis and push him back to his original position, but…

Two melee damage dealers are killed in the process.

‘Still, the remaining members should be able to hold out for the remaining time.’

I analyze the situation once again.

The total number of casualties so far is 11.

It’s 20% of the total force, but the remaining members are calmly doing what they need to do.

Although there are some gaps…

It’s not enough to lead to a fatal outcome.

The problem is that there are idiots all around who can’t even make such a simple judgment.

“It’s over! These incompetent bastards!!”

“Do you know how many people have died!!”

Panic erupts among the crowd again, even though they’re not stepping on eroded ground and haven’t fallen into the [Confusion] state.

I can understand their psychology to some extent.

11 deaths.

This is just the count of the clan members who are the actual combat force. Countless explorers who paid the protection fee also died whenever Riakis went on a rampage.

‘Have they lost their judgment due to the threat to their lives?’

From my perspective, it’s their fault for standing there like idiots while a raid is happening right next to them.

But saying that wouldn’t make them listen.

“Bjorn, the atmosphere isn’t good.”

“I know.”

“We should do something too—”

“Wait, I’m thinking.”

I observe the surroundings as widely as possible.

The clan hasn’t noticed the change in mood yet, as they’re focused solely on Riakis.

And in the meantime, a man raises his voice and fuels the chaos.

“We can’t just stand by and watch, let’s join forces to survive!”

It’s Jack Reacher, who was the first to take off his equipment and pay the protection fee.

“Do you know how many people have died? These guys can’t protect us. We have to protect ourselves!”

“That’s right!”

“But how can we fight without equipment…”

“We have to get them back! They didn’t keep their promise anyway, did they?”

His instigation is met with agreement from the suicide squad members who ignored him before, and the situation escalates rapidly.

I mutter briefly,

“Misha, get ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“We’re leaving this place right now.”

This place is already doomed.


As soon as we grab our backpacks…

Countless explorers rush towards the center where the supplies are piled up, as if a riot has broken out.

“Ev, everyone, please calm down! This will put everyone in danger—”

The clan finally realizes the situation, but…

It’s too late.

“Don’t bullshit me!!”

“Give me back my equipment!”

The explorers push aside the clan’s mages and archers and start grabbing whatever they can get their hands on with greedy eyes.

“Gi, give it to me! That’s mine!!”

“Th, there’s no such thing as ownership in this situation!”

“Step back! We’ll attack if you don’t!”

“It’s the same whether we die here or there!”

“What are you hesitating for! They’re marauders from now on! Kill them all!”

I watch the scene, now filled with chaos and madness, and let go of any remaining regret.


“Enough with the sightseeing, let’s go.”

“Ah, alright!”

I grab Misha and run in the opposite direction of Riakis.

Soon, a wall of fire surrounds us, blocking our path.

“Wh, what are we going to do?!”

What do you mean, what are we going to do?

“We’re going through it.”

We’ll have to tank it like barbarians.

We might get some burns, but it’s not like we’ll die from that anymore.

“Are you serious?!”

Ah, that’s not the case for you, is it?

“Ack! Kyaaaaak—!”

I lift Misha with both arms and raise her high above my head as if doing a ‘banzai’ pose. And in that state, I run and quickly clear the wall of fire that seems to be at least 5 meters thick.


I can faintly smell burning flesh.

The pain pierces through my Pain Resistance, and my skin stings slightly.

I ask,

“Misha, are you okay?”

“…I’m fine thanks to you. But look ahead!”

I put Misha down and look ahead, and I see Chaos Spirits swarming.

However, there’s no time to deal with them one by one.

“Let’s run.”

“Eek! Through there?”

“Is there any other way?”

They’ve already started noticing us and are slowly moving towards us.

So we need to run through them before they aggro onto us any further.

I don’t know what the situation is on the other side, so we need to move as quickly as possible—

‘Damn it.’

After about 5 minutes of sprinting…

The surroundings suddenly darken.

It’s so dark that it’s difficult to see even an inch ahead.

“Bjorn, are you there?!”

“I’m here.”

Fortunately, I can hear her voice.

“Wh, what happened?”

Instead of answering, I let out a big sigh.

There’s no need for analysis or anything, the situation is clear.

「Lord of Chaos Riakis has successfully absorbed the power of the source.」

「Field effect [Crack of Evil] is applied within a 5-kilometer radius.」

Riakis’s instant-kill and party-wipe skill, [Crack of Evil].

That bastard finally ate all the orbs.

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