Rules of Survival (3)

To save time, I immediately take off the ring.

No. 9425 Frost Spirit Ring.

The Numbered Item I obtained by exploiting the master of the Artemion school, the old man.

“Here, take it.”

“Huh? A ring? Why all of a sudden…?”

Misha, who absentmindedly accepts it, is flustered with a look of confusion as if wondering what it is.

“It’s a ring I was saving for someone deserving.”

“But… why are you giving it to me?”

Well, because the situation has changed.

I answer briefly.

“Swear to your guardian deity. That you’ll continue to be with me in exchange for receiving this.”

The market price of the Frost Spirit Ring is 1.5 million stones.

However, it’s a difficult item to acquire even if you want it because there are no listings.

If the true value of this ring becomes known, the price will skyrocket.

“Huh?! Bjorn! Are you crazy?!”

Misha is shocked and insults me, but my mind is sound.

Would I just give away something like this?

Although I’ll use it for survival, I at least need a promise that she’ll continue to follow and help me.

Of course, this isn’t a one-sided contract.

“The moment you receive this ring, I swear on my honor as a warrior to help you from now on. So I hope you’ll do the same.”

“Are you serious…?”

To prove it, I look into Misha’s eyes and speak clearly.

“I’m serious.”

It’s a win-win in the truest sense.

A kind of comrade oath.

And did she understand?

Misha stares at me for a long time with surprised eyes and then speaks in a voice devoid of her usual playfulness.

“…It’s sudden, but I understand that you’re not kidding. Honestly, it’s my first time receiving an offer like this, so I’m, I’m not without happy feelings!”

“Then that’s a relief—”

“But Bjorn, I’m sorry. I’ve never thought of you that way.”

“…What do you mean?”

Misha closes her eyes tightly.

And as if making a decision, she stares at me and answers.

“I… like skinny guys.”

“Skinny guys…? What are you talking about? I don’t understand—”

“Eek!! It means you have no charm as a man!!”

My mind goes blank for a moment.

Is this what it feels like to get rejected even though I wasn’t planning on confessing?

I don’t know, but one thing is certain.

“…There seems to be a misunderstanding.”

“Right, let’s just say that. We have to keep traveling together, and it will just make things awkward—”

What is she talking about?

I tried to phrase it indirectly, saying things like I would help her, because I didn’t want to seem too materialistic, but that was a mistake.

There’s a way to do things with barbarians.

“I meant that you should make a comrade oath in exchange for receiving this ring.”

“Comrade oath…?”

“Of course, if you get me the same ring or bring me 15 million stones worth of profit, you can end the contract whenever you want. Now, do you understand?”

“Ho, how could I?! In the first place, what the hell is this ring that it’s worth 15 million stones?!”

“15 million stones is a bargain.”

“No, I mean, what the hell is this ring—”

I cut her off and say,

“This ring can fulfill your long-cherished wish.”

“…What? Wish?”

“For example, your older brother won’t be able to call you a half-breed anymore.”

Was it a sensitive topic?

Misha freezes.

However, after a moment of contemplation, she forces an awkward smile.

“Aish, do you think I’ll fall for that? No matter how awkward things are, you can’t lie like that—”

“It’s not a lie.”

A brief silence follows as the conversation stops.

Misha, who was smiling awkwardly, stops smiling.

No, she’s actually staring at me with a cold gaze.

“This is going too far.”

Her voice is cold and stern, unlike usual.

“I clearly gave you a chance to laugh it off and let it go. But why do you keep lying? Did I look like a fool because I just smiled and followed along?”

Misha bites her lip as if she’s frustrated.

“…I shouldn’t have told you that story.”

It’s an unexpected reaction, but it’s actually natural.


A wound that has festered for a lifetime brings pain just by being touched.

“I didn’t bring up that story to hurt you. I really—”

“I’ve never heard of such a thing. How could you know something that even our tribe doesn’t know?”

Instead of answering, I keep my mouth shut.

It’s not something I need to explain in detail, and I don’t want to either.

We can’t just stay like this forever.

Let’s keep it short.

“Misha, I’ll ask you one thing.”

“Go ahead.”

“If everything I’ve said so far is true, will you accept my offer?”

“You’re still joking—!”

I cut off Misha, who is about to get angry, and shout back,

“Just answer me!”

Can’t she just answer the question?

Yes or no.

As I shout and force her to answer, Misha flinches and bites her lip again.

“…If everything you said is true, it wouldn’t be enough to treat you as my benefactor for the rest of my life. But—”

But what?

“Then that’s enough.”

I take a step forward and grab Misha’s wrist.

“Misha Kaltstein, it might be hard to believe, but I swear on my honor as a warrior that everything I’ve said so far is true.”

“…Wh, what?”

Misha looks confused.

Seeing this, I think it would have been easier if I had used the warrior’s oath earlier…

Well, it doesn’t matter now.

“So, when you wake up, keep your word.”

I pull Misha towards me and put the ring on her finger.



I crush the blue glass jewel on the ring with the strength of my grip.

「Frost Spirit Ring has been destroyed.」

「Glacier Beast Skadi awakens from its seal.」

Like ripples on a lake…

Waves of cold air spread across the ground.


No. 9425 Frost Spirit Ring.

It’s a special effect that occurs when this item is destroyed.

Since it deals practically no damage, it was essentially a useless option, but I discovered one thing after various attempts.

「Special conditions have been met.」

If the wearer is a beastman…

An event occurs along with the destruction effect.

「Ice Beast Skadi offers a contract to Misha Kaltstein.」

Spirit Beast contract.

It allows you to forcefully awaken the special ability of the beastman race.


「Contract successfully completed.」


A cold whirlwind surrounds Misha like the eye of a storm.

As it gradually subsides, Misha opens her eyes.

Her red eyes are filled with complex emotions, seeming somewhat empty.

“This, so easily… What have I been doing all this time…”

Misha, muttering incoherently, looks at me.

And she asks with a betrayed expression,

“Bjorn, what the hell is this ring? If something like this existed, why didn’t my father tell me about it!”

I don’t know if the beastmen are aware of this ring’s existence.

But to give her the answer she wants…

“He probably didn’t know either.”

“…Didn’t know?”

“Yes, it seems like a mage discovered it recently after a long period of research. He definitely didn’t hide it from you because he doesn’t consider you his daughter.”

This would be better for her mental state.

But even with my answer, Misha seems to have a lot of questions.

“Wait, then how did you know about something like this? Where did you get this ring?”

It’s not difficult to explain.

I have stories prepared beforehand.

But there’s something I need to do first.

“First, put on some clothes before we talk.”


Misha tilts her head and then follows my gaze downwards.

And she sees her current state and…

“Uh, ah? Uh? Wh, why am I completely naked?!”

Misha, creaking like a broken robot, screams.

“I folded everything neatly next to you, so put them on first and then we’ll talk.”

“Ah, alright…”

While I turn my back for a moment, Misha gathers her clothes and puts them on.

“Yo, you can turn around now.”

“That was fast.”

“Then I’ll take my time!!”

I turn around, and Misha is wearing her usual clothes.

The thin cloth clothes she wore under her equipment.

They fit her body perfectly, emphasizing her curves even more.

“Aren’t you going to put on your equipment?”

“First, answer this! Why was I na, na, naked?!”

“Because I took them off.”

“Yo, yo, you, you took them off?! Yo, yo, you?!”

“I had no choice. I heard that all equipped items disappear when you perform this ritual.”

For reference, this is a lie.

I didn’t hear it, I experienced it myself.

Damn it, all my hard-earned equipment was reset, and I was left with nothing, leading to game over.

“…Wai, wait a minute! So you asked me those questions earlier because of that?”

“What questions?”

“About marriage and stuff.”

Ah, that.

I nod honestly.

“Wouldn’t she feel offended if she had a spouse?”

I’m a proud Confucian from Korea.

I could never do something as disrespectful as undressing a woman who even has a husband.

However, Misha shouts at my words, as if it’s absurd.

“Someone who thinks about that didn’t even think to tell me beforehand?!”

“I wasn’t planning on hiding it. But you didn’t believe a single word I said.”

“Th, that’s true, but…”

Misha seems to have nothing more to say as I give her logical reasons for everything she asks.

Therefore, it’s time to take a stronger approach.

“In fact, I had to undress you so quickly that it was a real struggle. Tsk, I didn’t expect you to have so many accessories.”

“…So, sorry.”

“Forget about apologizing, there’s something you need to do first, isn’t there?”

I look at Misha intently, indirectly hinting at what I want.

It’s always best to take credit when you can.

“…Thank you.”

“Is that all?”

Misha hesitates for a moment and says again,

“…Thank you?”

“Don’t try to brush it off. There’s something we need to address properly, isn’t there?”

“Do I really have to say it myself?”

Misha avoids my gaze with an embarrassed and awkward expression, but that’s not enough to make me relent.

These things always need to be clarified.

“Of course.”

When I speak firmly, Misha’s eyes change.

As if the playful atmosphere is over.

As if she never intended to let it slide.

She adjusts her posture and looks at me.

“Bjorn, listen. I… once… even tried to kill myself.”


Although it feels a bit out of the blue, I listen attentively to her serious voice.

“It was my father who found me and saved me back then.”

“You should be grateful to your father.”

“I wish it were that kind of beautiful story… Do you know what my father said first when I regained consciousness? He told me to go die in the labyrinth if I wanted to die. He asked how much more I was going to shame the family.”

Ah, uh, hmm…

So her family was even more messed up than I expected.

Just as I’m seriously contemplating whether I should correct my previous slip-up, Misha continues calmly,

“So I entered the labyrinth. Of course, I didn’t come here to die like my father said. I just wanted to escape from that family. I thought that even without a Spirit Beast, if I became a great explorer and gained recognition, maybe my father would see me in a new light.”

Her voice is devoid of emotion.

I can feel all the emotions she must have experienced growing up even more clearly from her weary voice.

“Of course, I don’t know if this will make my father acknowledge me. But for some reason… I feel like it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Misha then bows to me.

“…Thank you, Bjorn. I’ll never forget this kindness and will repay you until the day I die.”

Although it might fade with time, doubting Misha’s sincerity right now seems meaningless.

And in that sense, enough with the melodrama…

“Swear to your guardian deity?”

I ask briefly, having listened attentively.

Misha chuckles and nods.

“I swear to my guardian deity.”

Okay, that’s clean and good.


Summoning, Enhancement, Ability.

Beastmen who make contracts with Spirit Beasts generally acquire one of these three types of abilities.

Misha is Enhancement-type.

「The power of the Ice Beast Skadi permanently resides within Misha Kaltstein’s body.」

Not only has her physical ability taken a leap forward, but the ice attribute is also permanently imbued in her.

Just like my abdomen, which I was just hit on, feels cold.

“Ah! I hit you because you told me to, but I didn’t know that would happen. Are you okay?”

My skin, which has turned red as if frostbitten, is a bit painful.

I grin as I look at it.

‘It’s a bit disappointing that it’s not Summoning or Ability, but…’

Still, it’s better than nothing.

After getting hit, I’m even more certain.

We’ve gained the elemental attack means I’ve been longing for.

With this, we can now beat up those incorporeal monster bastards.

“Hey! Get a grip, Bjorn! Why are you grinning like an idiot?!”

“It’s nothing. Then let’s move. We’ve been here for too long.”

We roughly clean up the surroundings and move on, taking Misha with me. And on the way, we encounter a 9th-grade incorporeal monster, ‘Wraith’, and decide to fight it as a test.

「Wraith has cast [Corpse Flame].」

[Corpse Flame].

It’s an active skill that combines the darkness and fire attributes.

The power is even lower than a 9th-grade spell…

And for me, who has Darkness Resistance from the vampire essence, it only feels slightly warm even if I get hit by it.

Incorporeal monsters like this generally have low combat power compared to their rank.

They’re only troublesome in the early stages because you don’t have the means to attack them.

「Killed Wraith. EXP +1」

I use my mace that’s been sprinkled with holy water.

Misha uses her fists imbued with frost.

“Hmph, it feels strange every time I hit them…”

The reason she’s using her fists instead of the spear is simple.

‘As expected, it doesn’t apply to weapons at the 1st stage of awakening.’

Just like the barbarian’s Spirit Engraving has stages…

The beastman’s Spirit Beast contract also needs to be gradually developed.

Still, it’s fortunate that Misha was originally a martial artist class. She said she started using daggers because she felt limited by only using her fists.

「Killed Witch’s Lamp. EXP +1」

「Killed Diroter. EXP +2」

「Killed Mutated Lesser Spirit. EXP +2」

Anyway, we continue wandering through the forest.

We defeat any monsters we encounter as long as it’s not too risky. And we rest as much as possible whenever we have the chance, conserving our stamina.

「Killed Woodman. EXP +1」

「Killed Homunculus. EXP +2」

「Killed Owlbear. EXP +2」

About 11 hours have passed.

Although we haven’t encountered any 7th-grade monsters yet, battles with lower-ranked monsters haven’t been difficult.

There haven’t been any dangerous situations either.

And contrary to our worries, there’s still no sign of Elisa and her group finding us.

‘Did something happen to them?’

Well, maybe.

Or maybe not.

Instead of harboring naive hopes, let’s continue to prepare ourselves mentally.

While doing what we can right now.

‘Phew, as expected, no essences are dropping.’

I click my tongue in frustration.

Holy water and Ice Beast Skadi.

With these two attack methods, we can now hunt incorporeal monsters without any problems…

But nothing much has changed.

‘About 30%?’

I think to myself.

The probability of me returning to the city alive is probably around that much.

「12 hours have passed since entering the Witch’s Forest.」

「Field effect - Witch’s Forest is strengthened.」

「Status effect [Witch’s Eye] is applied.」

The real survival starts now.

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