Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 57 The Witch's Forest (4)

The Witch's Forest (4)

The curses I was carrying have disappeared.

However, instead, cursed words keep echoing in my ears.

[Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!]

Yeah, I'm not dying.

[Motherless bastard!]

Yeah, I have a mom in the real world.

[Keeheeheehee! Keeheehee!]

I roughly ignore the auditory hallucinations that come every few seconds and smile.

It's a bit annoying, but so what?

They're just hallucinations.

No matter how much they curse, there's no real damage, and thanks to these guys, even the real curses have disappeared without a trace.

'Besides, the things they say as mental attacks are all lame.'

If they're going to do it, they should do it properly.

There's no originality or sincerity.

Well, these guys seem to think differently.

"Bjorn! How can you just laugh off those insults! Are you crazy? It's been so noisy that I have a headache!"

Misha, the dwarf, and Rotmiller, who have been to the Witch's Forest before, are in a relatively better state, but Dwarkey is the problem.

"...Ugh, ugh."

His eyes are glazed over, and his cheeks are sunken, as if he's about to throw up everything in his stomach.

Well, it's understandable that he would feel nauseous in this environment.

'I didn't know it would feel like this, it's strange.'

Everything looks distorted due to the [Hallucination] and [Disoriented] effects.

I'm clearly looking to the right, but I see what I saw in front of me, and my sense of distance is also blurry.

It's like looking at the world through a convex mirror.

"Urgh, bleugh!"

Dwarkey finally can't hold it in and vomits up thick stomach acid.

Feeling worried, I ask,

"Can you use magic in that state?"

"Bjorn, you're being mean. Your companion is struggling, but that's more important?"

What is she talking about?

She told him to grow up when he was throwing up earlier.

Phew, this is why I should refrain from getting attached to people.

It clouds my judgment.

"Misha, I wasn't asking you. So Dwarkey, your answer?"

"Do, don't worry. I can use magic without any problems... Urgh!"

Hmm, I guess we should assume there's no magic until he gets used to it.

Why are mages so weak-stomached?

As I click my tongue, unable to understand them at all, Rotmiller looks at me with a strange expression.

"Still, it's impressive. Even barbarians with strong spirits usually struggle a bit on their first time..."

Well, that's what I heard.

But I was just too exhausted earlier.

As I laugh it off, as expected, the dwarf steps in, tsundere-ing for his best friend Dwarkey.

"Tsk tsk, that's what happens when you spend all day sitting at a desk, your body becomes weak."

"Hey, I'm still one of the more athletic mages—"

"Enough, let's take a break until you get used to it. You didn't sleep well last night either. You're probably feeling worse because you're tired."

"I won't forget your consideration..."

In the end, we decide to stay in the entrance area for a while until Dwarkey adjusts to the environment.

I don't have any major objections either.

One way or another, the presence of a mage is important here, and I also need to replenish my depleted stamina a bit.

"I'll keep watch, you guys rest."

As soon as the dwarf finishes speaking, I collapse onto the ground and rest.

I'm too tired to even take out my sleeping bag.

But what is this?

"Bjorn, there's something I wanted to say..."

The dwarf approaches stealthily and speaks in a whisper just as I'm about to get some shut-eye.

"About that Elisa earlier—"

I wake up instantly.

What is this guy talking about?

"It's not Elisa, it's that bitch."

"Uh, uh, right, anyway, about that bitch. No matter how I think about it, she seems like someone I've met before..."


I thought he was just rambling as usual, but it seems like it's something important.

I sit up and listen attentively, and the dwarf hesitates for a moment before speaking.

"Remember when you went to the guild to raise your explorer rank on my advice? Back then, someone was asking you questions while you were filling out the application form."

"Get to the point, I'm tired."

"Now that I think about it, I think it was her."

Phew, that's much better.

There are still some frustrating parts, though.

I ask calmly,

"Then why didn't you recognize her right away?"

"That's... she looked dirty, unlike in the city. And, and, her clothes were ri, ripped here and there!"

Ah, so he was too busy staring at her cleavage to properly check her face.

Still, at least one question has been answered.

Why Elisa and her group targeted us.

'It was all because of that thing.'

No. 3112 Guardian's Bracers.

It's a high-value Numbered Item worth 50 million stones at the exchange. And since it was an application for rank promotion, it must have been mentioned there as well.

It's more than enough of a motive for a marauder.

The more money, the better, after all.

'So we've been targeted since then...'

As I acquire new information, causal relationships that I was unaware of come to mind.

Most of our team meetings were held at bars.

If she wanted to, it wouldn't have been difficult for her to find out that we were using the Beast's Lair route.

She could have even arrived first and set traps.

"Phew, they say treasure always brings misfortune, and that saying is spot on, isn't it?"

The dwarf sighs deeply.

It seems like he wants some sympathy, but unfortunately, he chose the wrong person.

Treasure bringing misfortune my ass.

"Don't shift the blame. It's your fault for writing it on the application form where everyone can see."

"Yo, you're blaming me now! You were there too!"

That's true, but I didn't know I had to worry about you filling out the application form.

The dwarf loses his words as I look at him with a disappointed expression.


I don't bother scolding him further.

It's already in the past.

It's more rational to get some rest.


Our rest time is short.

Just enough to close my eyes for a bit?

We have to wake up from our sleep as a monster appears less than 30 minutes later.

Ah, is it not right to say 'we'?

"You sleep well."

"How can you sleep through that noise?"

It seems like I was the only one who slept deeply enough to even dream…

It's because these guys are full.

"Anyway, where's the monster?"

"Over there."

I look in the direction the dwarf points and see the figure of a winged human.

For reference, it's about the size of a palm.


It's a 9th-grade monster, Fairy.

For reference, its only skill is to emit poisonous powder containing narcotic substances, and it was a non-aggressive mob in the game.


"We've encountered a troublesome one from the start."

The fact that the fairies are gathered like that means that that guy is also nearby.

"Are we fighting?"

"It seems like it's not something we can easily ignore. Dwarkey, you seem to have recovered a bit."

So we're fighting.

Well, it's not bad.

It's a monster that I haven't gained experience points from yet.

And if an essence drops, it would be a jackpot.

Although it's not an essence I need right now, it's a rare essence, so it will definitely fetch a high price at auction no matter who absorbs it.

"Then if everyone is ready, let's lure it out."

The dwarf takes his battle hammer and gets into position, finishing his battle preparations.

And he uses his signature combo.

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Lightning].」

「Hikurod Murad has cast [Discharge].」

It's called Lightning Discharge.

As he swings his hammer, the crackling electricity shoots out like a cannonball.

And it blasts the fairies, who are immune to physical damage.

「Killed Fairy. EXP +1」

One thing's for sure, I'm a bit envious of this.

I wish I had an elemental damage skill like that too.


As soon as a dozen fairies are blown away, I hear a chilling sound from afar.

It's a roar that sounds like hundreds of beasts crying out in anger.

Soon, the creature reveals itself from the darkness.

With heavy footsteps that match its size.


The 7th-grade monster, Half-Troll.

As the name suggests, it's not a real troll, but more like a mix between a human and a troll.

For reference, it's a monster that only appears in the Witch's Forest and has a habit of stalking fairy groups.

Unfortunately, I don't know the reason why.

I couldn't find that kind of information anywhere in the game.

Anyway, let's just leave the digressions at that.


The creature, standing at about 2.5 meters tall, lowers its posture cautiously and stares at us.

However, its patience is short, as befits a monster that follows its instincts.


The Half-Troll swings its massive club at us, the ones who massacred the fairy group it was diligently following.

It's aiming at me even though the dwarf is right next to me.


It's heavy.

It feels heavier than the ‘Iron Ant’ from Steelrock Hill.

Well, it's only natural since the Iron Ant is a pack animal even though it's also 7th-grade.

It's been a while since my arms felt this sore.


So I tilt my shield at an angle and deflect the Half-Troll's club to the side.

This naturally shifts the aggro from me to the dwarf.

It's a useful tip that can only be used when there are two tanks in the team.

After all, it's unfair if only I have to suffer, right?

Suffering should be shared among companions, that's what I learned.


The second club swing follows with a roar.

The dwarf, who engaged in a strength contest unlike me, lets out a small groan as if his bones are chilled.

Only then do I realize one more thing.


Ah, right, he doesn't have Pain Resistance.

This is one of the biggest reasons why warriors avoid the Witch's Forest.

Warriors are beings who are used to being beaten up on the front lines. But here, the pain is amplified several times due to [Pain Amplification].

'And most of the monsters that appear here are immune to physical damage and even use mental skills...'

There's a reason why Rotmiller tried to give the dwarf and me the first and last watch last night.

In the Witch's Forest, warriors inevitably have to bear all sorts of hardships.

Although I can just shrug it off because I have Pain Resistance…

'Come to think of it, Pain Resistance is OP.'

As expected, life is full of ups and downs.

The Corpse Golem essence I absorbed by chance continues to be a great help.


The Half-Troll swings its club once more.

And the dwarf, who stubbornly continues the strength contest, shouts,

"Is the magic not ready yet!"

Not yet.

As you know, he's slow at chanting, right?


I strike the Half-Troll with my mace to help the dwarf, who seems to be struggling.

Of course, it doesn't have much effect.


Its hard bones and muscles are unfazed by a single mace strike, and it's a troll, even if it's only half.

Its regeneration is amazing.

Although it's nothing compared to the vampire.

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 8th-grade support spell [Freezing Enhancement].」

「The power of the next ice spell is greatly increased.」

「Liol Wobu Dwarkey has cast the 8th-grade attack spell [Ice Spear].」

As I'm ping-ponging aggro with the dwarf, the spell is finally completed.

Dwarkey's ultimate move.

Enhanced Ice Spear.


An ice spear twice the size of usual flies towards the Half-Troll and pierces its abdomen.

In terms of power alone, it's an output that none of us can match.

However, it's frustrating to watch.

'When will this guy develop some sense?'

I gave him advice last time, but he stuck the spear in an ambiguous spot again. If he had hit the heart or head, he could have finished it off in one shot.

Why is he so wasteful?

Is aiming that difficult?


The Half-Troll writhes in pain and lets out a scream.

But it doesn't last long.

「Half-Troll has cast [Frenzy].」

「Pain is temporarily nullified, and physical stats are greatly increased.」

Despite having a spear stuck in its gut, the Half-Troll starts moving dynamically, like a fish out of water.

Ha, this is why we should have killed it in one shot.

'...He'll get better someday, right?'

I hope so.

Otherwise, there's no point in going through all these trial and errors.

"Ugh! I was a bit off!"

Misha stabs her poison-inflicted dagger into the Half-Troll's heart while it's rampaging, but unfortunately, it's too short to pierce through the thick muscle.

The crossbow bolts shot by Rotmiller, the scout, barely even scratch the surface of its skin.

'Do we have to wait until the spell is ready again?'

One way or another, Dwarkey is the damage dealer with the highest potential damage output in the team.

I'm realizing the weakness of our team once again.

The tank line is sturdy enough to withstand the Half-Troll's [Frenzy] state, but the damage dealer line isn't keeping up.

However, this is not the kind of problem that can be solved immediately.

“It’s done! Move aside!”

After about 10 more minutes of struggling, Dwarkey unleashes his ultimate move once again.

Fortunately, this time it hits the head.

「Killed Half-Troll. EXP +3」

The Half-Troll disappears into light as its head is blown off.

As expected, the hoped-for essence doesn’t drop.

Only a fist-sized magic stone falls to the ground.

“What a shame. It’s not a monster you see often.”

Misha and Rotmiller click their tongues, seemingly disappointed.

I can understand.

If I hadn’t absorbed the vampire’s essence, I would have been drooling over it too.

7th-grade regeneration essences are rare.

Well, I’m now at a level where I can’t be satisfied with something like that.


It’s the morning of Day 4.

We’ll reach the 4th floor tomorrow, and that’s when the real journey will begin.

From there, 6th-grade monsters also appear.

I hope we can get at least one 6th-grade essence…


“Then let’s get moving.”

After defeating the Half-Troll, we decide to resume our journey.

Everyone looks exhausted after staying up all night, but the Witch’s Forest is not a good environment to rest in.

We conclude that it’s better to push ourselves for a day and shorten the time it takes to reach the 4th floor.



Just as we’re about to start our journey again…

Strangers emerge from the darkness.

It’s not that surprising.

Even in the Witch’s Forest, it’s about time for a new group to enter after we’ve been camping here for so long.

However, there’s one problem.

‘One, two, three, four…’

What the, why are there six of them?

Normally, teams consist of up to five people.

It’s because the Bonding spell only works for up to five people.

But a 6-person explorer team?

As I’m feeling suspicious and observing the faces of the unfamiliar explorers, I see a familiar face.

Unfortunately, it seems like they recognize us too.

“…Explorers! It’s them! They killed my companions!”

Damn it…

This is something I really didn’t expect.

Just as our entire team is speechless after hearing those words…

“May the star that rises at twilight guide us…”

A man who seems to be the leader of the opposing group makes the sign of the cross.

Judging by the way he’s covered in Leathlas Church merchandise, this guy must be a hardcore religious fanatic, even in this world.

Damn it, that bitch is lucky.

How the hell did she find someone like that in the labyrinth?

“Oh God, please give me the strength to defeat these evil beings…!”

It seems like conversation won’t work.

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