Chapter 85: To Europe (1)

          After wasting one hour gathering the people who wanted to leave, they wasted another one looking for vehicles and fuel. At that point in time, Luke had already calmed down… he couldn’t let himself get angry too much since when he gets angry, he feels like he could make a vein explode.

“We are ready to go now,” Chloe declared. “Sorry about the delay.”

“You will drive, and I will stay in the cargo compartment,” Luke declared. “If something appears ahead of us, I will be able to hit it from there, and if something appears behind us and attacks the other vehicles, I will be able to intervene.”

“Very considerate of you,” Chloe said. “But I suppose you are the only one who we can count on for that.”

“Not a problem, feel free to increase my workload whenever you feel like it,” Luke said.

          Luke really needed to take a nap… being sarcastic was his natural state of mind, but being grumpy wasn’t. To make things worse, the burn marks weren’t helping… Still, once they began to move, the chilly wind of the night helped him calm down.

          After two hours, Luke received a call from Billy on the radio transmitter. He sighed in relief since he was very close to his goal. Still, he wondered if Billy had achieved his end of the bargain.

“Hey, Luke, where have you been?” Billy asked. “I tried to contact you many times…”

“Helping your family and they didn’t make things easier for me,” Luke replied. “Nevertheless, they are fine, and I am returning with them and another group thanks to them.”

“Thank goodness… let me talk with them,” Billy said after sighing in relief.

          Chloe stopped the vehicle, much to Luke’s annoyance, and then they wasted ten minutes talking with him. Still, it couldn’t be helped… Luke just felt jealous because that was also his goal, to reunite with his parents.

“Thank you, Luke. I owe you one,” Billy said.

“You can pay me back with an airplane that will fly to Italy,” Luke said.

“Well… I managed to get my hands on one, but you might not like how I did it,” Billy said.

“Just say it already. I doubt that you can make my day any worse,” Luke said.

“I talked with the commander and convinced him to help you. I also convinced him that you killed that pilot in self-defense and that you are not an enemy,” Billy explained. “While he indeed gave the order to kill anyone who got stronger and seemed powerful, you can’t mention that to him… it was a secret order.”

“Hahaha, this guy is hilarious…” Shalia said. “He says that he convinced his boss, but he only wants to use you, Luke. It is as clear as the day.”

          In the end, it seemed that Luke expected too much from Billy… he said that he would steal an airplane if he had to, but in the end, he resorted to asking his commander for one. He didn’t want to throw away his position in the army. He didn’t even abandon it, knowing that his family could be in danger… so, he asked for someone else. Things worked out in the end without him putting anything at risk. Meanwhile, Luke put his life on the line and endured the hardships that even those who he wanted to help create for him… he had to ignore all that and then bow down his head to a man that almost caused his head in order to see his parents.

              Chloe and the others noticed something changing in Luke’s eyes, until now, despite the problems that they had caused, Luke truly wanted to help them. Still, it didn’t seem like it was the case anymore. He lost all interest…

“Oh, is that so…” Luke said. “Anyway, where should I take these guys?”

“Are you not angry?” Billy asked.

“Where?” Luke asked with his cold voice.

“… We moved our base to a few kilometers away from Miami,” Billy said. “It is located northwest of the city… you shouldn’t have a hard time finding our men guarding the area.”

            Luke ended the call right there and gave the order for the others to drive. Even though they wanted to talk more with Billy, that wasn’t up for debate. Once they began to move, Luke sat down and closed his eyes to sort out his feelings.

“It is your turn, Rina,” Shalia said.

“My turn for what?” Rina asked.

“Your turn to say something stupidly naive about this situation… I am sure everyone else has good intentions despite their actions,” Shalia said. “They only used Luke to create a colorful world where everyone can walk while holding hands toward the setting sun.”

“You think that you are so smart with your sarcasm…” Rina said.

“Maybe not smark, but better than someone stupidly naive like you,” Shalia said. “What are you going to do, Luke?”

“I am going with this and see what will happen. Depending on that, I might change my methods…” Luke replied. “Getting the TMs and HMs and then moving south of Pallet Town to get Articuno might be a good idea, but he will probably freeze my legs with his frozen wings.

          Luke was speaking nonsense again, but they could understand that it was just a method for him to keep his head cool. Nothing good will come if he lets the blood rush to his head.

          Fortunately, on the way back, the group didn’t find many groups of monsters and zombies, not even in the town. Luke had destroyed the crystal a few days ago. It seemed that the frozen wasps decided to make a base in another location, but Luke had no idea where it was since he didn’t find them anymore. That being said, the group found the traces of the battles that Luke had to win in order to reach Orlando, and they were reminded that once more that despite his goofiness, he was a force to be recognized.

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