Chapter 83: Anger (3)

              Something snapped inside Luke when he pierced the head of the subsequent Red Fang. His mind had gone blank due to the pain, so when he pulled his sword, he pulled it upward, even though he had to destroy another part of the monster’s skull. Still, he did so with ease…

          After the monster died, he attacked the next one. Instead of using Stinger, he just ran toward it and swung his sword toward the eyes of the creature, and blinded it. Once he did that, he grabbed the upper jaw of the beast and forcefully opened it before making his sword pierce the interior until it reached the brain.

              When that one died, Luke saw another one approaching with its mouth wide open, ready to bite him, but Luke kicked its chin and made the beast roll on the ground. When the monster recovered, it saw Luke landing and hitting its face with his knee. The beast grunted in agony since its skull cracked completely, it wasn’t an efficient way to defeat a monster, but it sure was painful…

          After he was done with that one, Luke held his sword with a reverse grip and then finally used Stinger. His attack easily pierced the eye of another monster, but it didn’t reach the brain. He just had to use the skill again, but instead of that, Luke pulled his sword and began to stab the monster’s face over and over again.

          Luke would have thought why the other monsters didn’t attack him if his mind were okay. While it wasn’t impossible for the others to be able to hold them back while they were focused on Luke, the chances were quite small… Nevertheless, Luke got bored after a while since the monster wasn’t showing any reaction. He threw that body aside and looked for the others, but he only saw the monsters running away. That was disappointing… Luke looked toward Chloe’s group, and then they stepped backward when he looked at them.

“LUKE!” Rina shouted.

“Wh-what?” Luke asked while he blinked several times. “It is time for lunch already?”

“What are you talking about… you scared me for a second,” Rina said after a long sigh. “It almost looked like something took over your body.”

“Ah, that was pretty interesting,” Shalia said.

“… It seems I let my frustration take over my head due to the pain,” Luke said after he recalled the last events. “Ouch… this hurt so much…”

            Luke’s whole body was hurting like hell. Some parts of his armor even melted, and they were still burning him. Rina tried to heal him as fast as possible, but even with all mana, he could recover in a minute. The pain wasn’t going away.

“Are you all right?” Chloe asked while making a dubious expression.

“More or less… how is everyone?” Luke asked.

“We lost three due to the attack, and the others had minor injuries…” Chloe said and then sighed. “You were right when you said this would be difficult…”

          Luke imagined that they would blame him for what happened, but they couldn’t do it while looking at him while covered in burn marks. In any case, it seemed that the monsters decided to run when they noticed that they had no other choice and that Luke would make them suffer instead of just killing them as fast as possible… At least that was what Rina told him while she was trying to get rid of the burn marks. Unfortunately, not even after one hour he was completely healed. The size of the burn marks decreased considerably. Still, it looked like it would take a full day for him to make a full recovery, and that was already pretty impressive.

“Now off we go to face the horde on the south side of the city,” Luke said.

“… You aren’t in condition to fight,” Chloe said. “We can wait a day or two for your recovery.”

“No, we can’t…” Luke said. “I can communicate with Billy every day, but I already skipped today’s communications. If I skip another, he might assume that I failed and my whole plan will blow to hell. Zombies are a bit easier to fight, so you don’t have to worry. Their numbers are bigger, but they are stupid as they can be.

          Although he said that, it was clear as the day that Luke wouldn’t be able to move like before, his best option would be to rely on Spark Ball to fight, paralyzing zombies and damaging them at the same time, while also giving them a chance for the others to attack. Still, that would make things difficult for Rina since she wouldn’t be able to use much mana to heal him…

          Chloe looked at her parents and wondered what they should do. The kid really wanted to take them to Billy’s side. Even though he looked like burned crap, he didn’t want to slow down his pace. They wondered if they should look for more survivors to help with that task. Still, it was hard to imagine most of them leaving their base… while the population of Red Fangs decreased, they still were pretty strong… and after seeing many people being burned to death, most of the survivors developed a trauma against those creatures. Unfortunately, Luke couldn’t waste his time and search for those enemies.

          While they were walking toward the southern side of the city, Luke realized that Arcanine leveled up three times… considering that his Flamethrower would be important against the zombies, he put all those points into Focus.

LV 38 – 39%

HP: 330/ 330

MP: 111/ 214

SP: 216/ 216

STR: 73 + 9 + 5

SPE: 69

INT: 38 + 5

END: 21 + 07 + 08 + 06 + 05

RES: 29 + 02 + 03

FOC: 70

Free points: 00

Gold Coins: 8933

Active Skills: Weapon Augmentation Lv 04, Stinger Lv 04, Dash Lv 02, Flying Kick Lv 01

Spells: Appraisal Lv 04, Spark Ball Lv 04, Tame Lv 01

Passive: Fire Resistance Lv 03, Wind Resistance Lv 01, Archery Lv 02, Viral Resistance Lv 02, Pain Resistance Lv 01, Swordsmanship Lv 02, Cold Resistance Lv 01, Earth Resistance Lv 01,

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