Chapter 73: Flamethrower (5)

          Luke didn’t have time to waste with the zombies, so he used Weapon Augmentation level four alongside the trash weapons he got along the way. While Billy forgot to mention it, but his family lived on the southern side of the city, so Luke was pretty close to them. He just had to cross a high road filled with dozens of thousands of zombies. 

              The city of Orlando had many attractions even farther away from its center. Still, all the places that Luke could see had been destroyed by monsters and explosions that happened for many reasons. One of the places that Luke could see in the distance was the Old Town… that had been burned down by fire zombies. Luke recalled that the zombies appeared around noon on Sunday, so the place must have been quite crowded… some zombies probably mutated after killing a few humans and then spread the chaos.

“Shit… this will take too long,” Luke said when he ended up using all his sub-weapons and only killed a few hundred zombies. “This won’t do…”

“Why don’t you just ignore them?” Rina asked. “With your speed, you can pass by them.”

“They are rare to find, but I can see those four-legged zombies, I am not sure If I can outrun them,” Luke explained. “Besides, to escape, we will have to follow this route again… might as well deal with this horde as soon as possible.”

“You are strong and you will become even stronger after defeating so many zombies, but it will take a while to get rid of all of those,” Shalia said. “If you wait for a week, I can help more, but I suppose that by that time, you would have dealt with them.”

“More? How so?” Luke asked.

“At this rate, the amount of mana that we can drain and stock from you will reach the one thousand point mark in one week,” Shalia explained. “When that happens, we will be able to use our true power for a second.”

“One second, huh…” Luke rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “This will be interesting, but I don’t have the luxury to wait for that long.”

            The power of elves that have five years of experience and power from continuous fight sure would be useful. Luke could imagine such power in action. Most likely, thousands of zombies will be decimated on a very short notice. Nevertheless, it wasn’t something that Luke could count on right now…

              After thinking for a while, Luke realized that it would be better if he found Billy’s family first and then worked with them to open the path. As for the method to deal with the speed-type zombies… it was a bit risky, but Luke will paralyze them with Spark Balls while he runs over the zombie horde, using their heads as footing. A single mistake would be enough for Luke to be caught in the middle of the horde, but he also thought of a method to prevent that. If his foot slips, he will use Stinger to move forward and upward a little bit.

“This plan of yours still is quite dangerous, but I can’t think of any better solution, unfortunately,” Rina said.

“As long as you don’t use too much mana, I can cover you,” Shalia said.

          Luke made a mental note to look for the skill Fly or Telekinesis the next time he uses the shop, but those would be expensive as hell. Nevertheless, after hiding his pickup on the coast of the road and under a few trees, Luke put his plan into action. Thanks to his increase in strength, when he approached the horde and jumped, he actually reached ten meters of height, and for a second, he trembled a little… for the first time in his life. Luke realized that he wasn’t good with high places. Nevertheless, the horde got tense when they felt his presence, but only the fire zombies could do something against him, and when they aimed, Luke had landed on the head of another zombie and then began to run while stepping over them. It was quite hard to keep running while watching his feet, thanks to that, Luke almost got hit by some Fireballs, but Shalia repelled those with Ice Arrows.

          When the speed-type zombies finally appeared, Luke paralyzed them by using Spark Ball as planned. In fact, the spell worked more than he had imagined… The creatures trembled for several seconds before they finally recovered, and when they did it, Luke was already too far away. They tried to chase him, but jumping over the horde that just got tense thanks to Luke’s arrival was too difficult for them.

          Luke also could have killed them by using Weapon Augmentation, but he was saving his SP to keep running while using Dash. He didn’t want to do that more than he had to, after all. When Luke’s feet got loose for one reason or the other, Shalia quickly created an ice platform on the zombie’s head to help him. Thanks to that, Luke escaped one hell of a problem… even though he began to sweat cold after that happened.

            Somehow, Luke managed to run for several kilometers while doing that, and he finally could see the end of the horde. However, he also found something else there… a weird type of dog that was the size of a lion, but the dog’s body was completely black and had some red stripes. The dog wasn’t alone, a group of fifty of those were opening their mouths and were killing the zombies with Flamethrowers… the creatures didn’t have the chance to attack… when the fire zombies resisted, one of the dogs attacked them and with a single Body Slam, made them fly. Their physical and magic powers were pretty impressive. After seeing such a scene, Luke only could thing of a single thing: that he wanted to use Tame on them.

“I want one of those…” Luke said while grinning. “They will be a lot useful…”

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