Chapter 65: Boss (6)

You received a quest.

Quest: destroy the crystal.

Reward: 1800 gold coins.

        Luke found his goal, but he observed the crystal for a while instead of doing anything. However, even after ten minutes, no wasp was spawned… it seemed that the owner on the other side wasn’t planning on sending more wasps. Luke grabbed the needles on his backpack, but then he let them go. It would be better to use them at the last moment.

          While moving around the city, Luke decided to change his plans a little bit. He already learned that he could be sneaky under the right circumstances, so it was time to focus on speed. After finding a group of wasps, Luke hit several of them when he was forty meters away. He didn’t kill a single one, and they found him. Naturally, the enemies began to chase Luke, and he ran away to prevent alerting other groups of monsters. However, in no time, the monsters caught up to him. The beasts prepared to surround Luke, but then he used Stinger to approach and quickly impale one of the wasps. He turned to the side and then used Stinger two more times, and he impaled two other wasps. Luke swung his sword and sent the corpses toward them when the others tried to attack him. The beasts stopped their charge and turned to the sides to dodge the bodies, but by doing so, they gave Luke the chance to equip and aim with his crossbow. From that distance, he couldn’t miss.

You obtained 06 experience points.

You obtained 06 gold coins.

You obtained 06 experience points.

You obtained 06 gold coins.

“I used more MP and SP than usual, but I didn’t waste time sneaking around to snipe the enemies,” Luke nodded to himself. “Since the wind bolts don’t make any noise, it didn’t alert the other groups. However, that group noticed my smell before… so the scent of blood will eventually put them on guard.”

        Since that was the case, Luke thought that he should speed up things even more, but that would only spread the smell… in the end, Luke had an idea. He used his Frozen Claymore to freeze the corpses a little bit. When their temperatures decreased, the smell they emanated decreased.

Congratulations! The skill Archery has leveled up.

You obtained 05 status points.

          After a while, Luke managed to get rid of the small groups that protected the exterior ring of the town. He had decreased the monster population by twenty percent, but the other groups were much larger…

“Well now… what to do?” Luke asked while he checked the position of the sun and confirmed that it was nine in the morning.

        It was time to change his tactics again… Luke wanted to leave the city before noon, after all. Thanks to his high Focus, Luke could use Weapon Augmentation and kill that many wasps in three hours, but the problem was the number of his resources. He had a few hundred needles, but it wasn’t enough… Luke would have to rely on Stinger. So, he will have to get closer to the enemy and change targets before the other can get him.

          Nevertheless, Luke lured the first group by firing some bolts, and he didn’t move from his spot. While seeing twenty wasps flying toward him, Luke got some goosebumps. Nevertheless, he put away his crossbow and waited for the monsters to assume their attack formation. Just like before, half of them stayed behind to use Frozen Whisper, while the other half tried to surround him. Those creatures were really well-trained, but not enough…

          Luke stopped both groups by firing two Spark Balls to the middle of them. The sparks of lightning stopped most of the creatures, making even their spells stop working for a moment. Luke used that chance to use Stinger and impale three wasps. After getting rid of the corpses, he used Flying Kick and landed on the face of one of the wasps on the backline, and he felt his feet crushing the head of the monster. Nevertheless, now their formation was nothing since Luke was right on the backline.

          Due to the fact that the monsters that used Frozen Whisper stayed on the limit of the range of the skill, they were completely aligned, so Luke had the chance to destroy all of them completely. Before they could even react, he used Weapon Augmentation level four, and his strike completely annihilated the monsters. Luke probably could have saved some SP if he fought more safely, but he was fighting to gain time, not to waste it.

          The attack had been so powerful that Luke’s blade completely disappeared inside five wasps, but the motion alone had been enough to kill all of the others. When the wasps of the frontline turned around to attack him with their stings, he once more used Spark Ball to stop them. This time, he used it several times in a row to damage the monsters as much as possible. Thanks to that, the wasps began to emit steam from their bodies and fell to the ground. Despite the elemental difference, they had some resistance against electric attacks, but not that much. Nevertheless, Luke finished them off while they were on the ground.

          The monsters dropped one HP and SP potion, but they also dropped a shield. It was a tower shield that backs in the day, and soldiers would use it alongside the Phalanx formation. It seemed like a useful shield since it was completely made of iron, and it was pretty thick, but Luke didn’t like fighting with shields. Rather than saying that, it was clearly that putting his feet down and focusing on defense didn’t fit him.

Tower Shield

A shield that offers grand protection and can cover the entire user.

END + 06, RES + 03

Durability: 20/20

“The bonuses in defense are pretty useful… it is truly a pity that this will gather dust for a while,” Luke thought.

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