Chapter 61: Boss (2)

          A taming skill… if Luke could tame a giant crow, couldn’t he cross the Atlantic Ocean on it? He obtained a skill that could help him reach his goal pretty fast, but not at the best of times. Billy was expecting him to look for his family, after all. Besides, could Luke really cross the ocean on a monster like that? Considering the speed he saw them flying, it would take days…

“What is wrong? Why did you stop?” Amanda asked.

“… It is nothing,” Luke said, and then he realized that half an hour had already passed, and they were only at the halfway point of the street, and the concentration of corpses was even higher ahead.

          In the end, Luke used Dash and began to kick the largest bodies instead of using his sword. It was faster that way, even though it was a bit painful. After a while, Luke found a weapon that actually would help the group with cleaning the path… it was a pity, but it was a bow.

Heavy Bow

A bow that specializes in creating and firing arrows that cause blunt damage. Each arrow will cost eight MP to be summoned.

INT + 8

Durability: 15/15

          Luke frowned again since the cost was a bit high. Nevertheless, he passed it to Amanda, and then he saw her making the bodies of fat zombies rolling for dozens of meters whenever she hit them. Amanda and Celia didn’t have high strength, so such weapons would help her pick up the pace. Luke even let her use the MP potions along the way to increase the pace… thanks to all that, after fifteen more minutes, the group crossed the points of the road where corpses were blocking the path. However, they couldn’t relax yet since they could hear the sound of chopper engines in the distance. In the end, the group quickly made the vehicle approach the side of the road, and they hid behind some trees.

“We should be fine here,” Luke said while looking around and finding no signs of monsters and zombies. “You can rest for the night.”

“Finally… sweating all this much at my age isn’t something easy,” Stanley said and then let his body fall on the ground once the tension vanished. “Still, I feel strangely refreshed.”

“It is probably because we succeeded in doing something that we thought was impossible,” Amanda said while smiling. “Still, things won’t become easier from this moment onward…”

          It looked like the naive Amanda was starting to adapt to the situation. Luke thought that the whole group would feel a lot more dispirited after seeing so much destruction and death. However, that was probably just him underestimating others who made some mistakes that he didn’t, and the mistakes he did, they completely avoided it.

“We left the corpses behind, but thanks to that, I will have to follow a roundabout route toward Orlando…” Luke thought. “Maybe I can save some time by taming a giant crow, and using it to rest my body and fight while only using mana, but they aren’t showing up here.”

          The crows probably won’t come since they are mostly cowardly creatures that feed on corpses. Considering the destruction and the noise the choppers could make, those creatures really didn’t have many reasons to come.

          When the whole group relaxed and ate, the choppers finally arrived in the area, but they didn’t even stop to check the zombies they had left behind. In the end, their sole goal was really grinding… Hopefully, they will open the paths for the survivors to leave the city, or maybe after the population of zombies decreases, the survivors won’t have many reasons to leave and will try to rebuild everything. Still, Luke couldn’t imagine such a thing happening so smoothly. Regardless, Luke left the group for a while to water the vegetation, and he began to wonder what would be his next steps. 

“At least warn us when you are going to do that…” Rina said and then turned around.

          Luke didn’t even hear Rina’s protest. He was thinking about the routes available for him. While it was a roundabout way, he still could follow the same road, and after taking some turns, he would reach Orlando, but then he would have to cross 240 miles, and he also will have to fight some hordes of zombies along the way, which will increase the duration of the trip. On the other hand, he will have the chance to find some supplies. Luke could use the map on his cellphone to follow the shortest path, but then he won’t have many chances to find useful supplies.

          After looking around, Luke noticed that the road was strangely completely free of any vehicles. Few people had the chance to leave Miami when the zombies appeared, it seems. While that wasn’t shocking, it still was a problem for Luke. If he uses his needles alongside Weapon Augmentation, he probably could fight while driving a motorcycle. He just had to stop now and then. Hell, he could even fight while driving a car. He just had to rely on Shalia to do the fighting… However, things will be difficult by doing everything by himself. Shalia and Rina could watch the surroundings. Like sleeping, but there is only so much he can do.

“Fuck it… there is no way that I am sticking with those guys after all that shit,” Luke thought.

          Rina and Shalia could imagine what Luke was thinking. As one would expect, Rina didn’t like that way of thinking, but she didn’t feel like she should try to convince Luke of doing what he wanted after her recent actions. Shalia, on the other hand, felt satisfied with it. Amanda and Celia’s group grew stronger, but not because they accepted the risks, but because Luke drew the attention of all the zombies to himself on that day. Thanks to that, they could fight without worrying about any danger… or so she thought.

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