Chapter 50: Race agaisnt time (1)

          Before Luke could choose between one of the skills, he swung his sword in an arc and beheaded the two other archers. No one had time to react since no one expected Luke could cover twenty meters of distance instantly.

You obtained 120 points of experience.

You obtained 245 gold coins.

You killed a fellow human and have the right to learn one of their skills. You can choose between Fire Enchantment and Archery.

You obtained 12 points of experience.

You obtained 253 gold coins.

You killed a fellow human and have the right to learn one of their skills. You can choose between Bash, Viral Resistance, and Fire Resistance.

          Luke wondered what that feeling that he just experimented in his hands was… it didn’t feel much different, like when he cut down zombies. He soon realized what had happened, his consciousness alerted him that he had just taken someone else’s life, and that was why he was feeling different. His back felt strangely heavier, even though he didn’t feel like that would hinder his movements. He wondered why he didn’t feel the same way when he killed the pilot.

          Nevertheless, when Andrew and Lucy realized that Luke killed their three allies without breaking a sweat, they hesitated as well. They saw many people being bitten by zombies. They saw many people dying. Still, they didn’t see humans killing other humans that easily.

          The one who broke the silence that lasted an eternity had been Shalia, who fired some ice saws toward the two remaining enemies’ heads. Still, the dark elves blocked them with some Fireballs. The projectiles exploded and raised some steam in the area, blocking everyone’s vision. However, Luke still could hear footsteps, the footsteps of Andrew and Lucy running away. It seemed that they had learned their lesson, but Luke didn’t feel like letting them go. Who knows what they will plot if he leaves them alive. Besides, he wanted compensation for the fact that they forced him to kill.

          Luke dashed toward them and then opened his eyes widely when he saw a Fireball and an Earth Bullet flying toward his face. He reacted on time to block the Earth Bullet with his sword, and Shalia repelled the Fireball with her Ice Arrow. Andrew and Lucy clicked their tongues and increased their pace. They were faster than Luke, somehow, but he knew that they were using some magic and items to increase their speed, and that would come with a cost. Those two headed toward the other exit of the shopping mall because they wanted to stay away from Luke, but then he surprised them when they arrived at the exit. Even though he was one hundred meters away from them, Luke made the gap disappear in a single second after using Stinger on the highest level he could use five times in a row. Lucy didn’t have time to react, and the Frozen Claymore pierced her back and passed through it until it reached the other side.

You obtained 130 points of experience.

You obtained 379 gold coins.

You killed a fellow human and have the right to learn one of their skills. You can choose between Quick Legs, Sonic Punch and Fireball.

          Lucy spat a mouthful of blood when Luke pulled back his sword and let her fall to the ground. The dark elf that was working with her suddenly began to disappear. Meanwhile, Andrew turned pale while he was crossing the exit. That spear of his was dangerous, and now that Andrew and his dark elf knew what Luke could do, the same trick wouldn’t work twice. So, Luke grabbed one of his broadswords and then Weapon Augmentation level three. The sword broke, but then five smaller ones made of light flew toward Andrew. His dark elf and he tried to block the projectiles with an earth wall and with his spear, but they only blocked three. Two of them hit his right shoulder and left leg, making him fall to the ground.

          While he was agonizing in pain, Andrew tried to get up, but Luke quickly stopped him with Spark Ball as he approached. In the end, his dark elf tried to attack Luke with Fireballs, but Shalia stopped them with Ice Arrows.

“… Please…” Andrew said when he saw Luke moving his sword.

          Luke ignored it and then made his sword pierce the enemy’s heart. 

You obtained 130 points of experience

You obtained 449 gold coins.

You killed a fellow human and have the right to learn one of their skills. You can choose between Dash, Earth Bullet, and Lurk.

              Luke watched Andrew agonizing for a few seconds, but when his body turned limp, and the dark elf began to disappear, he confirmed that he had won. A few seconds later, Luke began to hear the sound of an engine, and the pickup that was transporting Amanda and the others showed up… they sure appeared at a convenient time. Luke was bleeding a bit, but his sword was utterly drenched in human blood. Thanks to that, the group hesitated in approaching, but Luke walked toward them.

“What are you planning to do, Luke?” Rina asked.

“You will see…” Luke replied.

          When he saw Luke approaching, Amanda’s father felt that something bad was about to happen, so he began to drive backward, but a single Spark Ball near the tires made him stop. If Luke uses that on the engine, the vehicle won’t last for long. In the end, Amanda and Celia jumped from the vehicle to clear that misunderstanding. They didn’t recognize Luke because of his new clothes and helmet. That is why they didn’t stop. Apparently, Luthi guided them without telling them his plan.

“This isn’t what you think, Luke,” Amanda said.

          Luke ignored Amanda and then put his sword on the right shoulder of Celia and right above Luthi’s head.

“Because of you, I had to kill humans again,” Luke said. “Now, give me one reason as to why I shouldn’t kill you.”

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