[Ding! Warning! Protagonist halo is about to trigger....

Chance of awakening the Special Physique 90%....

Chance of awakening bloodline 85%....

Chance of getting help from a strong 81%....

Chance of getting all of the above 69%....]

[Ding! Villain Halo triggered.....

All the awaking chances of the protagonists halved....]

[Ding! Special mission: Cuckblock Protagonist Halo....

Task: Prevent Nathan from awakening any chances cause of his protagonist's halo.

(Suggestion: Chance of awakening something through the halo can be blocked if power of the

Halo is diverted elsewhere to protect from imminent danger of the protagonist.)

Time: 1 minute

Reward: Upgrade system rewards yet to be used by the host in the system inventory. Do you want to accept this task Y/N?]

As Alex feared, The moment notification of Nathan losing his luck felt another notification popped up from the system.

When Nathan got hit on his luck, His protagonist halo overclocked and came to his rescue.

Looking at what system says, If Alex did not interfere and prevent it from this happening, Nathan would receive some broken abilities.

Alex even believes that there is a high chance of Nathan awakening all of the options as that's how lucky these protagonists are.

If not this then at least Nathan would awaken some ancient Special physique as that would also heal his injuries and make him more tolerant to the beating.

Nathan's body already improved by 20 strength stats the last time he beat him. So it's highly possible that it will happen again.

'Accept the task....And tell me how sure you are to control the power level of my Starlight skill?'

Alex was quick on his wits and accepted the task.

Not only because it was necessary to prevent Nathan from spreading his wings, As once that happened it would be harder to suppress him.

But also the reward of this task is quite tempting, He has quite few things in the system he yet to use it as he was saving them just in case.

Now after he earns this reward, Those things would be upgraded, So how come he is not tempted.

As for how to complete the task while being in his room is also quite simple. System already said as long as he put life of Nathan in imminent danger forcing his luck to drop the idea of awakening broken things and work and save the life of Nathan.

If that is the case then all he has to do is to make sure to put him in imminent danger. Before he may have struggled to do it from this long distance but thanks to Liora, He has means to target anyone virtually anywhere in this cosmos.

[Ding! System is 100% sure that it can control the skill power perfectly without any error.] System voice fell, putting Alex's mind at ease.

Though he can use the system given skills without any worry but to avoid any mishaps like using too much or too little power, He directly used the system to do it.

After all, If he used too much then Nathan's halo would just go berserk and pull out even more broken things.

And if he used too little then it would not be enough to divert his luck making him fail the task and also allow Nathan to gain the footing.

So why now directly use the system? Anyway it did not cost him a thing to use his skills using the system.

'System target Nathan.....and Jake using Starlight passive, Make sure to just use the perfect amount of power for the task.'

Alex directly asked the system to do it against Nathan but then he took a pause and also asked the system to target Jake.

Even if Jake was just an bait, He also has too much luck on him, And cherry on top is that he is not as resilient as Nathan, So he didn't have to worry about two protagonist halo triggering.

Anyway he is already using the skill, Why not spend some more and get the wool of his dear brother-in-law too.

[Ding! Targets have been detected....

15,000 RP is deducted....

Starshower skill is being used...

Starlight passive is being used...]

As Alex voice fell, A barrage of system notifications rang in his mind, instantly deducting 15,000 RP and then using his new found skill.


"Mummm- Mummm!!"

On the top of the Gayler's 5th story mansion, Nathan wrapped in head to toe in the bandages on the wheelchair struggling to resist as Bodyguard no1. and no.2 pushed him towards the edge of the terrace.

They even put the two wooden planks on the safety rails of the terrace, of which they are easily able to push Nathan's wheelchair along with him from the terrace.

While all Nathan was able to do was just do a futile struggle to resist as he was seeing he was being pushed towards those planks.

He knows if he really fall from this height, He may not die but he would become disable if not least he would need to be laying in the bead for months.

Unless some magical healing potion or skill is used on him.

'Alex, It has to be that damn Alex, He is the reason I am suffering, Mark my words, Soon I would have my rise and first one to pay for their sin would be that ugly bastard.

I would also get that healing skill of his. It is a waste to be in possession of that losser, I would also snatch that Alia from, Women like her can only be worthy of someone like me, Not that dirtbag, I would make her beg under me sooner or later, I swore it.'

Nathan was fuming in anger over his helplessness but it's target was not these two

Bodyguards but Alex.

Nathan wholeheartedly believes that everything wrong happening with him was because of


Since the moment he met that man, His luck seems to be pulmet, Since when did he suffer like

This before?

Even if he was on the verge of dying before, He was never this helpless. He always found a way to survive it, And each time he hit the pot of gold after the difficulties.

But since he came home, Everywhere he goes he is being beaten like a street bitch.

Thinking about how many times he was beaten and goy humiliated, And then seeing he still being humiliated by these two pest, Nathan's blood started to boil in rage.

His skin and bone underneath of the bandage also started to feel itchy as he was being pushed up through the wooden planks.

Nathan seeing this felt even more humiliated, accelerating the Strangeness in his body.

"Huh?! What is that weird aura?"

A few kilometers outside of the Berlin city, A figure in black robe looked up, feeling the birth of some powerful ancient every.

It tried to locate the origin of such power but because it was such a faint energy, It was harder for the figure to pinpoint its location.

But the figure was sure it's a matter of time before being able to find out it's exact location as

It can clearly feel this aura is someone awakening their powers.

Meanwhile Nathan was just inches away from the edge of the terrace, and falling 5 storey

Straight down.

Yet other than fear he was filled with rage, Lots of rage for the man he is sure this all

Happening because of Alex.

He was being pushed closer and closer to the edge and with each second the Strangeness in his

Body, Which he was unaware of because of his fury.

This is the same cliché routine of this kinda protagonist.

If nothing happened, The last moment before Nathan was about to fall down, He would

Awaken his physique and bloodline.

Which is going to alert some power how who would come to the rescue of the protagonist,

Then there would be a faceslap routine.

After which the protagonist starts going around the usual acting pig eating tigress routine.

Unfortunately for Nathan, His motherfucker did not agree.

Above in the starry sky, Two lights twinkled as suddenly they fell down with the speed

Invisible to naked eyes.

'I would kill them, I would kill them al-!!!!!

Nathan was pushed on the edge of the terrace as he knew he would be pushed down any

Moment now.

Seeing this finally a panic arose in his heart but also the strangeness in his body reached its peak. As at any moment Nathan would burst out with dual awakening of his special physique

And bloodline.

*Bang* *Ignite*

It's just that, at this critical moment, sometimes as small as a ping pong ball fell from the sky and collided with Nathan instantly making his body covered in the bondage ablaze.

Because of the inertia of the moving object, It also pushed the surprisingly undamaged wheelchair Nathan sitting on off the roof.


Nathan couldn't understand what just happened, The strange feeling in his body on hit

Dispersed as if it was never there.

It's just in the next second that the chest area of Nathan starts to glow in a quite faint green

Hue in which some ancient runes are inscribed.

Which then sparde all over his body underneath the bandage creating a thin layer trying to

Protect Nathan from being harmed by now his ablaze body.

*Slam* *Smash* Nathan was in agony by the feeling of being burnt alive in unreasonably hot flames, So he

Could not even understand what happened when he slammed directly on the ground, breaking most of the bones in his body once again.

But Nathan did not pay any attention to it, As his body was still on fire burning through the bandages on his body, somehow rolling back and forth on the ground.

The green hue underneath trying best to protect Nathan from being harmed but it could not

Keep it up at all.

At best it can try to save Nathan's life, even that is hard to say much less keep him from being


All because right now not only the flames temperature exceeded the 10,000° celsius but if that was it, The green power would not even allow it to harm Nathan.

It's just that this green hue was not dealing with just a high temperature flames but also there

Was a ton of radiation emitted by that object.

Though that object only existed for a fraction of second, The radiation emitted by was in millions if not at least hundreds of thousands of grey directly into the Nathan.

If this power did not reacted quickly and taken the action, Nathan would have died on impact.

Still Nathan was not out of the woods yet as even if green hue was able to prevent most of the

Radiation from entering in his body, Still large amount of radiation absorbed by him, For which green hue working hard to filter it out to keep him alive.

"Should...we?" Bodyguard no.2 spoke to no.1 with a look of worry as he watched their so-called young master

Struggling on the ground while his body was still on fire.

"Of course we should, As we are masters bodyguards after all, Let's go down to help him."

Bodyguard no.1 looked down at struggling Nathan, Then at no.2 as unhurriedly spoke to the

No.2 after which he turned around to go down for help. "No.1, It's the wrong way, Elevator is here."

No.2 was follow suit in hurry as its okay to torture Nathan but this guy really died then their

Eldest miss also would not have a good days left in Gayler houshold.

It's just that while he was in a hurry, He saw no.1 making a wrong turn and thought he made it

Anxiously and so decided to tell him.

"Oh, We would take the stairs as they are healthy, We have to be fit after all to protect our precious young master, Also no running on the stairs."

No.1 didn't even look back, just spoke up as he nonchalantly took the stairs like he was not

Going to save a man on fire but to go get a walk.

Seeing this action of No.1, No.2 felt like a door had been opened in his mind and thought that

He needs to learn more from him. Then he also followed suit behind No.1.


"This should be on the outskirts of the city, So Miller manor would b-AHHHH!!!"

(A/N: Sorry for the dealy

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day [].)

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