Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 177 School Trip [10] [Banished Noble Girl (1)]

'That should make me enough of an attention seeker.'

Russell inwardly muttered as they walked out of the Noble Player Training Center with all eyes seeming to land on him.

The next destination this time would be the Bazaars of Nobility where various delicacies that were surely mouthwatering, as well as various goods that were helpful in one's everyday life of either being a player civilian or a full-time player like a mercenary or an adventurer.

After more than thirty minutes of walking through the crowd, Russell and the others, who were still being led by Elizabeth, found themselves in the Bazaars of Nobility. This time, unlike when they were at the Noble Player Training Center, the groups were scattered around and respectively explore the different areas of the bazaars.

The one being led by Jiho and Anya went to the area with a playground ambiance. It was a small park where one could enjoy oneself by riding magic rides, playing arcades to win expensive prizes, and exploring some booths.

On the other hand, the one being led by Samantha and Rumia went to the area where various luxurious restaurants were lined up. Although the part of the city was called a "Bazaar" in a sense, it didn't mean that there were only hawkers or peddlers selling different kinds of delicacies or goods.

Furthermore, Leon, being a representative of the Student Council, was also leading a group of students. Due to this case, Leon, who was occasionally reminding himself that everything he was doing was for the sake of the Obreyon Family and that the Tower of Growth's judgment was utterly ridiculous, was doing his best to level himself with the students he had no idea about.

"For sale! For sale!"

"...Elven or Dwarven Slave!"

"They are safe and have no criminal records, but they are banished from their respective kingdoms by those who previously own them!"

"For sale! For sale!"

The sound of the slave merchant resounded across the streets. The slaves were inside a magic-reinforced cage. Since this country was a bit medieval but resembled most of modernity, the slaves were inside a magic-powered truck rather than the usual caravan of a merchant.

"This country is truly the embodiment of hypocrisy."

Russell muttered. Although he wasn't heard by others, his voice didn't escape Elizabeth's, and Celiya von Elydine's ears.

Without knowing anything about Russell's past, Celiya looked at Russell with a bit of contempt because she's from this country, but at this moment she was merely a student taking a School Trip and was forbidden to exude her authority as a noble to rebuke the undermining words that came out of Russell's mouth.

Rather than rebuking, she take a deep breath before making a response, though she knew that his words weren't directed at her.

"...Why do you think so?"

Without looking at his side, clearly hearing Celiya's question, Russell casually spoke what was on his mind.

"Because slavery is allowed, but the Red Lunar District is considered as filthy in this country. In other words, what's the difference between being a slave and a prostitute from one's standpoint?"

Elizabeth casually listened to the interesting point that Russell just made. As a princess, she had several capable maids assigned to her, even before she started to perceive the basics of basics, by her mother, but she didn't know what it really meant to have slaves in possession.

"Well, don't mind me. I'm just bubbling what's on my mind."

Celiya fell silent at what Russell said. As a noble from the Elydine Family, she was not totally unaware of how some nobles in her circle treated their owned slaves. Some of the slaves were used as something that a noble could rant about when he or she was having a bad day. In other words, they're being abusive to what they own just because of a simple reason — having a bad day.

And Celiya, though she's only around fifteen to sixteen years old, knew that some slaves, specifically the Elves, were only used as sex slaves for the noble's pleasure.

Although she knew that already, Celiya couldn't help but still contemplate what Russell said. It was the first time that a thought-provoking statement had mentally and psychologically shaken her.

"Every country does have different laws and standards, after all."

Russell added before walking faster, without looking back, to get ahead of Celiya.


"Young man, what do you want?

"We have the finest soda!

"The most delectable, and the most mouthwatering!

"The best seller of this country!"

Russell stood in front of a small stall that was selling various sodas that originated in this country since it was their specialty.

'Delectable and mouthwatering? That's practically the same thing.'

Russell inwardly lampooned before purchasing one. Elizabeth and the other group members were having their own businesses in close proximity.

"That will be a thousand Obel, young man."

Russell couldn't help but scoff at the price of the soda, but being a tourist and considering they were in the country's capital, it was acceptable from his standpoint.

Paying the cost, Russell politely asked the vendor.

"...Sir, do you know where I can buy a mask here? Anything that can fit for an event like an auction."

"Oho... It seems you're one of the students who can participate in such an extravagant and luxurious auction later at night.

"...Alright, a few blocks away, you'll see a clothing store, you know, they are used for those themed playgrounds and noble circles."

With amusement, the vendor answered and gave him simple directions to go to the store.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Haha-! Good luck, young man!"

Leaving the stall, Russell went to Elizabeth's side and excused himself for a moment. He said that he won't go too far, but just a few blocks away. Elizabeth then agreed without much thought to consider.


A few minutes later, Russell found himself inside the clothing store. It's quite spacious and colorful. There were seemingly countless colored jackets, formal attires, wedding dresses, shoes, shirts, and so on. After he walked past several people, Russell found the entire section where masks of different designs were neatly organized.

After scrutinizing some masks, he picked up one that was commonly used in an occasion like the coming of age of a noble. The reason why he needed to buy a mask was that the auction of Duke Fenrich required a specific mask to be worn by the guests, at least that's what they were previously informed according to Azalea's words.

Walking towards the counter, Russell paid for four masks, of which three were for his Chaos Companions to wear.

"Thank you for your generosity!

"Enjoy your stay here in Alapeia!"

The woman at the counter spoke with gratification, showing her diligence in her work. Russell just nodded with a faint smile before he left.


A few minutes just after he left, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes entered the clothing store.

The woman, who was smiling at Russell and any other customer, had her eyes gleamed upon seeing the individual who just entered.

"Ma'am Czerina?"


Several hours quickly flew by, and the night of the auction that was owned by one of the Ducal Households was about to start. Although the venue was less spacious compared to the Ethereal Auction House, it was more extravagant, especially because it was founded, under the permission of the King of Cassiopeia, with the help of numerous nobles that had close ties with Duke Fenrich.

Then, with the help of players that had professions related to architecture, engineering, and something related to design, the grandeur, the final product of the exterior and interior of this magnificent and sturdy infrastructure was laid before Russell's deep blue eyes.

Wearing the mask that he bought in the clothing store, Russell grabbed his seat. It was the same for Freya, Amelie, and Ken, who Russell asked to also come since his friends wouldn't go to the auction that's clearly high-end.

After a few minutes, as everyone was talking here and there, the crimson curtain that was hiding what was behind the stage finally rose, revealing a theatrical stage that was exuding a strange atmosphere of tranquility.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the semi-annual auction of the Fenrich Ducal Household will now commence!"

Suddenly appearing using any peculiar means, a woman with blue eyes under gold-rimmed eyeglasses spoke with elegance.

A round of applause resounded throughout the auction house, signaling the start of acquiring something that one desired for whatever reason they might have.


"Scale Armor, Unique Rank.

"Bid starts at one hundred million."

The woman spoke as one of the auction's personnel presented the Scale Armor in front of the guests. Its origin was a certain Strayed Dungeon that had an environment surrounded by water. It increases one's Swift stat and could allow the wearer to breathe underwater for 20 minutes without having any physical backslash.

"A hundred and fifty million from the Pantoran Marquis Household!"

"Two hundred million from the Cliffland Baron Household!"

"There we have a three hundred million from one of our esteemed new guests!"


"H-hey! Russell, I said it's fine, I don't need it!"

Ken whispered, embarrassed by Russell's action.

"You need it. It will help you move quicker."

The reason why Russell asked Ken to attend the auction even though the latter barely had enough money for himself was to get him something beneficial. Because, during almost two months that they raided numerous Chaos Dungeons, Ken Raven almost died several times, especially when Amelie's healing skill didn't exist.

The other noble guests glanced to the upper right side of the rows and columns of seats from where Russell was sitting.

"There you have it! A stronger desire to possess the Scale Armor! _

"From the Solas Marquis Household!"

"A bid of four hundred million!"

After some time, no one was bidding anymore and the round to possess the Scale Armor ended.

"The Scale Armor has now been sold to Marquis Solas!"

Russell and Freya's atmosphere turned cold upon hearing the name and seeing a bearded man with blue eyes from afar.

'Long time no see, Marquis.'

'Long time no see, Marquis.'

Russell and Freya thought in synchronicity.


Sitting on the left side far side of the auction with a concealed appearance due to the required mask, Czerina saw Russell's position.

"...Found you."

'I don't need to mind his companions since I can easily take care of them.'

Then, after a few hours, the auction ended. With the help of Russell, Freya, and Amelie's finances, they managed to buy Ken suitable armor for being an Assassin, though it was mainly due to its availability in the auction.

On this starry night, though there were resplendent lights of the capital, there were still areas that couldn't get enough of it. It was the reality of this country, which also exists in other countries — that there exists the opposite of nobility or the wealthy aristocrats, or simply the poor.

With their free time throughout the night, Russell, together with Freya and the two — Amelie and Ken, broke the law imposed on them, not just as students, but as foreign individuals that set foot in this country.

"Welcome home to us."

Russell coldly muttered upon entering the Red Lunar District, where their parents' story began.

What appeared in front of them was mostly dyed crimson or dark orange. With these two colors, the atmosphere was strangely lively. Then, passing by some stores, Russell and the others heard a woman wearing formal clothes, something unusual for this place, spoke.

"Selling a service of 500 Constitution up to 1,000 Constitution!

"No Stamina Potions allowed!

"For only a hundred thousand Obel for eight hours!"

Freya's cheek turned red as she almost instantly understood what kind of service was the woman referring to.

"Woah, that much Constitution surely will last if only used in intercourse."

Amelie casually spoke, causing Russell, Freya, and Ken to look at her with expressions of incredulity.


"What the hell is wrong with those kids?"

Czerina, who was following Russell for several days, constricted her eyes upon seeing such kids entered the entrance of the Red Lunar District.

Without much choice, Czerina entered the considered filthy place as she muttered, having a sense of nostalgia.

"I guess this was my second home."

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