What should be done to deter a student who was opening their eyes to a new attribute of magic and was intending to follow that path?

It would be enough to inform them that they could die the moment they step onto that path.

Professor Bolady swung the bead like a madman. It wasn’t a joke; a serious murderous intent could be felt.


‘The weight of the bead has increased!’

Yi-Han realized that Professor Bolady had increased the weight from the sensation he felt when the beads collided.

He sensed the meaning of to avoid fixating on futile rotations, but rather compressing the water bead even more.

…But even if that was simply said aloud by words, Yi-Han would have understood.

Inside the classroom where there were only two of them, sparks flew. In the atmosphere that was tenser than before, only the sound of bursts could be heard.

In silence, they locked eyes, manipulating the magical sphere, all while keeping their gaze fixed solely on each other’s pupils.

‘…Should I kill the professor?’

A thought that was not exactly the first of its kind popped into Yi-Han’s head.

Of course, the idea of killing was a joke, and it was more like causing some minor injuries by hitting him a couple of times.

It was not a thought made purely out of his emotions.

Right now, Professor Bolady was seriously radiating murderous intent as he launched the beads.

However, while Yi-Han’s magical control had noticeably improved in a short span, he was not at a level where he could go head-to-head with the veteran Professor Bolady and win a one-on-one combat.

In this situation, what did Yi-Han need to do to survive?

Even if he wasn’t going to ki…ll the professor, he at least needed to disrupt the professor’s concentration enough so that he could not properly focus.

‘Will I be able to do it?’

Yi-Han focused all his attention. While maintaining the compressed and swirling water bead before him, a new incantation flowed from his lips.

“Spring forth!”

With the incantation, new water began to take form and appear in the air.

While such simultaneous magic was almost forbidden for inexperienced freshmen in magic, it held little significance for Yi-Han.

He had already confirmed through personal experience several times that a little mana wastage was not a problem.

Moreover, at the moment, Professor Bolady before his eyes posed a greater threat to his life than the mana wastage.


Brilliance traversed in the emotionless pupils of Professor Bolady.

‘Is he planning to increase the number of beads?’

Though it was a thought a cornered freshman might entertain, it wasn’t a good one.

Increasing the number of beads would only make control more difficult; Professor Bolady could easily penetrate any gap in between.

While taking action instead of staying still was good, the direction was wro…

“Shield, unfold!”

With a strong desire, Yi-Han shouted. In an instant, a massive mass of water transformed into the shape of a sturdy shield, enveloping him.

Upon seeing it, the corners of Professor Bolady’s mouth twitched ever so slightly.

was a second-circle spell that summoned water and solidified it into the shape of a shield.

The spell itself wasn’t particularly difficult.

However, the boy from the Wardanaz Family in front of him had not directly learned separately.

He had come to understand the magic through his own thinking.

The method of conjuring water was through the first-circle spell .

And the method of manipulating and shaping that water was through the first-circle spell .

While some may not grasp a spell even when taught its incantation and gestures, progressing in magic through personal deduction was a very promising sign.

To become an exceptional wizard, one needed to not merely replicate the spells written in spellbooks, but also possess the skill to innovate and create on their own.

‘It’s still a better option than increasing the number of beads, but even the Water Shield isn’t an ideal choice.’

Admiration is admiration, and Professor Bolady was ready to impart his teachings to the student before him.

The bead imbued with mana pushed towards the shield with fierce speed.

The shield made on the spot will be able to be pierced just like…



Professor Bolady’s pupils dilated slightly.

The strength of the water shield was harder than the professor expected.

Only then did Professor Bolady realize the true nature of the water shield.

He could feel several times more mana from it than an ordinary water shield.

It was strengthened by blowing mana generously into the water, increasing the amount of water and compressing it, as there was no need for the shield to move quickly like a bead.

Water beads required control, but water shields were relatively less in need of control, so their overwhelming amount of mana was more easily visible.

Before he could even exclaim in surprise, a water bead flew from the side and hit Professor Bolady’s head. The momentum had shifted.

Professor Bolady slightly tilted his head and avoided it. There was no sign of bewilderment in his expression.

“Go and bite him!”

Yi-Han commanded the skeleton summoned monster. The skeleton summoned monster who was waiting on his belt rushed in.

At the same time, Yi-Han kicked the chair under the water shield and sent it flying. His determination to destroy Professor Bolady was felt somehow.

Professor Bolady smiled at all the attacks. Yi-Han became uneasy as if he had encountered a demon from hell.

Now, in addition to the one bead that Professor Bolady had been dealing with so far, one more bead had appeared.




The newly appeared bead shattered the skeleton summoned monster, smashed the flying chair and completely destroyed the water shield.

Professor Bolady looked at Yi-Han. Yi-Han listened to what the devil’s archduke of hell had to say.

“Well done.”


Was it not the devil’s archduke, but the devil’s king of hell?


After asking seventeen questions, Yi-Han was able to understand what Professor Bolady was thinking.

No, he could guess it. Professor Bolady’s thoughts would probably never be fully and perfectly understood.

‘Ah. So…’

It was now a lesson to deal with the control of water beads, but Professor Bolady was someone who generally viewed students’ creative attempts (if they were effective) favorably, so even when he summoned a water shield, kicked away a chair, and sent a skeleton summoned monster, he saw it in a positive light.

When he heard those words, Yi-Han was curious if Professor Bolady would say that he did well even if he set the classroom on fire..

He felt like he was going to set fire to the classroom if his life was threatened again…

‘No. In that case, Principal Skelly would kill me.’

Yi-Han felt that it was such a shame.

“Your thoughts of rotation seem to have diminished.”

“It’s thanks to you, Professor.”

Yi-Han had to make an effort to prevent his voice from having any murderous intent in it.

“Now, being attracted to the appeal of rotating attributes is a natural thing. However, don’t be in a rush. You will eventually learn rotating attributes intensively. Sometimes, the way back can be a shortcut.”


If another professor had said it, it would have been impressive, but it wasn’t very impressive when Professor Bolady, who always followed him behind with a sword, was already the one telling him to take a shortcut every time.

‘I feel like we are already taking a shortcut.’

“Yes. I will focus solely on what I am learning right now, without even dreaming of rotational attributes.”

“You probably already had a guess.”


Since Professor Bolady had a habit of omitting words, Yi-Han wasn’t surprised.

‘Let’s calmly understand the situation.’

“The next challenge for the practice will be exactly that,”

“…I apologize, but what are you talking about?”

“What you just demonstrated.”

Once the control over a single bead became manageable, it was time to move on to the next step.

A wizard could not afford to stop even for a moment. They had to constantly evolve and explore.

Professor Bolady gestured, and the tables and chairs around them all rose simultaneously, as if they were threatening Yi-Han.

“From now on, you will learn how to concentrate amidst chaotic situations around you.”


“You can use the things you just demonstrated again.”

“Is that so?”

Yi-Han was slightly surprised.

If it were Professor Bolady, Yi-Han would have expected him to say, ‘Use only the beads to block in order to improve your skills.’

To think he allowed the shield…

“Sure. I’ll adjust the difficulty, so just focus on the task at hand and don’t get too anxious.”


If Yi-Han could handle the beads while using other magic, there was no need to hold him back from it.

It would be more beneficial to control the beads while using other magic at the same time.

“Just as I gave up on rotation, will I focus better if I also gave up on shields and summoned monsters as well?”

“No, rotation directly affects the control of the water bead, but shields and summoned monsters don’t. The sooner you adapt, the better.”

Yi-Han felt grateful to Principal Skelly.

She didn’t tell the story about him igniting flames on the mountain to roast the mud golem.

If she had included the story about the flames, he wouldn’t have even imagined how dreadful the situation could have been.



As Professor Bungaegor saw the weary look on Yi-Han’s face while he was tending to the garden behind the cabin, the professor grew concerned.

Of course, fatigue was something shared by all students in the academy, but the boy from the Wardanaz family was much firmer compared to the others.

But to be this exhausted…

“What have you been doing lately to be so exhausted?”

“Is that so? I’m actually fine.”

Yi-Han dug up potatoes and put them in a sack. Even though he tried to appear composed, the fingers holding the potatoes trembled greatly.

“Tell me about your schedule for today.”

“I’m really fine.”

With a look that seemed to ask, ‘Why are you like this?’ Yi-Han explained his schedule for today.

Yi-Han started by waking up early in the morning, heading to the stable to coax the stubborn horse into eating, then feeding it, giving it a bath, and brushing its coat. After that, he would go for a walk with the horse and return. Among the groceries, he selected items that needed to be consumed quickly and prepared breakfast using a relatively simple dish that could be easily portioned up.

After feeding the Blue Dragons Tower students generously, he would attend morning classes, return for lunch preparation, and then head for afternoon classes.


“What’s the matter, Professor?”

“N-no. Go ahead. What classes are you taking? Now that I think about it, I’m curious.”

“I attended Professor Bolady’s lecture on ‘Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical Combat’ today.”


Bungaegor’s expression twitched noticeably.

Why did it have to be a lecture from a madman like Professor Bolady…?

“…Anyway, I finished all the lectures roughly and came here to work on the garden like this.”

“You’re truly the one born to become the representative of Blue Dragons Tower.”


“Never mind. So… after spending such a difficult day, don’t you have any complaints about working in the garden?”

At that moment, Yi-Han had doubts.

Usually when professors say, ‘If you have any complaints, let us know,’ it’s important to be suspicious. There was a high chance that it could be a trap.

And even aside from that, the work in the garden itself wasn’t really something to complain about.

“Not really.”

With a potato in one hand and a carrot in the other, Yi-Han spoke. The compensation he received from working in the garden was quite satisfactory.

Suddenly, a sense of unnecessary guilt welled up within Bungaegor as she looked at Yi-Han in that moment.

…Is it acceptable for the Empire’s finest talents to be in such a situation??

“Su… Sure. Oh. I have a cow brought along behind me. If you want, you can take some milk from the cow whenever you need.”


With newfound respect that he had never shown before, Yi-Han gazed at Professor Bungaegor. Bewildered, Professor Bungaegor was about to say something but held back.


While Yi-Han worked in the garden, Professor Bungaegor seemed to be bored as she kept asking him questions.

Stories about spirits being scared and running away (even though there are tree spirits?), the fact that the crops in the garden grew better than expected thanks to the tree spirits, and even the suggestion of growing more things (take them away, don’t give them to Uregor) were all discussed…

After finishing the work and washing his hands in the flowing stream, while shaking off the water, a thought suddenly occurred to Yi-Han, so he asked.

“Professor, by any chance, can someone obtain a flying vehicle at the academy?”

“…Wh-Why are you asking about something like that?”

Though there was an odd wavering in Professor Bungaegor’s voice, Yi-Han didn’t realize it.

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