Yu Mingjun

Mu Yu, disliking the mysterious nature of Tian Jiancheng’s master’s identity, asserted, “I don’t trust you.”

“My master ordered me to earn your trust and help you with anything. As such, I will not plot against you.”

“Get up first.”

“Thank you.” Though Jian Tiancheng was back on his feet, he was still folded forward.

“What’s your real name?”

“My real name is Long Qingan. That is all I can tell you.”

“I am sceptical of who you are, so I won’t need you to do anything. You’ve already revealed Celestial Star Sect’s secrets that matter to me, so I will take it from here.” Mu Yu got out of the chair and made his way to the door.

“I can enter many key locations and, therefore, can take you anywhere you would like.”

Mu Yu stopped. “Including the core formation on the fourth mountain?”

“… Ever since the confrontation between Formation Sect and Celestial Star Sect, an elder by the name of Yu Mingjun has been delegated the task of maintaining the formation as he is a former Greater Heaven Stage talisman master from Talisman Sect. He offered his services to Celestial Star Sect after Formation Sect took in Talisman Sect and was assigned the task due to his competency with talismans.”

“Where is he now?”

“He is also on the sixth mountain and is, consequently, under my jurisdiction. Would you like me to call for him?”

“… Summon him.”

“Please wait here while I go fetch him.”

“You trust him?” Xiaoshuai asked.

Mu Yu returned to his seat. “No. I’m curious who’s controlling him, though. I don’t know of any technique that can achieve what he has.”

“You trust him, then?”

“I have my designs. At the very least, I won’t reveal everything. I’m not convinced anyone likes being stalked.”

“How can I help you, Sir?” inquired Yu Mingjun.

“You’ll find out soon,” replied Long Qingan, carrying himself far more hubristically than Yu Mingjun did. Upon returning, he bowed to Mu Yu. “Sir, I have brought him.”

Mu Yu, who sported the same appearance he did when meeting Chou Jinghuan, cast Divine Soul Formation on Yu Mingjun.

“Good job. If you trust me, stay here. Since you supposedly brought a disciple back, you need to convince the sect you’re tutoring a disciple here. I will come for you if I need you.” Mu Yu left with Yu Mingjun.


Mu Yu tapped his feet in the courtyard of Long Qingan’s abode, casting an invisible formation over the entire abode that would follow Long Qingan and inform Mu Yu of what the latter was doing if the latter ever left the abode.

Mu Yu and Xiaoshuai hid inside Yu Mingjun’s clothing as a branch and questioned the latter from there. Prior to climbing the fourth mountain, Mu Yu directed Yu Mingjun to sabotage their disciples’ Spirit Collection Formation and an alarm formation so that they could use “repairing the damaged formations” as an excuse to go assess the core formation.

Spirit Severing Realm cultivator Tian Zhengxin stopped Yu Mingjun at the entrance of the fourth mountain to ask, “Greater Heaven Master Yu, you just visited yesterday. Is there a problem again?”

“The disciples on the third mountain reported there is a problem with their Spirit Collection Formation, so I need to check out the main barrier’s core.”

“All right, I will sign you in. You can go on ahead.”

As he made his way to the formation hub, Yu Mingjun explained to Mu Yu, “The majority of Body Synthesis Realm cultivators you see sitting on rocks or in pavilions, meditating and guarding the path to the formation, are freestyle cultivators that offered their service to Celestial Star Sect. All of them spend two days here monthly as guards, including me. There are twenty Body Synthesis Realm cultivators and fifty Spirit Severing Realm cultivators on the way up. In the past, primarily Body Severing Realm cultivators guarded this route.”

Seldom did any of the cultivators greet Yu Mingjun as he walked past for they were all proud of themselves.

Tian Xingzhou’s Ascension Realm Sixth Layer aura was easily noticeable as they got close to the stately palace even though he was not trying to blast his power. Upon making it out to the other side of the woods, Yu Mingjun genuflected right away. “Greetings, Ancestor.”

Though Tian Xingzhou was not that old, the “ancestor” title was applied whenever cultivators at Celestial Star Sect reached Ascension Realm.

“Yu Mingjun? Rise. Which formation is acting up this time?” Tian Xingzhou inquired, surprisingly affable.

“It is the Spirit Collection Formation on the third mountain. I was planning to examine it now.”

“I see. I happen to need a favour from you. Come to my residence once you are done. My place needs some talisman work. You understand what I mean.”

“I do.”

Tian Xingzhou meandered off with his hands behind his back.

“What sort of man is Tian Xingzhou?” Mu Yu queried.

“He leads a lavish life, always seeking a high-quality life and hunting for luxury. Besides that, he is lecherous. He frequently demands women to wait on him.

“What’s his relationship with you?”

“I have a Dream Intoxication Talisman, which is what won me his trust. When placed in your room, you will see the most ecstatic illusion. The aroma from the talisman, when placed on a man’s body, will stimulate his most primitive nature. It is more stimulating than if you consumed pills t-”

“Understood. I don’t need any more details. Rather, I’d prefer to not hear any more. Anyhow, opportunity has presented itself.”

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