
The cultivators knew what Five Elements Annihilation was for it was listed as the most destructive formation in the elemental demons’ arsenal among the skills listed within the jade slips Third Heaven Palace passed out.

In a nutshell, Five Elements Annihilation could turn anything into a five elements formation and then destroy it, meaning that the city’s barrier was just another object for them to make a bomb out of. Owing to the caster shouldering an equivalent of 80% of the damage the target suffered, it was a last-resort formation. Humans did not know enough about the elemental demons to judge whether it was an empty threat or if they were serious, alas.

The elemental demons did their due diligence and performed recon work prior to the siege, finding out that a formation was cast two months ago, restricting entry and exit to the city to the four doors. The elemental demons split off from the three titans sitting in the airspace above Eastern Desert City and transferred their energy to the titans, empowering the three with enough energy to seal all four doors to the city with their elements.

“We’re safe for the meantime since the three titans left, but we must be wary of the rest of them laying siege to the city,” instructed He Jinglong, drawing his energy back into himself. He then performed a series of hand seals, installing a formation that linked cultivators up to the statue. “Everyone is dismissed for now. If the seal in you is triggered, rush over immediately.”

The cultivators headed back to their place of stay to recover from the damage taken. It was an ordeal for them to recover, not because they suffered incapacitating injuries but because they could not take their mind off several questions: who was the Ascension Realm human who owned the fourth source of bloodlust energy? Why did they not make a stand from the beginning? Was the invasion solely to find the individual? Would turning in the individual liberate them?

One might say the elemental demons glow in the airspace added an aesthetic touch to the silver-freckled sky, yet nobody was in the mood for it. Xuan Zhengtang had yet to come back. Xuan Chisan was busy in the kitchen. Xuan Sitong was reporting back to her mother. Even though Mu Yu and Xiaoshuai stared at the elemental demons, their minds were in other places.

“They must’ve noticed when you killed Yi Feiying,” Xiaoshuai communicated via Gentle Wind Interlinked Hearts Formation. Reading Mu Yu’s mind, which was contemplating how the three possessed bloodlust energy, Xiaoshuai asked, “Could it be them?”

“No. I’m a absolutely sure of that,” answered Mu Yu, aware that Xiaoshuai was referring to his brothers.

“How are you so sure?”

“My gut feeling.”

“And if it is them?”

“That won’t happen.”

“… You won’t go meet them on your own, will you?”

“No. By my estimate, the three titans outclass the Ascension Realm dragon leaders we butted heads with. The three, at the very least, have to be Ascension Realm Fifth Layer elemental demons. If I fight them one on three, they’ll have time showboat and still demolish me.”

It was only thanks to the barrier that Mu Yu managed to protect the city. That being said, the formation at Eastern Desert City lost the ability to disperse the force of attacks for some reason, when all of them should have had the in-built ability. All Mu Yu did was reactivate that ability, though he had to use his bloodlust energy for his cultivation was not advanced enough.

“What’s next?”

“We’ll wait and see.” Upon hearing Xuan Zhengtang rushing into the courtyard and sighing, Mu Yu inquired, “What’s the matter?”

“Alchemist Zheng didn’t leave the city in time…”

“Take care of your wounds first. I’ll think of something.”

“Thank you, Master Yu,” replied Mu Yu, fixing his gaze on Mu Yu.

Mu Yu could tell Xuan Zhengtang had questions and what they were from the look in the latter’s eyes as Xuan Zhengtang already felt the impact of bloodlust energy previously. Howbeit, both kept a lid on it.

The only thing the usually warm, welcoming golden rays in the morning did was remind the citizens of Eastern Desert City that there was an army of elemental demons camping in the sky, ready to take their lives at any given moment.

Hearing cultivators in the sky and on the ground getting rowdy woke Xiaoshuai up from his sweet dream. “What’s the deal?”

“Let’s go find out.” Bumping into Xuan Zhengtang on the way out, Mu Yu queried, “What happened?”

“You… You are better off not leaving, Master Yu.”


“Because… Because they are on a crusade for the person who attracted the elemental demons here yesterday,” answered Xuan Zhengtang, avoiding Mu Yu’s gaze.

“… You’ve figured it out, haven’t you?”

Realising his nod might cause a misunderstanding, Xuan Zhengtang promised, “Do not worry, Master Yu. I believe you are a good man.”

“Thank you, Mr. Xuan.”

Watching Mu Yu head out, Xuan Zhengtang pleaded, “Please promise me not to do anything rash.”

Mu Yu stopped his feet. “What rash thing do you think I’d do?”

“I am not sure, but I do not wish harm to befall you.”

“I’ll be all right. I still need to protect your family,” Mu Yu assured with a smile.

Xiaoshuai, following behind Mu Yu, rubbed his eyes with one hand and already had two pieces of roast meat in his other hand.

There was a large group of cultivators marching to He Jinglong’s estate, loudly demanding the individual who carried the fourth source of bloodlust energy be handed over similarly to a witch hunt. Mu Yu easily worked out what Xuan Zhengtang meant by, “… don’t do anything rash” from the scene. Xuan Zhengtang did not want Mu Yu to play hero and sacrifice himself.

“I saved them last night, yet they’re still looking for a scapegoat to get them out of this mess. They’ve always sworn to always oppose elemental demons, yet they’re now yielding to elemental demons.”

“They’re ungrateful curs. They’d already be disintegrated particles if it wasn’t for us last night!” fumed Xiaoshuai, throwing a piece of meat to the ground.

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